Transmogrify native iOS frameworks to run in iOS Simulator on Apple silicon.
grahampugh / macadmin-scripts
Forked from munki/macadmin-scriptsScripts of possible interest to macOS admins
SwiftUI library for abstracting navigation logic from views
Apple framework for calculating color contrast ratios, WCAG conformance, and high contrast color values (UIColor & NSColor).
Provide a means for integrating external Swift packages built by Swift Package Manager into Bazel build using rules_swift.
Finds the .dSYM for a given binary image name and replaces its internal UUID with the given UUID.
Repository for the book "Crafting Interpreters"
This is a gem for creating Starlark ASTs and serializing them into Starlark code.
Tool to import swiftc and clang index-store files into Xcode
This is a showcase for several combinations of styles of title bar and toolbar of NSWindow.
An image viewer controller with zoom transition, in Swift.
Yet another animated flat buttons in Swift
VerticalSlider is a vertical slider control for iOS in Swift.
An elegant and simple progress HUD for iOS and tvOS, compatible with Swift and ObjC.
Drop-in replacement for UISlider with ticks, images & animated labels
Replacement for Apple's Reachability re-written in Swift with closures