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Laravel Py - Laravel Python 🚀🐍

Laravel wrapper for php-py package package, to Seamless enabling secure and efficient execution of Python scripts within Laravel applications without spread multiple applications and or setup API.

📌 Table of Contents


  • PHP 8.1+ .
  • python3 must be installed in server .

Installation 🛠️

You can install the package via Composer:

composer require omaralalwi/laravel-py

Publishing Configuration File

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-py

🚀 Quick Start

  1. 📂 Create a folder for scripts, e.g., phpPyScripts in your project root directory.
  2. 📝 Create a Python script file (.py extension) and write Python code. See this script examples.
  3. 🔧 make script file executable, chmod +x script_file_path .

⚡ Easy Usage


use LaravelPy;

class LaravelPyController
  public function testLaravelPy() {
      $laravelPy = app(LaravelPy::class);
      $script = '';
      $arguments = [10, 20, 30];
      try {
           $result = $laravelPy
          print_r($result); // 60.0
      } catch (Exception $e) {
          echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage();

🔥 Advanced Usage


use LaravelPy;
use Omaralalwi\PhpPy\Managers\ConfigManager;

class LaravelPyController
  public function testLaravelPy() 
     try {
        $laravelPy = app(LaravelPy::class);
        $script = '';

        $numbers = [2,4, 5,7,9];

        $config = new ConfigManager([
            'scripts_directory' => 'phpPyScripts',
            'python_executable' => '/usr/bin/python3',
            'max_timeout' => 120,

        $result = $laravelPy
            ->withEnvironment(['FIRST_ENV_VAR' => 10, 'SECOND_ENV_VAR' => 'second var value'])

    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        print_r("Error: " . $e->getMessage());

✨ Features

🔐 Secure Execution

  • Path Validation ✅ Ensures scripts are within allowed directories.
  • Argument & Environment Validation 🔍 Restricts unauthorized input.
  • Timeout Control ⏳ Prevents long-running scripts.
  • black list for these vars PATH,PYTHONPATH,LD_LIBRARY_PATH,LD_PRELOAD,PYTHONHOME, can not passed .
  • Uses proc_open as an alternative to shell_exec.

🔧 Flexible Configuration

  • Centralized settings via ConfigManager.
  • Customizable execution parameters.

📤 Output Handling

  • Supports JSON parsing.
  • Captures and reports script errors.

🚨 Error Management

  • Detailed exception handling for debugging.
  • Standardized error reporting.

🔌 Extensibility

  • Modular execution through CommandExecutor.
  • Customizable for advanced use cases.

Important Critical Note:

❌ Never pass user-controlled input directly script, just pass scripts that you will need as a administrator (Just from Your side) .

📋 Changelog

See detailed release notes in 📜

🧪 Testing


🔒 Security

Report Vulnerabilities: Contact 📩

🤝 Contributors

A huge thank you to these amazing people who have contributed to this project! 🎉💖

Omar AlAlwi
Omar AlAlwi

🏆 Creator

Want to contribute? Check out the contributing guidelines and submit a pull request! 🚀

📄 License

This package is open-source software licensed under the MIT License. 📜