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3D Simulation of throwing darts using X3D world, R, and MATLAB Simulink + Animation capabilities

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Animation of a Dart's Trajectory using MATLAB, Simulink, and R

Author: Oscar Jaroker
Date Created: 10 March 2024


The goal of this project is to calculate and animate the trajectory of a dart thrown at a dartboard that will miss somewhat randomly from a selected aiming location. The project uses a $\texttt{MATLAB}$ Simulink environment to control the dynamics of the system, a world created with $\texttt{X3D}$ for the animation, and runs an $\texttt{R}$ script non-interactively to simulate the miss of the dart.
This project is an extension of a Dartbot program written in $\texttt{R}$ for a Computational Statistics course. The $\texttt{R}$ code was not converted to $\texttt{MATLAB}$ because of certain statistical functions and abilities of $\texttt{R}$ that would become much more complex in $\texttt{MATLAB}$.


Project Flow Diagram

MATLAB Communication with R

The $\texttt{runRScript()}$ function in $\texttt{MATLAB}$ takes two arguments, $r$ and $θ$ values. These are sent to the $\texttt{R}$ file using the $\texttt{system()}$ function, which executes operating system commands directly. The command to run $\texttt{R}$ scripts non-interactively is:
R CMD BATCH [options] infile [outfile]
Where one of the options is '--args arg1 arg2'. In this case, arg1 and arg2 are $r$ and $θ$, respectively.
Note: R must be installed on your computer to execute this command (Download here).
Because the output file generated by $\texttt{R}$ is a little difficult to read as input, the $\texttt{runRScript()}$ function writes the output coordinates to $\texttt{out.csv}$, which $\texttt{MATLAB}$ subsequently reads and parses, ultimately returning the same output as the $\texttt{R}$ script.

How the Computer Misses

It is very difficult to accurately model the error in throwing a dart because of various outside factors. $\texttt{dartRProg.R}$ is responsibile for calculating by how much the computer misses. In this program, the 'skill' of the computer is determined by a $\texttt{difficulty}$ value, 1-100, where 100 is the skill level of a professional darts player who hits the T20 bed about 50% of the time.
The board is first represented with polar coordinates, an instinctive choice given the board is a circle. In the simulation, angle $θ$ is relative to the negative $z$ axis (pointing right in the simulation), and radius $r$ is the distance from the center of the Double-Bull, measured in millimeters.
To find the error in radius $r$, $\texttt{getDifficulty(cpuLevel)}$ calculates the standard deviation needed such that the probability of landing in the 8mm-wide $\texttt{"T20"}$ bed is equal to a fraction of $\texttt{difficulty}$, assuming throws at $\texttt{"T20"}$ take on normally-distributed variation in radius, where the mean is the center radius of the bed.
The same process is repeated for error in angle $θ$, where the target is the $18$° span of a bed. A factor of $1.6$ is multiplied to the probability, as players are more likely to miss the T20 bed by too high or too low, not left or right.
The $\texttt{simulateThrow(r,theta,difficulty)}$ function adds the error to $r$ and $θ$ by calculating error to be a random number from a normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation equal to the previously described function of difficulty.


The figure above shows a contour plot of the probability density function (bivariate normal distribution) that effectively appears above the T20 bed when the computer difficulty is set to $50%, where the highest probability is above the origin of the plot, the exact center of the bed. The dashed boundary lines indicated the boundaries of the T20 bed relative to the center, $r=4,-4$ and $θ=-9,9$ degrees. One may see that there is a higher probability of missing by an error in radius by seeing that the level change in probability from the center is much higher at the $θ = 9$ degrees border than the $r = 4$ border.
The final function in $\texttt{dartRProg.R}$, $\texttt{polToCart(r,theta)}$, converts the calculated errors and converts them to their equivalent in the Cartesian 3D environment. These two coordinates are what the $\texttt{MATLAB}$ function uses.

3D World Specifications

Originally, the world was written $\texttt{VRML}$ (Virtual Reality Modeling Language), but was later converted to $\texttt{X3D}$, the successor of $\texttt{VRML}$ with extended capabilities. For example, one could add a Touch Sensor to the dartboard with $\texttt{X3D}$ that could not be done with a $\texttt{VRML}$ world.
The dartboard itself is a $\texttt{Billboard}$ node which displays the image $\texttt{dartboardPNG.png}$.
The $\texttt{MATLAB}$ 3D World Editor is useful for creating worlds and was used to set the simulation's viewpoint as well as create the dart. To save the time of creating a new point set for a dart, the dart in the game is actually an $\texttt{X3D}$ model of an AIM-9 Sidewinder missile supplied by $\texttt{MATLAB}$'s component library, with a supplied $\texttt{fire.png}$ texture.
The $\texttt{`Dart'}$ node is given an initial $\texttt{translation}$ value, or position, which is exactly $50$ units away from the dartboard in the $\texttt{x}$ direction. Helpful to the developer, nodes in the $\texttt{MATLAB}$ 3D environment have two values of $\texttt{translation}$, an initial value and a value relative to the initial. The relative $\texttt{translation}$ is what is updated during the simulation, starting at $(0,0,0)$ and ending at $(50,y_f,z_f)$.
Note: In the X3D world, the positive $y$ direction is up and the positive $z$ direction is left.

Mechanics of the Simulation

The trajectory of the dart is governed parametrically, where the parameter $t$ goes from $0$ to $t_{sim}$, which is $15$ units of time in the Simulink model. If one wanted to make the dart fly faster, lowering $t_{sim}$ and adjusting a few other values would do the trick. The value of $t$ increases in steps of $0.1$, as set by $\texttt{MATLAB}$'s differential equation solver, $\texttt{ode45}$. The Simulink model starts with constant values of acceleration for each coordinate, which are as follows:
$\frac{d^2x}{dt^2} = 0$, $\frac{d^2y}{dt^2} = 0.5$ down, $\frac{d^2z}{dt^2} = 0$
The value of $0.5$ for acceleration in the $y$ direction is an estimation of the value of gravity in the $\texttt{X3D}$ world.
Next, Simulink's integrator blocks are used to work with velocities. Initial conditions must be specified here. Because the dart must travel exactly $50$ units in the x direction in $15$ units of time no matter the throw, the $x$ velocity is constant at $\frac{50}{15}$, or $\frac{10}{3}$.
In calculating $y$ and $z$ initial velocities is where the relative translation is very helpful. Because the $y$ and $z$ values returned from the $\texttt{runRScript()}$ function are the final $y_f$ and $z_f$ values of the dart relative to its starting position (modified by a factor of $0.1$ to convert $mm$ to $cm$), the initial $y$ and $z$ velocities are $\frac{y_f}{t_{sim}}$ and $\frac{z_f}{t_{sim}}$, respectively.
In order to mimic gravity and create a parabolic trajectory with the estimated gravity value, $0.375$ is added to the initial $y$ velocity. The following calculations occur in the Simulink model:
$\frac{dx}{dt} = \int \frac{d^2x}{dt^2}dt = \int 0dt = 0 + \frac{10}{3} = \frac{10}{3}$
$\frac{dy}{dt} = \int \frac{d^2y}{dt^2}dt = \int 0.5dt = 0.5t+0.375+\frac{y_f}{t_{sim}}$
$\frac{dz}{dt} = \int \frac{d^2z}{dt^2}dt = \int 0dt = 0+\frac{z_f}{t_{sim}} = \frac{z_f}{t_{sim}}$
The final step is to calculate position. Note the initial position of the dart is $(0,0,0)$, so no constants of integration will be added.
$x(t) = \int \frac{dx}{dt}dt = \frac{10}{3}t$
$y(t) = \int \frac{dy}{dt}dt = \frac{1}{4}t^2+(0.375+\frac{y_f}{t_{sim}})t$
$z(t) = \int \frac{dz}{dt}dt = \frac{z_f}{t_{sim}}t$
Finally, $x$, $y$, and $z$, all parameterized with time, are sent to the VR Sink block, which updates the $\texttt{translation}$ of the dart every time the simulation 'takes' a step. Below is what the actual Simulink model looks like in the editor:
simulink Here is a video of the animation where the computer aims at the Triple 20 bed (the red bed directly above the center of the board):


Folder Structure

│   ├── DartsModel.slx
│   ├── dartsRProg.R
│   └── runRScript.m
└── 3D Environment/
    ├── dartWorldX3D.x3d
    ├── dartboardPNG.png
    └── Fire.png


To run this project, $\texttt{MATLAB}$ and $\texttt{R}$ must be installed. The $\texttt{MATLAB}$ license must include access to Simulink and 3D Animation and these products must also be installed. The files must be organized according to the folder structure diagram above and $\texttt{R}$ must have write permissions.


Thank you to Professor Cipolli at Colgate University for allowing use of his $\texttt{getDifficulty()}$ and $\texttt{simulateThrow()}$ functions in $\texttt{dartsRProg.R}$

© 2024. This work is openly licensed via CC BY 4.0


3D Simulation of throwing darts using X3D world, R, and MATLAB Simulink + Animation capabilities







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