- Added an ability to load configurations in nested folders
- Added DELETE HTTP Request method
- Added an ability upload/download files
- Added an ability scroll to up if element is overlapped by another element
- Changed README.md to be consistent with devdocs
- Added an ability to pass window handle to SelectWindow() method
- Added date and time prefix to file artifacts name
- Deleted PageUrl observer events from 'base' event preset
- Updated copyright year
- Updated COPYING.txt file to follow Open Software License 3.0
- Added getTitle() method for Driver to get page title
- Added an ability to gather form mapping based on application module sequence
- Set driver instance from Selenium Driver to PageLoader
- Added context to getData() method for composite form elements
- Updated 'base' event preset. Change event 'click_after' to 'click_before'
- Throw an exception with text error message for the cURL operation
- Added an ability to replace variations and fixtures using 'replace' attribute
- Added fallback mechanism to generators
- Added an ability to wait the element before finding it
- Added an ability to use the same steps in scenarios several times using 'alias' attribute
- Updated radio button element to get and set value based on label
- Added constraint execution logging to system events observer
- Updated README.md
- Added radio button typified element
- Fixed sending parameters using PUT method
- Set ticketId attribute for testCase as optional
- Added mage_mode environment variable support in functional test
- Wait for an element while getting its value on the form
- Added *.dist file for global configuration
- Set CurlInterface as non shared object
- Provided framework with CurlTransport class
- Created handler fallback in config.xml. Moved constants defining from ObjectManagerFactory to bootstrap.php
- Moved selenium server dependency from require section to suggest section.
- Added an ability to hover over element
- Updated variation.xsd for new attributes in test case xml files
- Code adaptation to PHP7
- Trigger change event after setValue()
- Moved all test data to repositories
- Added wait to form element before filling a value
- Display variation name in PHPUnit test result log file
- Add an ability to specify several values for one tag type
- Removed code duplication in generators
- Stability improvement for dynamic JavaScript forms interaction
- Fixed that incomplete tests are displayed as passed in test results list
- Added mechanism of cleaning up data in steps after scenario execution
- Optimized getValue method for select element
- Added an ability to generate pages for external solutions
- Added an ability to merge form mapping from different modules
- Fixed config data structure
- Updated credential template file
- Fixed module filter for test suite rules
- Unified configuration usage
- Performed general code clean up
- Updated license information
- Fixed losing focus from the iframe during setting value to element
- Introduced unified format for Fixtures configuration
- Introduced unified format for Repositories configuration
- Implemented dynamic entities generation
- Fixed wrong tests number is displayed for functional tests on Bamboo
- Fixed fatal error after create screenshot or report on Windows
- Implemented mechanism of applying 3rd party credentials
- Fixed setValue() method for StrictselectElement class
- Fixed an issue with applying variations rules in parallel run after configuration unification
- Unified Format for pages configuration
- Unified Format for TestCase Variations, TestCase Scenario declarations
- Unified Format for framework configuration
- Unified Format for TestCase Variations, TestCase Scenario declarations
- Fixed wrong screenshot is taken for test failure if tearDown() method is present
- Implemented fixture and repository merger
- Changed generators of fixtures and repositories
- Updated setValue() method to trigger JS events
- Magento vendor name is used as root MTF namespace
- Added ability to skip injectable test including prepare and inject methods
- Removed dependency on Magento Framework
- Added alternative web driver support and adapter for Facebook web driver as an example
- Fixed issue with applying tagging mechanism on variation scope in parallel mode
- Code marked with @SuppressWarnings annotations
- Fixed tagging mechanism for filter variations by tag
- Changed file iterators to work with symlinks
- Fixed wrong test names of MTF Corpuscular tests in parallel mode on bamboo
- Added workaround for selenium issue https://code.google.com/p/selenium/issues/detail?id=3544
- Added workaround for selenium issue https://code.google.com/p/selenium/issues/detail?id=5165
- Implemented tagging functionality to run custom test scope
- Fixed getting configuration path from environment variable
- Fixed an issue with default timeout
- Fixed handling for Incomplete and Skipped tests in parallel mode
- Fixed issues when final tests were missed in report in parallel mode
- Sync factory class from Magento/Framework/ObjectManager/Factory
- Fixed issue with applying placeholders to selectors in fixture data mapping
- Fixed an issue with method keys() in \Magento\Mtf\Client\Driver\Selenium\Element
- Added 'Interface' suffix to all interface names within Magento/Framework directory
- Replaced license and copyright placeholders with appropriate license information
- Fixed an issue where the test will crash when user name and password is incorrect
- Added environment variable module_filter_strict to limit test cases to specified modules
- Fixed issues with waiting for element in parallel mode
- Added logic to run a subset of tests based on affected modules
- Added logic to get a list of enabled modules in target Magento instance
- Changed module file resolver to only search files in modules that are enabled in target Magento instance
- Added dynamic generation of page classes based on enabled modules in target Magento instance
- Changed path to generated page classes
- Implemented recursive re-initialization for Block
- Implemented scenario configuration reader
- Implemented recursive merge for injectable fixture data from repository and variations(*.csv file)
- Updated scenario configuration reader and fixed issues with preparing step sequence
- Added support for MTF Reporting for the parallel running mode
- Fixed issues with running injectable tests in the parallel mode
- Added exception handling to prevent build interruption
- Rewrote the page generator to collect related blocks from all modules
- Created mechanism for running test cases using the scenario approach
- Added an ability to skip variation execution by specifying a value in 'issue' column in data set file
- Updated block/fixture/page/handler generators to created file without @package annotation
- Updated 'base' event preset configuration to take screenshots on failures
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed an issue with second test case failure if for a fixture persist the same UI handler is used
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed an issue where an exception was thrown while running functional tests in the parallel mode
- Fixed an issue where the getElements() method performed the search of elements in a specified context incorrectly
- For a typified element added the ability to select strict and non-strict values Fixed an issue where an exception was thrown when running injectable tests in the parallel mode 1.0.0-dev.3 Created Event Management and observers structure Added logger to store errors and events Added logger for html source code Added screenshots capturing on events Added logger for client js errors Added exception handler logger Move to phpunit 4.x Set the version requirement to be >= 3.7, both 3.7.x and 4.x phpunit should be acceptable Add addRiskyTest function to StateListener, the phpunit 4.x interface PHPUnit_Framework_TestListener requires it Fixed bugs: Fixed an issue with using specified class as typified element Fixed an issue with running Injectable tests on PHPUnit 4.1.0 Added getElements() method which returns an array of wrappedElements by specified locator Added an ability to return objects from test case method Added an ability to skip field in *.csv data set file for any array depth 1.0.0-dev.2 Added requirements section into a composer.json file Updated README.md file with User Documentation Running the Magento Test Framework (MTF) Installing and Configuring the Magento Test Framework (MTF) MTF Improvements Fixed Mtf\Fixture\InjectableFixture::__construct() method Moved __prepare() method call from __construct() to run() method in Mtf\Constraint\AbstractConstraint\Injectable class Added validations for Mtf\Block\Form class methods Updated return value for Mtf\Client\Driver\Selenium\Element\CheckboxElement::getValue() method Fixed bugs: Fixed an issue in Mtf\ObjectManager\Factory with resolving arguments in __construct() during new instance creation 1.0.0-dev.1 Added initial version of MTF to public repository