A tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages.
- Login to NPM (via your CLI)
- Clone this repository (pull latest changes)
This will use the merna audit command as an example
navigate to the command's folder (commands/audit) and run 'npm link'
- This will symlink your merna repo's version of the command for use in the merna cli
- repeat this for every command you want to test
navigate to the exported cli core module (core/lerna) and run 'npm link'
- This will symlink the merna cli which allows running newly created and unpublished commands
- This step is only necessary if testing an unpublished command not already handled by a merna cli
From the webapi-server repo (or whichever test repo) run 'npm link [command]' for each symlinked command
If the core cli module was symlinked, run 'npm link lerna'
The commands are now testable and VSCode Debugger can be used with no additional configuration
Symlink the merna repo to the monorepo you wish to run Audit over
- View "Debug Merna Commands with npm link" for steps on how to do this
The merna Audit command can be run with the following:
- This will run the audit over the entire monorepo, but it will not make any changes packages
- If any available audit fixes or errors are found, they are caught and documented in the package dir
- After running "Audit", there are 3 files you can expect to see:
- containing any available audit fixespath/to/package/lerna-audit-err.txt
- containing any errors duringpath/to/package/audit.json
with hoisted and local dependencies removed- if you wish to apply any of the fixes, rename
.- Be sure to keep the copy of your original
. audit.json
is ONLY there to provide a means of quickly being able to manually apply changes.
- Be sure to keep the copy of your original
- if any dependencies or versions changed, add them back to your original
before committing any changesaudit --fix
&audit --force-fix
do this for you automatically
- if you wish to apply any of the fixes, rename
audit --fix
]- This will run the audit over the entire monorepo, applying any [non-breaking] fixes where it can.
- Once the audit has finished, navigate to source control and view any changes made in the
audit --force-fix
- This will run the audit over the entire monorepo, applying ALL fixes where it can.
- Once the audit has finished, navigate to source control and view any changes made in the
- Be sure to run tests to make sure no breaking changes were introduced
- In your CLI, navigate to the directory containing the package[.json] that you wish to publish
- Example "unhoist":
- Example "unhoist":
- Checkout the publish-packages branch
git checkout publish-packages
- Rebase from master (resolve any conflicts if necessary)
git rebase -i origin/master
- "Undogfood" all dependencies in the package.json
- To "Undogfood" simply means to replace any dependency paths in the package.json, with its current version
- i.e. "dependencies": {
} - To "undogfood" this, get the version of the package from its package.json
- In this case, we find that "@lerna/child-process" is located in the directory:
- Upon evaluating the package.json, we find that its current version is at:
- In this case, we find that "@lerna/child-process" is located in the directory:
- Now replace the path, with the version. Your new entry should look like this:
- "dependencies": {
- i.e. "dependencies": {
- Repeat this process for all dependencies in the package.json
- To "Undogfood" simply means to replace any dependency paths in the package.json, with its current version
- If you're updating a package, make sure to bump the version number in the package.json.
- i.e. merna/unhoist/package.json changes from
"version": "1.0.1"
to"version": "1.0.2"
- i.e. merna/unhoist/package.json changes from
- Commit your changes to the branch
- Publish the package by simply running the following
npm publish