This is a GraphQL server for querying a user's play history.
The server uses Hexaville to deploy to Lambda and uses API Gateway for making HTTP requests. GraphQL is used for making queries.
Hexaville is still a relatively new tool and I've had issues keeping things working. In order to make deployment easier, I've migrated to Google Cloud Functions using node.js and this project is no longer maintained. There's a new project called wilt-cloud-functions that supersedes this one.
hexaville deploy WiltServer
curl -i -G -H "Content-Type: application/graphql" https://<ID>.execute-api.<REGION> --data-urlencode 'query={ history(userId: "<USER-ID>") { userId date primaryArtist name artists trackId } }'
This server will make queries to a table called SpotifyHistory
. It's
columns are:
- user_id
- date
- artists
- name
- primary_artist
- track_id