The following features are a TODO list of things to do on Particle before launching
Right now we have to do this every time a dependency is optional for a constructor
class Foo {
Foo(Optional<Bar> bar) {
Would be nice to also allow @Nullable:
class Foo {
Foo(@Nullable Bar bar) {
This is currently not possible due to type erasure:
class TypeConverterFactory {
TypeConverter<String, Integer> typeConverter() {
(string, integer, context) -> {
// do conversion
At compile time we know the types but at runtime the lambda loses type information. We need to add an API to obtain type information for a bean from the factory.
We need to allow
advise to specify additional interfaces that should be be implemented by the interceptor. -
Allow adding interfaces to non-abstract classes via introduction advise
An HTTP gateway that loads on port 8080 and uses the aforementioned HTTP client. The gateway need to be responsible for:
JWT Token based authentication
Load Balancing
Starting Distributed Tracing
Rate limiting
Route matching on HTTP Request (Path, Method, Header, Host, etc…)
Filters to modify downstream HTTP Request and HTTP Response (Add/Remove Headers, Add/Remove Parameters, Rewrite Path etc…)