- 🔥 Senior Developer
- 🕗 8 years working in programming
- 🔓 Practitioner of the open source community
- 📅 Undertaking the #1YearOfCode challenge
This repository has a TDD Architecture template using .NET Core 8. It applies the Code First pattern with Migrations to create a SQL Server database. The goal is to guide developers in learning and…
This repository has a Clean Architecture template using .NET Core 8. It applies the Code First pattern with Migrations to create a SQL Server database. The goal is to guide developers in learning a…
This project is a simple OCR (Optical Character Recognition) API built with .NET Core 8. It allows users to upload images via HTTP requests and extracts text using Tesseract OCR.
The advanced detection application was built as a way to advance knowledge in the use of artificial intelligence. Therefore, this project uses the Tensorflow library together with Angular 19 to mak…
Duplicate Photo Check Bot: A user-friendly .NET Core 7 API with an Angular 16 interface to detect and manage duplicate photos effortlessly.
The Facial Recognition project is a powerful system designed to detect facial expressions, recognize faces, and estimate age using the face-api library.