In this section we demonstrate an end-to-end example for
BLS in Python backend. The
model repository
should contain pytorch, addsub. The
pytorch and addsub models calculate the sum and
difference of the INPUT0
and INPUT1
and put the results in OUTPUT0
respectively. This example is broken into two sections. The first
section demonstrates how to perform synchronous BLS requests and the second
section shows how to execute asynchronous BLS requests.
The goal of sync BLS model is the same as pytorch and
addsub models but the difference is that the BLS model will not
calculate the sum and difference by itself. The sync BLS model will pass the
input tensors to the pytorch or addsub models and
return the responses of that model as the final response. The additional
parameter MODEL_NAME
determines which model will be used for calculating the
final outputs.
- Create the model repository:
$ mkdir -p models/add_sub/1
$ mkdir -p models/bls_sync/1
$ mkdir -p models/pytorch/1
# Copy the Python models
$ cp examples/add_sub/ models/add_sub/1/
$ cp examples/add_sub/config.pbtxt models/add_sub/config.pbtxt
$ cp examples/bls/ models/bls_sync/1/
$ cp examples/bls/sync_config.pbtxt models/bls_sync/config.pbtxt
$ cp examples/pytorch/ models/pytorch/1/
$ cp examples/pytorch/config.pbtxt models/pytorch/
- Start the tritonserver:
tritonserver --model-repository `pwd`/models
- Send inference requests to server:
python3 examples/bls/
You should see an output similar to the output below:
=========='add_sub' model result==========
INPUT0 ([0.34984654 0.6808792 0.6509772 0.6211422 ]) + INPUT1 ([0.37917137 0.9080451 0.60789365 0.33425143]) = OUTPUT0 ([0.7290179 1.5889243 1.2588708 0.9553937])
INPUT0 ([0.34984654 0.6808792 0.6509772 0.6211422 ]) - INPUT1 ([0.37917137 0.9080451 0.60789365 0.33425143]) = OUTPUT0 ([-0.02932483 -0.22716594 0.04308355 0.28689077])
=========='pytorch' model result==========
INPUT0 ([0.34984654 0.6808792 0.6509772 0.6211422 ]) + INPUT1 ([0.37917137 0.9080451 0.60789365 0.33425143]) = OUTPUT0 ([0.7290179 1.5889243 1.2588708 0.9553937])
INPUT0 ([0.34984654 0.6808792 0.6509772 0.6211422 ]) - INPUT1 ([0.37917137 0.9080451 0.60789365 0.33425143]) = OUTPUT0 ([-0.02932483 -0.22716594 0.04308355 0.28689077])
=========='undefined' model result==========
Failed to process the request(s) for model instance 'bls_0', message: TritonModelException: Failed for execute the inference request. Model 'undefined_model' is not ready.
/tmp/python_backend/models/bls/1/ execute
The model file is heavily commented with explanations about each of the function calls.
The sends three inference requests to the 'bls_sync' model with different values for the "MODEL_NAME" input. As explained earlier, "MODEL_NAME" determines the model name that the "bls" model will use for calculating the final outputs. In the first request, it will use the "add_sub" model and in the second request it will use the "pytorch" model. The third request uses an incorrect model name to demonstrate error handling during the inference request execution.
In this section we explain how to send multiple BLS requests without waiting for their response. Asynchronous execution of BLS requests will not block your model execution and can lead to speedups under certain conditions.
The bls_async
model will perform two async BLS requests on the
pytorch and addsub models. Then, it will wait until
the inference requests on these models is completed. It will extract OUTPUT0
from the pytorch and OUTPUT1
from the addsub model
to construct the final inference response object using these tensors.
- Create the model repository:
$ mkdir -p models/add_sub/1
$ mkdir -p models/bls_async/1
$ mkdir -p models/pytorch/1
# Copy the Python models
$ cp examples/add_sub/ models/add_sub/1/
$ cp examples/add_sub/config.pbtxt models/add_sub/
$ cp examples/bls/ models/bls_async/1/
$ cp examples/bls/async_config.pbtxt models/bls_async/config.pbtxt
$ cp examples/pytorch/ models/pytorch/1/
$ cp examples/pytorch/config.pbtxt models/pytorch/
- Start the tritonserver:
tritonserver --model-repository `pwd`/models
- Send inference requests to server:
python3 examples/bls/
You should see an output similar to the output below:
INPUT0 ([0.72394824 0.45873794 0.4307444 0.07681174]) + INPUT1 ([0.34224355 0.8271524 0.5831284 0.904624 ]) = OUTPUT0 ([1.0661918 1.2858903 1.0138729 0.9814357])
INPUT0 ([0.72394824 0.45873794 0.4307444 0.07681174]) - INPUT1 ([0.34224355 0.8271524 0.5831284 0.904624 ]) = OUTPUT1 ([ 0.3817047 -0.36841443 -0.15238398 -0.82781225])