The objective of RomWBW is to provide firmware, operating systems, and applications targeting the Z80 family of CPUs. The firmware, in the form of a ROM module, acts as the hardware interface layer with a well-defined API (the HBIOS). The associated operating systems and applications are adapted to the HBIOS API, not specific hardware.
The HBIOS is modular and configurable. New hardware interfaces can be added in the form of straightforward driver modules. Within certain constraints, new hardware platforms can be supported by simply adjusting values in a build configuration file.
RomWBW is geared toward hardware being developed in modern retro-computing hobbyist communities, not as a replacement for legacy hardware. As a result, RomWBW requires at least 128KB of bank switched RAM.
The CP/M family of operating systems has been adapted to run under RomWBW including CP/M 2.2, Z-System, CP/M 3, and several other variants.
RomWBW firmware (ROM) includes:
System startup code (bootstrap) and bootloader
A basic system/debug monitor
HBIOS (Hardware BIOS) with support for most typical hardware components used in Z80 family computers
Diagnostics and customizable debugging information.
ROM-hosted operating systems (both CP/M 2.2 and Z-System)
A ROM disk containing the standard OS applications and a RAM disk for working storage.
It is appropriate to note that much of the code and components that make up a complete RomWBW package are derived from pre-existing work. Most notably, the embedded operating system is simply a ROM-based copy of generic CP/M or ZSDOS. Much of the hardware support code was originally produced by other members of the RetroBrew Computers Community.
The remainder of this document focuses on HBIOS which is the fundamental basis of RomWBW.
The Z80 CPU architecture has a limited, 64K address range. In general, this address space must accommodate a running application, disk operating system, and hardware support code.
Modern retro-computing Z80 CPU platforms provide a physical address space that is much larger than the CPU address space (typically 512K or 1MB of physical RAM). This additional memory can be made available to the CPU using a technique called bank switching. To achieve this, the physical memory is divided up into chunks (banks) of 32K each. A designated area of the CPU's 64K address space is then reserved to "map" any of the physical memory chunks. You can think of this as a window that can be adjusted to view portions of the physical memory in 32K blocks. In the case of RomWBW, the lower 32K of the CPU address space is used for this purpose (the window). The upper 32K of CPU address space is assigned a fixed 32K area of physical memory that never changes. The lower 32K can be "mapped" on the fly to any of the 32K banks of physical memory at a time. The only constraint is that the CPU cannot be executing code in the lower 32K of CPU address space at the time that a bank switch is performed.
By utilizing the pages of physical RAM for specific purposes and swapping in the correct page when needed, it is possible to utilize substantially more than 64K of RAM. Because the retro-computing community has now produced a very large variety of hardware, it has become extremely important to implement a bank switched solution to accommodate the maximum range of hardware devices and desired functionality.
The design goal is to locate as much of the hardware dependent code as possible out of normal 64KB CP/M address space and into a bank switched area of memory. A very small code shim (proxy) is located in the top 512 bytes of CPU memory. This proxy is responsible for redirecting all hardware BIOS (HBIOS) calls by swapping the "driver code" bank of physical RAM into the lower 32K and completing the request. The operating system is unaware this has occurred. As control is returned to the operating system, the lower 32KB of memory is switched back to the original memory bank.
HBIOS is completely agnostic with respect to the operating system (it does not know or care what operating system is using it). The operating system makes simple calls to HBIOS to access any desired hardware functions. Since the HBIOS proxy occupies only 512 bytes at the top of memory, the vast majority of the CPU memory is available to the operating system and the running application. As far as the operating system is concerned, all of the hardware driver code has been magically implemented inside of the small 512 byte area at the top of the CPU address space.
Unlike some other Z80 bank switching schemes, there is no attempt to build bank switching into the operating system itself. This is intentional so as to ensure that any operating system can easily be adapted without requiring invasive modifications to the operating system itself. This also keeps the complexity of memory management completely away from the operating system and applications.
There are some operating systems that have built-in support for bank switching (e.g., CP/M 3). These operating systems are allowed to make use of the bank switched memory and are compatible with HBIOS. However, it is necessary that the customization of these operating systems take into account the banks of memory used by HBIOS and not attempt to use those specific banks.
Note that all code and data are located in RAM memory during normal execution. While it is possible to use ROM memory to run code, it would require that more upper memory be reserved for data storage. It is simpler and more memory efficient to keep everything in RAM. At startup (boot) all required code is copied to RAM (shadowed) for subsequent execution.
A multi-phase boot strategy is employed. This is necessary because at cold start, the CPU is executing code from ROM in lower memory which is the same area that is bank switched.
RomWBW supports multiple boot techniques as described below. The most common of these is the ROM boot.
The ROM boot process normally begins with a system cold start (power on or hardware reset). The hardware is responsible for ensuring that the lower 32K of CPU memory (bank window) is mapped to the initial 32K of the ROM. The Z80 CPU begins execution at address zero which will be address zero of the ROM.
The following steps occur during the ROM boot process:
#. The ROM code performs basic hardware initialization and ensures that the top 32K of CPU memory is mapped to the proper RAM bank.
#. The ROM code installs the HBIOS proxy code into the top 512 bytes of the CPU memory (0xFE00-0xFFFF).
#. Using the proxy code services, the full HBIOS code is copied from the ROM bank to the RAM bank that it will use for normal processing.
#. Again using the proxy code services, the RAM copy of HBIOS is activated in the bank window and execution transitions to the RAM copy of HBIOS.
#. The HBIOS initializes the system console so that output can now be displayed to the user.
#. The HBIOS now performs the full hardware discovery and initialization process while displaying it's progress.
#. The HBIOS displays a final summary of the hardware device unit assignments and various configuration information.
#. The HBIOS loads the RomWBW Boot Loader from ROM into RAM and jumps to it.
At this point, the user would normally use Boot Loader commands to select and launch an operating system or applications from either ROM or disk.
Note that the boot process is entirely operating system agnostic. It is unaware of the operating system being loaded. The Boot Loader prompts the user for the location of the binary image to load, but does not know anything about what is being loaded (the image is usually an operating system, but could be any executable code image). Once the Boot Loader has loaded the image at the selected location, it will transfer control to it. Assuming the typical situation where the image was an operating system, the loaded operating system will then perform its own initialization and begin normal operation.
Once the system is running (operating system loaded), it is possible to reboot the system from a system image (file) contained on the OS file system. This is referred to as an "Application Boot". The process is similar to a ROM boot, but the HBIOS code is loaded from an image file instead of ROM. This boot technique is useful to: 1) test a new build of a system image before programming it to the ROM; or 2) easily switch between system images on the fly.
During the RomWBW build process, one of the output files produced is an actual CP/M application (an executable .COM program file). Once you have a running CP/M (or compatible) system, you can upload/copy this application file to the filesystem. By executing this file, you will initiate an Application Boot using the system image contained in the application file itself.
Upon execution, the Application Boot program is loaded into memory by the previously running operating system starting at $0100. Note that the program image contains a full copy of the HBIOS to be installed and run. Once the Application Boot program is loaded by the previous operating system, control is passed to it and it performs a system initialization similar to the ROM Boot, but using the image loaded in RAM. Once the new HBIOS completes its initialization, it will launch the Boot Loader just like a ROM boot.
The Application Boot program actually contains two other components beyond the new HBIOS. It has a copy of the Boot Loader and a copy of the Z-System OS. This is done in case the new HBIOS requires updated versions of the Boot Loader or OS to run. The Boot Loader is aware of this boot mode and automatically adapts it's menu appropriately.
If you restart your system, then it will revert to a ROM Boot from the currently installed ROM.
Some hardware supported by RomWBW has a special mechanism for loading the boot and HBIOS code. These systems have no ROM chips. However, they have a small hardware bootstrap that loads a chunk of code from a disk device directly into RAM at system startup.
The startup then proceeds very much like the Application Boot process described above. HBIOS is installed in its operating bank and control is passed to the Boot Loader.
The framework code for bank switching also allows hardware drivers to be implemented mostly without concern for memory management. Drivers are coded to simply implement the HBIOS functions appropriate for the type of hardware being supported. When the driver code gets control, it has already been mapped to the CPU address space and simply performs the requested function based on parameters passed in registers. Upon return, the bank switching framework takes care of restoring the original memory layout expected by the operating system and application.
Drivers do need to be aware of the bank switching if a buffer address is being used in the function call.
If the buffer address is in the lower 32K of RAM, then the memory it points to will be from the User Bank, not the HBIOS bank which is now active. In this case, the driver must use an inter-bank copy to access the data.
If the buffer address is in the top 32K of RAM, then the driver will have access to it directly even after a bank switch, so no special steps are required.
For some functions, the location of the buffer is required to be in the top 32K of RAM to simplify the operation of the driver.
It is usually better if the OS or application calling a buffered function places the buffer in the top 32K because this may avoid a double-copy operation.
If driver code must make calls to other code, drivers, or utilities in the HBIOS bank, it must make those calls directly (it must not use RST 08). This is to avoid a nested bank switch which is not supported at this time.
In addition to a generic set of routines to handle typical character input/output, HBIOS also includes functionality for managing built-in video display adapters. To start with there is a basic set of character input/output functions, the CIOXXX functions, which allow for simple character data streams. These functions fully encompass routing byte stream data to/from serial ports. Note that there is a special character pseudo-device called "CRT". When characters are read/written to/from the CRT character device, the data is actually passed to a built-in terminal emulator which, in turn, utilizes a set of VDA (Video Display Adapter) functions (such as cursor positioning, scrolling, etc.).
Figure 7.1 depicts the relationship between these components of HBIOS video processing:
Normally, the operating system will simply utilize the CIOXXX functions to send and receive character data. The Character I/O Services will route I/O requests to the specified physical device which is most frequently a serial port (such as UART or ASCI). As shown above, if the CRT device is targeted by a CIOXXX function, it will actually be routed to the Emulation Services which implement TTY, ANSI, etc. escape sequences. The Emulation Services subsequently rely on the Video Display Adapter Services as an additional layer of abstraction. This allows the emulation code to be completely unaware of the actual physical device (device independent). Video Display Adapter (VDA) Services contains drivers as needed to handle the available physical video adapters.
Note that the Emulation and VDA Services API functions are available to be called directly. Doing so must be done carefully so as to not corrupt the "state" of the emulation logic.
Before invoking CIOXXX functions targeting the CRT device, it is necessary that the underlying layers (Emulation and VDA) be properly initialized. The Emulation Services must be initialized to specify the desired emulation and specific physical VDA device to target. Likewise, the VDA Services may need to be initialized to put the specific video hardware into the proper mode, etc.
HBIOS functions are invoked by placing the required parameters in CPU registers and executing an RST 08 instruction. Note that HBIOS does not preserve register values that are unused. However, the values of the Z80 alternate registers and IX/IY will be preserved (these registers may be used within HBIOS, but will be saved and restored internally).
An alternate method of invoking HBIOS functions is to use CALL 0xFFF0
Since the RST 08 vector exists in page zero of the CPU address space,
it may be paged out when alternate memory banks are selected. If this
may be true when you are invoking a function, you should use the CALL
Normally, applications will not call HBIOS functions directly. It is intended that the operating system makes all HBIOS function calls. Applications that are considered system utilities may use HBIOS, but must be careful not to modify the operating environment in any way that the operating system does not expect.
In general, the desired function is placed in the B register. Register C is frequently used to specify a subfunction or a target device unit number. Additional registers are used as defined by the specific function. Register A should be used to return function result information. See below for result code definitions.
The character, disk, and video device functions all refer to target devices using a logical device unit number that is passed in the C register. Keep in mind that these unit numbers are assigned dynamically at HBIOS initialization during the device discovery process. The assigned unit numbers are displayed on the console at the conclusion of device initialization. The unit assignments will never change after HBIOS initialization. However, they can change at the next boot if there have been hardware or BIOS customization changes. Code using HBIOS functions should not assume fixed unit assignments.
Some functions utilize pointers to memory buffers. Unless otherwise stated, such buffers can be located anywhere in the Z80 CPU 64K address space. However, performance sensitive buffers (primarily disk I/O buffers) will require double-buffering if the caller’s buffer is in the lower 32K of CPU address space. For optimal performance, such buffers should be placed in the upper 32K of CPU address space.
The following function result codes are defined generically for all HBIOS functions. Most function calls will return a result in register A.
Code | Definition |
0 | function succeeded |
-1 | undefined error |
-2 | function not implemented |
-3 | invalid function |
-4 | invalid unit number |
-5 | out of memory |
-6 | parameter out of range |
-7 | media not present |
-8 | hardware not present |
-9 | I/O error |
-10 | write request to read-only media |
-11 | device timeout |
-12 | invalid configuration |
Character Input/Output functions require that a Character Unit number be specified in register C. This is the logical device unit number assigned during the boot process that identifies all character devices uniquely. A special value of 0x80 can be used for the Character Unit to refer to the current console device.
All character units are assigned a Device Type ID which indicates the specific hardware device driver that handles the unit. The table below enumerates these values.
Device Type | ID | Description | Driver |
CIODEV_UART | 0x00 | 16C550 Family Serial Interface | uart.asm |
CIODEV_ASCI | 0x10 | Z180 Built-in Serial Ports | asci.asm |
CIODEV_TERM | 0x20 | Terminal | ansi.asm |
CIODEV_PRPCON | 0x30 | PropIO Serial Console Interface | prp.asm |
CIODEV_PPPCON | 0x40 | ParPortProp Serial Console Interface | ppp.asm |
CIODEV_SIO | 0x50 | Zilog Serial Port Interface | sio.asm |
CIODEV_ACIA | 0x60 | MC68B50 Asynchronous Interface | acia.asm |
CIODEV_PIO | 0x70 | Zilog Parallel Interface Controller | pio.asm |
CIODEV_UF | 0x80 | FT232H-based ECB USB FIFO | uf.asm |
CIODEV_DUART | 0x90 | SCC2681 Family Dual UART | duart.asm |
CIODEV_Z2U | 0xA0 | Zilog Z280 Built-in Serial Ports | z2u.asm |
CIODEV_LPT | 0xB0 | Parallel I/O Controller | lpt.asm |
Character devices can usually be configured with line characteristics such as speed, framing, etc. A word value (16 bit) is used to describe the line characteristics as indicated below:
Bits | Characteristic |
15-14 | Reserved (set to 0) |
13 | RTS |
12-8 | Baud Rate (see below) |
7 | DTR |
6 | XON/XOFF Flow Control |
5 | Stick Parity (set for true) |
4 | Even Parity (set for true) |
3 | Parity Enable (set for true) |
2 | Stop Bits (set for true) |
1-0 | Data Bits (5-8 encoded as 0-3) |
The 5-bit Baud Rate value (V) is encoded as V = 75 * 2^X * 3^Y. The bits are defined as YXXXX.
Actual character values are a single byte (8 bits). The Character I/O functions do not modify or interpret the values being sent/received so they can be used to pass 8-bit binary data without corruption. Note that some OSes will modify character data (truncate to 7 bits, etc.).
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x00 | A: Status |
C: Character Unit | E: Character |
Read and return a Character (E) from the specified Character Unit (C). If no character(s) are available in the unit's input buffer, this function will wait indefinitely. The returned Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x01 | A: Status (0-OK, else error) |
C: Character Unit | |
E: Character |
Send a Character (E) via the specified Character Unit (C). If there is no space available in the unit's output buffer, the function will wait indefinitely. The returned Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x02 | A: Status / Characters Pending |
C: Character Unit |
Return the count of Characters Pending (A) in the input buffer of the specified Character Unit (C). If the unit has no input buffer or the buffer utilization is not available, the function may return simply 0 or 1 where 0 means there is no character available and 1 means there is at least one character available.
The value returned in register A is used as both a Status (A) code and the return value. Negative values (bit 7 set) indicate a standard HBIOS result (error) code. Otherwise, the return value represents the number of characters in the input buffer.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x03 | A: Status / Space Free |
C: Character Unit |
Return the count of buffer Space Free (A) for the specified Character Unit (C). For example, if a 16 byte output buffer contains 6 characters waiting to be sent out the unit's serial interface, this function would return 10; the number of positions available in the output buffer. If the port has no output buffer or the buffer utilization is not available, the function may return simply 0 or 1 where 0 means there is no buffer space available and 1 means there is space in the output buffer for at least one character.
The return value in register A is used as both a status code and the return value. Negative values (bit 7 set) indicate a standard HBIOS result (error) code. Otherwise, the return value represents the buffer space available.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x04 | A: Status |
C: Character Unit | |
DE: Line Characteristics |
Condition the interface of the specified Character Unit (C) according to the specified Line Characteristics (DE). The definition of the line characteristics value is described above. If DE contains -1 (0xFFFF), then the device will be reinitialized with the previous line characteristics used (a reset) and any buffer contents will be flushed. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Not all line characteristics are supported by all character interfaces. It is up to the driver of the character unit to decide how to deal with characteristics that are not available. For example, many character drivers do not allow flow control settings (RTS/CTS, XON/XOFF) to be modified dynamically. In most cases, these settings are ignored by the driver in this function call.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x05 | A: Status |
C: Character Unit | DE: Line Characteristics |
Returns the current Line Characteristics (DE) of the specified Character Unit (C). The definition of the line characteristics value is described above. The returned status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x06 | A: Status |
C: Character Unit | C: Device Attributes |
D: Device Type | |
E: Device Number | |
H: Device Mode | |
L: Device I/O Base Address |
Returns device information for the specified Character Unit (C). The status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Device Attribute (C) values are: 0 = RS/232, 1 = Terminal, 2 = Parallel.
Device Type (D) indicates the specific hardware driver that handles the specified Character Unit. Values are listed at the start of this section. Device Number (E) indicates the physical device number assigned per driver. For example, a Device Type of 0x50 with a Device Number of 2 refers to the third port being handled by the SIO driver.
Device Mode (H) is used to indicate the variant of the chip or circuit that is used by the specified unit. For example, for a UART, the value indicates the chip variant. The Device I/O Base Address (L) indicates the starting port address of the hardware interface that is servicing the specified unit. Both of these values are considered driver specific. Refer to the associated hardware driver for the values used.
Disk Input/Output functions require that a Disk Unit number be specified in register C. This is the logical device unit number assigned during the boot process that identifies all disk devices uniquely.
All character units are assigned a Device Type ID which indicates the specific hardware device driver that handles the unit. The table below enumerates there values.
Device Type | ID | Description | Driver |
DIODEV_MD | 0x00 | Memory Disk | md.asm |
DIODEV_FD | 0x10 | Floppy Disk | fd.asm |
DIODEV_RF | 0x20 | RAM Floppy | rf.asm |
DIODEV_IDE | 0x30 | IDE Disk | ide.asm |
DIODEV_ATAPI | 0x40 | ATAPI Disk (not implemented) | |
DIODEV_PPIDE | 0x50 | PPIDE Disk | ppide.asm |
DIODEV_SD | 0x60 | SD Card | sd.asm |
DIODEV_PRPSD | 0x70 | PropIO SD Card | prp.asm |
DIODEV_PPPSD | 0x80 | ParPortProp SD Card | ppp.asm |
DIODEV_HDSK | 0x90 | SIMH HDSK Disk | hdsk.asm |
A fixed set of media types are defined. The currently defined media types identifiers are listed below. Each driver will support one or more of the defined media types.
Media | ID | Format |
MID_NONE | 0 | No media installed |
MID_MDROM | 1 | ROM Drive |
MID_MDRAM | 2 | RAM Drive |
MID_RF | 3 | RAM Floppy (LBA) |
MID_HD512 | 4 | Hard Disk (LBA) w/ 512 directory entries |
MID_FD720 | 5 | 3.5" 720K Floppy |
MID_FD144 | 6 | 3.5" 1.44M Floppy |
MID_FD360 | 7 | 5.25" 360K Floppy |
MID_FD120 | 8 | 5.25" 1.2M Floppy |
MID_FD111 | 9 | 8" 1.11M Floppy |
MID_HD1K | 10 | Hard Disk (LBA) w/ 1024 directory entries |
HBIOS supports both Cylinder/Head/Sector (CHS) and Logical Block Addresses (CHS) when locating a sector for I/O (see DIOSEEK function). For devices that are natively CHS (e.g., floppy disk), the HBIOS driver can convert LBA values to CHS values according to the geometry of the current media. For devices that are natively LBA (e.g., hard disk), the HBIOS driver simulates CHS using a fictitious geometry provided by the driver (typically 16 sectors per track and 16 heads per cylinder).
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x10 | A: Status |
C: Disk Unit |
Returns the driver specific Status (A) of the specified disk device unit (C) based on the last operation performed.
The return value in register A is used as both a device status and a standard HBIOS result code. Negative values (bit 7 set) indicate a standard HBIOS result (error) code. Otherwise, the return value represents a driver-specific device status. In all cases, the value 0 means OK.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x11 | A: Status |
C: Disk Unit |
This function performs a device dependent reset operation on the Disk Unit specified (C). The driver will clear any error status on the disk unit, attempt to reset the interface, and flag the disk unit for initialization on the next I/O function call. Any prior media identification will be cleared. The returned Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
If the specified disk unit (C) is one of multiple units on a single hardware bus, then all units on that bus will be reset. For example, if the master disk on an IDE bus is reset, then the slave disk will also be reset.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x12 | A: Status |
C: Disk Unit | |
DEHL: Sector Address |
This function will set the desired sector to be used for the next I/O operation on the specified Disk Unit (C). The returned Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
An actual seek operation is generally not performed on the disk hardware by this function. The function typically just records the sector address for subsequent I/O function calls.
The double-word Sector Address (DEHL) can represent either a Logical Block Address (LBA) or a Cylinder/Head/Sector (CHS). If the high bit of register D is set, then an LBA value is specified. Otherwise, the value is CHS.
For LBA mode operation, the high bit is cleared and the entire double-word is then treated as the logical sector address.
For CHS mode operation, the Sector Address (DEHL) registers are interpreted as: D=Head, E=Sector, and HL=Track. All values (including sector) are 0 relative.
Prior versions of the floppy driver did not accept LBA mode addresses. However, this restriction has been removed as of HBIOS v3.1. At this point, all disk drivers support both LBA and CHS addressing.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x13 | A: Status |
C: Disk Unit | E: Sectors Read |
D: Buffer Bank ID | |
E: Sector Count | |
HL: Buffer Address |
Read Sector Count (E) sectors into the buffer located in Buffer Bank ID (D) at Buffer Address (HL) starting at the Current Sector. The returned Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
The Current Sector is established by a prior DIOSEEK function call; however, multiple read/write/verify function calls can be made after a seek function. The Current Sector is incremented after each sector successfully read. On error, the Current Sector will be the sector where the error occurred. Sectors Read (E) indicates the number of sectors successfully read.
The caller must ensure that the Buffer Address is large enough to contain all sectors requested. Disk data transfers will be faster if the buffer resides in the top 32K of memory because it avoids a double buffer copy.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x14 | A: Status |
C: Disk Unit | E: Sectors Written |
D: Buffer Bank ID | |
E: Sector Count | |
HL: Buffer Address |
Write Sector Count (E) sectors from the buffer located in Buffer Bank ID (D) at Buffer Address (HL) starting at the Current Sector. The returned Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
The Current Sector is established by a prior DIOSEEK function call; however, multiple read/write/verify function calls can be made after a seek function. The Current Sector is incremented after each sector successfully written. On error, the Current Sector will be the sector where the error occurred. Sectors Written (E) indicates the number of sectors successfully written.
Disk data transfers will be faster if the buffer resides in the top 32K of memory because it avoids a double copy.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x15 | A: Status |
C: Disk Unit | E: Sectors Verified |
E: Sector Count |
*** Function Not Implemented ***
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x16 | A: Status |
C: Disk Unit | |
D: Head | |
E: Fill Byte | |
HL: Cylinder |
*** Function Not Implemented ***
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x17 | A: Status |
C: Disk Unit | C: Device Attributes |
D: Device Type | |
E: Device Number | |
H: Device Unit Mode | |
L: Device I/O Base Address |
Reports device information about the specified Disk Unit (C). The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Bit 7 of the Device Attribute (C) value returned indicates whether the device is a floppy disk. If it is a floppy disk, the Device Attribute (C) value is encoded as follows:
Bits | Definition |
7 | = 1 (Floppy Disk) |
6-5 | Form Factor: 0=8", 1=5.25", 2=3.5", 3=Other |
4 | Sides: 0=SS, 1=DS |
3-2 | Density: 0=SD, 1=DD, 2=HD, 3=ED |
1-0 | Reserved |
If the Disk Unit (C) specified is a not floppy disk, then the Device Attribute (C) encoding is as follows:
Bits | Definition |
7 | = 0 (not Floppy Disk) |
6 | Removable |
5-3 | Type: 0=Hard, 1=CF, 2=SD, 3=USB, |
4=ROM, 5=RAM, 6=RAMF, 7=FLASH | |
2-0 | Reserved |
Device Type (D) indicates the specific hardware driver that handles the specified Disk Unit (C). Values are listed at the start of this section. Device Number (E) indicates the physical device number assigned per driver. For example, a Device Type of 0x30 with a Device Number of 1 refers to the second disk being handled by the IDE driver.
Device Mode (H) is used to indicate the variant of the chip or circuit that is used by the specified unit. For example, for an IDE unit, the value indicates the IDE circuit variant. The Device I/O Base Address (L) indicates the starting port address of the hardware interface that is servicing the specified unit. Both of these values are considered driver specific. Refer to the associated hardware driver for the values used.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x18 | A: Status |
C: Disk Unit | E: Media ID |
E: Flags |
Report the Media ID (E) for the for media in the specified Disk Unit (C). If bit 0 of Flags (E) is set, then media discovery or verification will be performed. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code. If there is no media in device, function will return an error status.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x19 | A: Status |
C: Disk Unit | |
E: Media ID |
*** Function Not Implemented ***
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x1A | A: Status |
C: Disk Unit | DEHL: Sector Count |
BC: Block Size |
Report the current media capacity information for the specified Disk Unit (C). The Sector Count (DEHL) is a double-word number representing the total number of blocks on the device. Block Size (BC) contains the block size in bytes. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code. If the media is unknown, an error will be returned.
This function will not attempt to discover or verify the media loaded in the unit specified. You can use precede this function with the DIOMEDIA function to force this if desired.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x1B | A: Status |
C: Disk Unit | D: Heads |
E: Sectors | |
HL: Cylinder Count | |
BC: Block Size |
Report the geometry for the media in the specified Disk Unit (C). If a device uses LBA mode addressing natively, then the drivers simulated geometry will be returned. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code. If the media is unknown, an error will be returned.
Heads (D) refers to the number of heads per cylinder. Sectors (E) refers to the number of sectors per track. Cylinder Count (HL) is the total number of cylinders addressable for the media. Block Size (BC) is the number of bytes in one sector.
The Real Time Clock functions provide read/write access to the clock and related Non-Volatile RAM.
HBIOS only supports a single RTC device since there is no reason to have more than one at a time. The RTC unit is assigned a Device Type ID which indicates the specific hardware device driver that handles the unit. The table below enumerates these values.
Device Type | ID | Description | Driver |
RTCDEV_DS | 0x00 | Maxim DS1302 Real-Time Clock w/ NVRAM | dsrtc.asm |
RTCDEV_BQ | 0x10 | BQ4845P Real Time Clock | bqrtc.asm |
RTCDEV_SIMH | 0x20 | SIMH Simulator Real-Time Clock | simrtc.asm |
RTCDEV_INT | 0x30 | Interrupt-based Real Time Clock | intrtc.asm |
RTCDEV_DS7 | 0x40 | Maxim DS1307 PCF I2C RTC w/ NVRAM | ds7rtc.asm |
RTCDEV_RP5 | 0x50 | Ricoh RPC01A Real-Time Clock w/ NVRAM | rp5rtc.asm |
The time functions to get and set the time (RTCGTM and RTCSTM) require a 6 byte date/time buffer in the following format. Each byte is BCD encoded.
Offset | Contents |
0 | Year (00-99) |
1 | Month (01-12) |
2 | Date (01-31) |
3 | Hours (00-24) |
4 | Minutes (00-59) |
5 | Seconds (00-59) |
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x20 | A: Status |
HL: Date/Time Buffer Address |
Read the current value of the real-time clock and store the date/time in the Date/Time Buffer pointed to by HL. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x21 | A: Status |
HL: Date/Time Buffer Address |
Set the current value of the real-time clock based on the Date/Time Buffer pointed to by HL. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x22 | A: Status |
C: Index | E: Value |
Read a single byte Value (E) from the Non-Volatile RAM of the RTC at the byte offset Index (C). The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x23 | A: Status |
C: Index | |
E: Value |
Set a single byte Value (E) of the Non-Volatile RAM of the RTC at the byte offset Index (C). The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x24 | A: Status |
HL: Buffer Address |
Read the entire contents of the Non-Volatile RAM into to a buffer pointed to by Buffer Address (HL). The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x25 | A: Status |
HL: Buffer Address |
Write the entire contents of the Non-Volatile RAM from the buffer pointed to by Buffer Address (HL). The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x26 | A: Status |
HL: Date/Time Buffer Address |
Work in progress, documentation required...
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x27 | A: Status |
HL: Date/Time Buffer Address |
Work in progress, documentation required...
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x28 | A: Status |
C: Device Attributes | |
D: Device Type | |
E: Device Number | |
H: Device Unit Mode | |
L: Device I/O Base Address |
Returns device information for the RTC unit. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Device Attribute (C) values are not yet defined. Device Type (D) indicates the specific hardware driver that handles the specified character unit. Values are listed at the start of this section. Device Number (E) indicates the physical device number assigned per driver which is always 0 for RTC.
Device Mode (H) is used to indicate the variant of the chip or circuit that is used by the specified unit. The Device I/O Base Address (L) indicates the starting port address of the hardware interface that is servicing the specified unit. Both of these values are considered driver specific. Refer to the associated hardware driver for the values used.
The VDA functions are provided as a common interface to Video Display Adapters. Not all VDAs will include keyboard hardware. In this case, the keyboard functions should return a failure status.
All video units are assigned a Device Type ID which indicates the specific hardware device driver that handles the unit. The table below enumerates there values.
Device Type | ID | Description | Driver |
VDADEV_VDU | 0x00 | MC6845 Family Video Display Controller | vdu.asm |
VDADEV_CVDU | 0x10 | MC8563-based Video Display Controller | cvdu.asm |
VDADEV_GDC | 0x20 | uPD7220 Video Display Controller | gdc.asm |
VDADEV_TMS | 0x30 | TMS9918/38/58 Video Display Controller | tms.asm |
VDADEV_VGA | 0x40 | HD6445CP4-based Video Display Controller | vga.asm |
Depending on the capabilities of the hardware, the use of colors and attributes may or may not be supported. If the hardware does not support these capabilities, they will be ignored.
Color byte values are constructed using typical RGBI (Red/Green/Blue/Intensity) bits. The high four bits of the value determine the background color and the low four bits determine the foreground color. This results in 16 unique color values for both foreground and background. The following table illustrates the color byte value construction:
Bit | Color | |
Background | 7 | Intensity |
6 | Blue | |
5 | Green | |
4 | Red | |
Foreground | 3 | Intensity |
2 | Blue | |
1 | Green | |
0 | Red |
The following table illustrates the resultant color for each of the possible 16 values for foreground or background:
Foreground | Background | Color |
n0 nnnn0000 | 0n 0000nnnn | Black |
n1 nnnn0001 | 1n 0001nnnn | Red |
n2 nnnn0010 | 2n 0010nnnn | Green |
n3 nnnn0011 | 3n 0011nnnn | Brown |
n4 nnnn0100 | 4n 0100nnnn | Blue |
n5 nnnn0101 | 5n 0101nnnn | Magenta |
n6 nnnn0110 | 6n 0110nnnn | Cyan |
n7 nnnn0111 | 7n 0111nnnn | White |
n8 nnnn1000 | 8n 1000nnnn | Gray |
n9 nnnn1001 | 9n 1001nnnn | Light Red |
nA nnnn1010 | An 1010nnnn | Light Green |
nB nnnn1011 | Bn 1011nnnn | Yellow |
nC nnnn1100 | Cn 1100nnnn | Light Blue |
nD nnnn1101 | Dn 1101nnnn | Light Magenta |
nE nnnn1110 | En 1110nnnn | Light Cyan |
nF nnnn1111 | Fn 1111nnnn | Bright White |
Attribute byte values are constructed using the following bit encoding:
Bit | Effect |
7 | n/a (0) |
6 | n/a (0) |
5 | n/a (0) |
4 | n/a (0) |
3 | n/a (0) |
2 | Reverse |
1 | Underline |
0 | Blink |
The following codes are returned by a keyboard read to signify non-ASCII keystrokes:
Value | Keystroke | Value | Keystroke |
0xE0 | F1 | 0xF0 | Insert |
0xE1 | F2 | 0xF1 | Delete |
0xE2 | F3 | 0xF2 | Home |
0xE3 | F4 | 0xF3 | End |
0xE4 | F5 | 0xF4 | PageUp |
0xE5 | F6 | 0xF5 | PadeDown |
0xE6 | F7 | 0xF6 | UpArrow |
0xE7 | F8 | 0xF7 | DownArrow |
0xE8 | F9 | 0xF8 | LeftArrow |
0xE9 | F10 | 0xF9 | RightArrow |
0xEA | F11 | 0xFA | Power |
0xEB | F12 | 0xFB | Sleep |
0xEC | SysReq | 0xFC | Wake |
0xED | PrintScreen | 0xFD | Break |
0xEE | Pause | 0xFE | |
0xEF | App | 0xFF |
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x40 | A: Status |
C: Video Unit | |
E: Video Mode | |
HL: Font Bitmap |
Performs a full (re)initialization of the specified Video Unit (C). The screen is cleared and the keyboard buffer is flushed. If the specified Video Unit (C) supports multiple video modes, a Video Mode (E) can be specified (set to 0 for default/not specified). Video Mode (E) values are specific to each VDA. The returned Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
If the hardware and driver support it, you can specify a Font Bitmap (HL) buffer address containing the character bitmap data to be loaded into the video processor. The buffer must be located entirely in the top 32K of the CPU memory space. HL must be set to zero if no character bitmap is specified (the driver will utilize a default character bitmap).
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x41 | A: Status |
C: Video Unit | C: Video Mode |
HL: Font Bitmap | D: Rows |
E: Columns | |
HL: Font Bitmap |
Return information about the specified Video Unit (C). Video Mode (C) will be set to the current video mode. Rows (D) and Columns (E) will return the dimensions of the video display as measured in rows and columns. Note that this is the count of rows and columns, not the last row/column number. The returned Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
If the hardware and driver support it, you can specify a Font Bitmap (HL) buffer address that will be filled with the current character bitmap data. The buffer must be located entirely in the top 32K of the CPU memory space. Font Bitmap (HL) must be set to zero if it does not point to a proper buffer area or memory corruption will result.
If HL is not zero, it must point to a suitably sized memory buffer in the upper 32K of CPU address space that will be filled with the current character bitmap data. It is critical that HL be set to zero if it does not point to a proper buffer area or memory corruption will result. If the video device driver does not have the ability to provide character bitmap data, then Font Bitmap (HL) will be set to zero on return.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x42 | A: Status |
C: Video Unit |
Performs a soft reset of the specified Video Unit (C). Will clear the screen, home the cursor, and restore active attribute/color to defaults. Keyboard will be flushed. The current video mode will not be changed. The returned Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x43 | A: Status |
C: Video Unit | C: Device Attributes |
D: Device Type | |
E: Device Number | |
H: Device Unit Mode | |
L: Device I/O Base Address |
Reports device information about the specified Video Unit (C). The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Device Attribute (C) values are not yet defined.
Device Type (D) indicates the specific hardware driver that handles the specified Video Unit (C). Values are listed at the start of this section. Device Number (E) indicates the physical device number assigned per driver.
Device Mode (H) is used to indicate the variant of the chip or circuit that is used by the specified unit. For example, for an TMS video unit, the value indicates the TMS circuit variant. The Device I/O Base Address (L) indicates the starting port address of the hardware interface that is servicing the specified unit. Both of these values are considered driver specific. Refer to the associated hardware driver for the values used.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x44 | A: Status |
C: Video Unit | |
D: Start/End | |
E: Style |
If supported by the specified Video Unit (C), adjust the format of the cursor such that the cursor starts at the pixel specified in the top nibble of Start/End (D) and ends at the pixel specified in the bottom nibble of Start/End (D). So, if D=0x08, a block cursor would be used that starts at the top pixel of the character cell and ends at the ninth pixel of the character cell. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Style (E) is reserved to control the style of the cursor (blink, visibility, etc.), but is not yet implemented.
Adjustments to the cursor style may or may not be possible for any given video hardware and may be dependent on the active video mode.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x45 | A: Status |
C: Video Unit | |
D: Row | |
E: Column |
Reposition the cursor of the specified Video Unit (C) to the specified Row (D) and Column (E). Specifying a row/column that exceeds the boundaries of the display results in undefined behavior. Cursor coordinates are 0 based (0,0 is the upper left corner of the display). The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x46 | A: Status |
C: Video Unit | |
E: Attribute |
Assign the specified character Attribute (E) code to be used for all subsequent character writes/fills on the specified Video Unit (C). This attribute is used to fill new lines generated by scroll operations. The character attributes values are listed above. Note that a given video display may or may not support any/all attributes. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x47 | A: Status |
C: Video Unit | |
E: Color |
Assign the specified Color (E) code to be used for all subsequent character writes/fills. This color is also used to fill new lines generated by scroll operations. Refer to the color code table above for a list of the available color codes. Note that a given video display may or may not support any/all colors. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x48 | A: Status |
C: Video Unit | |
E: Character |
Write the Character (E) value to the display of the specified Video Unit (C). The character is written starting at the current cursor position and the cursor is advanced. If the end of the line is encountered, the cursor will be advanced to the start of the next line. The display will not scroll if the end of the screen is exceeded. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x49 | A: Status |
C: Video Unit | |
E: Character | |
HL: Count |
Write the Character (E) value to the Video Unit (C) display the number of times specified by Count (HL). Characters are written starting at the current cursor position and the cursor is advanced by the number of characters written. If the end of the line is encountered, the characters will continue to be written starting at the next line as needed. The display will not scroll if the end of the screen is exceeded. Writing characters beyond the end of the screen results in undefined behavior. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x4A | A: Status |
C: Video Unit | |
D: Source Row | |
E: Source Column | |
L: Count |
Copy Count (L) bytes from the specified Video Unit (C) display Source Row (D) and Source Column (E) to the current cursor position. The cursor position is not updated. The maximum Count (L) value is 255. Copying to/from overlapping areas is not supported and will have an undefined behavior. The display will not scroll if the end of the screen is exceeded. Copying beyond the active screen buffer area is not supported and results in undefined behavior. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x4B | A: Status |
C: Video Unit | |
E: Lines |
Scroll the video display of the specified Video Unit (C) forward or backwards by number of Lines (E) specified. If Lines (E) is positive, then a forward scroll is performed. If Lines (E) contains a negative number, then a reverse scroll will be performed. This function will scroll the entire screen contents. New lines revealed during the scroll operation will be filled with space characters (0x20) using the active character attribute and color. The cursor position will not be updated. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x4C | A: Status / Codes Pending |
C: Video Unit |
Return a count of the number of key Codes Pending (A) in the keyboard buffer for the specified Video Unit (C). If it is not possible to determine the actual number in the buffer, it is acceptable to return 1 to indicate there are key codes available to read and 0 if there are none available.
The value returned in register A is used as both a Status (A) code and the return value. Negative values (bit 7 set) indicate a standard HBIOS result (error) code. Otherwise, the return value represents the number of key codes pending.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x4D | A: Status |
C: Video Unit |
If a keyboard buffer is in use on the Video Unit (C) specified, it should be purged and all contents discarded. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x4E | A: Status |
C: Video Unit | C: Scancode |
D: Keystate | |
E: Keycode |
Read the next key data from keyboard of the specified Video Unit (C). If a keyboard buffer is used, return the next key code in the buffer. If no key data is available, this function will wait indefinitely for a keypress. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
The Scancode (C) value is the raw scancode from the keyboard for the keypress. Scancodes are from the PS/2 scancode set 2 standard.
The Keystate (D) is a bitmap representing the value of all modifier keys and shift states as they existed at the time of the keystroke. The bitmap is defined as:
Bit | Keystate Indication |
7 | Key pressed was from the num pad |
6 | Caps Lock was active |
5 | Num Lock was active |
4 | Scroll Lock was active |
3 | Windows key was held down |
2 | Alt key was held down |
1 | Control key was held down |
0 | Shift key was held down |
The Keycode (E) is generally returned as appropriate ASCII values, if possible. Special keys, like function keys and arrows, are returned as reserved codes as described at the start of this section.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x4F | A: Status |
C: Video Unit | E: Character |
B: Color | |
E: Attribute |
This function will return the character data from the current cursor position of the display of the specified Video Unit (C). The data returned includes the Character (E) value, the Color (B), and the Attribute (E) corresponding to the current cursor position. If the display does not support colors or attributes then this function will return color white on black with no attributes. The ability to perform this function may not be available for all video devices. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Sound functions require that a Sound Unit number be specified in register C. This is the logical device unit number assigned during the boot process that identifies all sound devices uniquely.
All sound units are assigned a Device Type ID which indicates the specific hardware device driver that handles the unit. The table below enumerates these values.
Device Type | ID | Description | Driver |
SNDDEV_SN76489 | $00 | SN76489 Programmable Sound Generator | sn76489.asm |
SNDDEV_AY38910 | $10 | AY-3-8910/YM2149 Programmable Sound Generator | ay38910.asm |
SNDDEV_BITMODE | $20 | Bit-bang Speaker | spk.asm |
SNDDEV_YM2612 | $30 | YM2612 Programmable Sound Generator | ym2612.asm |
The Sound functions defer the actual programming of the sound chip until the SNDPLAY function is called. You will call the volume and period/note functions to preset the desired sound output, then call SNDPLAY when you want the sound to change.
The Sound functions do not manage the duration of the sound played. A sound will play indefinitely -- the caller must implement an appropriate timing mechanism to manage the playing of a series of sounds.
HBIOS B=51 C=00 L=80 ; Set volume to half level
HBIOS B=53 C=00 HL=152 ; Select Middle C (C4)
HBIOS B=54 C=00 D=01 ; Play note on Channel 1
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x50 | A: Status |
C: Sound Unit |
Reset the sound chip of specified Sound Unit (C). Turn off all sounds and set volume on all channels to silence. The returned Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x51 | A: Status |
C: Sound Unit | |
L: Volume |
This function sets the sound chip Volume (L) for the specified Sound Unit (C). Volume (L) is a binary value ranging from 0 (silence) to 255 (maximum). The volume will be applied when the next SNDPLAY function is invoked. The returned Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Note that not all sounds chips implement 256 volume levels. The driver will scale the volume to the closest possible level the chip provides.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x52 | A: Status |
C: Sound Unit | |
HL: Period |
This function sets the sound chip Period (HL) for the specified Sound Unit (C). The period will be applied when the next SNDPLAY function is invoked. The returned Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
The Period (HL) value is not a standardized value. The value is programmed directly into the period or frequency register of the sound chip. It is therefore a hardware dependent value. To play standardized notes, use the SNDNOTE function.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x53 | A: Status |
C: Sound Unit | |
HL: Note |
This function sets the frequency generated by the sound of the specified Sound Unit (C). The frequency is standardized and is specified by using values that correspond to musical notes. The frequency will be applied when the next SNDPLAY function is invoked. The returned Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
The Note (HL) values correspond to quarter notes. Increasing/decreasing
the value by 4 results in a full note increment/decrement.
Increasing/decreasing the value by 48 results in a full octave
increment/decrement. The value 0 corresponds to Bb/A# in octave 0.
The sound chip resolution and its oscillator limit the range and accuracy of the notes played. The typical range of the AY-3-8910 is six octaves: Bb2/A#2 to A7, where each value is a unique tone. Values above and below can still be played but each quarter tone step may not result in a note change.
The following table shows the mapping of the Note (HL) value to the corresponding octave and note.
+------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ | | Octave | | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ | Note | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | +============+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+=======+ | C | - | 8 | 56 | 104 | 152 | 200 | 248 | 296 | +------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ | C#/Db | - | 12 | 60 | 108 | 156 | 204 | 252 | 300 | +------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ | D | - | 16 | 64 | 112 | 160 | 208 | 256 | 304 | +------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ | D#/Eb | - | 20 | 68 | 116 | 164 | 212 | 260 | 308 | +------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ | E | - | 24 | 72 | 120 | 168 | 216 | 264 | 312 | +------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ | F | - | 28 | 76 | 124 | 172 | 220 | 268 | 316 | +------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ | F#/Gb | - | 32 | 80 | 128 | 176 | 224 | 272 | 320 | +------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ | G | - | 36 | 84 | 132 | 180 | 228 | 276 | 324 | +------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ | G#/Ab | - | 40 | 88 | 136 | 184 | 232 | 280 | 328 | +------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ | A | - | 44 | 92 | 140 | 188 | 236 | 284 | 332 | +------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ | A#/Bb | 0 | 48 | 96 | 144 | 192 | 240 | 288 | 336 | +------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ | B | 4 | 52 | 100 | 148 | 196 | 244 | 292 | 340 | +------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x54 | A: Status |
C: Sound Unit | |
D: Channel |
This function applies the previously specified volume and frequency of the specified Sound Unit (C) by programming the sound chip with the appropriate values. The values are applied to the specified Channel (D) of the chip. The returned Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Note that there is no duration for the sound output -- the programmed sound will be played indefinitely. It is up to the user to wait the desired amount of time, then change or silence the sound output as desired.
The number of channels available on a sound chip varies. It is up to the caller to ensure that the appropriate number of channels are being programmed.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x55 | A: Status |
C: Sound Unit | |
E: Subfunction |
This function will return a variety of information for a specified Sound Unit (C) according to the Subfunction (E) specified. The returned Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x55 | A: Status |
C: Sound Unit | B: Tone Channels |
E: 0x01 | C: Noise Channels |
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x55 | A: Status |
C: Sound Unit | L: Volume |
E: 0x02 |
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x55 | A: Status |
C: Sound Unit | HL: Period |
E: 0x03 |
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x55 | A: Status |
C: Sound Unit | B: Driver Identity |
E: 0x04 | HL: Ports |
DE: Ports |
This subfunction reports detailed device information for the specified Sound Unit (C).
Driver Identity (B) reports the audio device type. Ports (HL & DE) return relevant port addresses for the hardware specific to each device type.
The following table defines the specific port information per device type:
Audio ID | Value | Device | Returned Registers |
SND_SN76489 | 0x01 | SN76489 | E=Left channel port, L=Right channel port |
SND_AY38910 | 0x02 | AY-3-8910 | D=Address port, E=Data port |
SND_BITMODE | 0x03 | I/O PORT | D=Address port, E=Bit mask |
SND_YM2612 | 0x04 | YM2612 | Part 0: D=Address port, E=Data port |
Part 1: D=Address port, L=Part 1 Data port |
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x56 | A: Status |
C: Sound Unit | |
HL: Duration |
This function sets the Duration (HL) of the note to be played in milliseconds for the specified Sound Unit (C). This function just sets the duration, the actual duration is applied in the SNDPLAY function.
If the Duration (HL) is set to zero, then the SNDPLAY function will operate in a non-blocking mode. i.e. a tone will start playing and the play function will return. The tone will continue to play until the next tone is played. If the Duration (HL) is greater than zero, the sound will play for the duration defined in HL and then return.
**** Function Not Implemented ***
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0x57 | A: Status |
C: Disk Unit | C: Device Attributes |
D: Device Type | |
E: Device Number | |
H: Device Unit Mode | |
L: Device I/O Base Address |
Reports device information about the specified Sound Unit (C). The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
The Device Attributes (C) value is not yet defined.
Device Type (D) indicates the specific hardware driver that handles the specified Sound Unit (C). Values are listed at the start of this section. Device Number (E) indicates the physical device number assigned per driver.
Device Mode (H) is used to indicate the variant of the chip or circuit that is used by the specified unit. The Device I/O Base Address (L) indicates the starting port address of the hardware interface that is servicing the specified unit. Both of these values are considered driver specific. Refer to the associated hardware driver for the values used.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xF0 | A: Status |
C: Subfunction |
This function performs various forms of a system reset depending on the value of Subfunction (C):
Soft Reset (0x00):
: Perform a soft reset of HBIOS. Releases all HBIOS memory allocated by current OS. Does not reinitialize physical devices.
Warm Start (0x01):
: Warm start the system returning to the boot loader prompt. Does not reinitialize physical devices.
Cold Start (0x02):
: Perform a system cold start (like a power on). All devices are reinitialized.
The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xF1 | A: Status |
C: Reserved | DE: Version |
L: Platform |
This function will return the HBIOS Version (DE) number and Platform (L) identifier. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
The Version (DE)number is encoded as BCD where the 4 digits are:
[Major Version][Minor Version][Patch Level][Build Number]
So, for example, a Version (L) number of 0x3102 would indicate version 3.1.0, build 2.
The hardware Platform (L) is identified as follows:
Name | Id | **Platform ** |
PLT_SBC | 1 | ECB Z80 SBC |
PLT_ZETA2 | 3 | ZETA Z80 V2 SBC |
PLT_N8 | 4 | N8 (HOME COMPUTER) Z180 SBC |
PLT_MK4 | 5 | MARK IV |
PLT_RCZ80 | 7 | RCBUS W/ Z80 |
PLT_RCZ180 | 8 | RCBUS W/ Z180 |
PLT_EZZ80 | 9 | EASY/TINY Z80 |
PLT_SCZ180 | 10 | RCBUS SC126, SC130, SC131, SC140 |
PLT_RCZ280 | 12 | RCBUS W/ Z280 |
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xF2 | A: Status |
C: Bank ID | C: Prior Bank ID |
Activates the specified memory Bank ID (C) and returns the Prior Bank ID (C). The function must be invoked from code located in the upper 32K and the stack must be in the upper 32K. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xF3 | A: Status |
C: Bank ID |
Returns the currently active Bank ID (C). The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xF4 | A: Status |
D: Destination Bank ID | |
E: Source Bank ID | |
HL: Byte Count |
Prepare for a subsequent interbank memory copy (SYSBNKCPY) function call by setting the Source Bank ID (E), Destination Bank ID (D), and Byte Count (HL) to be copied. The bank ID's are not range checked and must be valid for the system in use. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
No bytes are copied by this function. The SYSBNKCPY function must be called to actually perform the copy. The values setup by this function will remain unchanged until another call is make to this function. So, after calling SYSSETCPY, you may make multiple calls to SYSBNKCPY as long as you want to continue to copy between the already established Source/Destination Banks and the same size copy is being performed.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xF5 | A: Status |
DE: Destination Address | DE: New Destination Address |
HL: Source Address | HL: New Source Address |
Copy a block of memory between banks. The Source Bank, Destination Bank, and Byte Count to copy must be established with a prior call to SYSSETCPY. However, it is not necessary to call SYSSETCPY prior to subsequent calls to SYSBNKCPY if the source/destination banks and copy length do not change.
On return, the New Destination Address (DE) will be value of the original Destination Address (DE) incremented by the count of bytes copied. Likewise for the New Source Address (HL). This allows iterative invocations of this function to continue copying where the prior invocation left off.
The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
This function is inherently dangerous and does not prevent you from corrupting critical areas of memory. Use with extreme caution.
Overlapping source and destination memory ranges are not supported and will result in undetermined behavior.
Copying of byte ranges that cross bank boundaries is undefined.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xF6 | A: Status |
HL: Block Size | HL: Block Address |
This function will attempt to allocate a Block Size (HL) bytes block of memory from the internal HBIOS heap. The HBIOS heap resides in the HBIOS bank in the area of memory left unused by HBIOS. If the allocation is successful, the Block Address (HL) of the allocated memory block is returned in HL. You will typically need to use the SYSBNKCPY function to read/write the allocated memory. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xF7 | A: Status |
HL: Block Address |
*** Function Not Implemented ***
Note that all allocated memory can be freed by calling the SYSRESET function with a subfunction code of 0x00 (Soft Reset).
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xF8 | A: Status |
C: Subfunction |
This function will report various system information based on the sub-function value. The following lists the subfunctions available along with the registers/information utilized. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xF8 | A: Status |
C: 0x00 | E: Count |
Return the Count (E) of character device units. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xF8 | A: Status |
C: 0x01 | HL: Function Address |
D: Function | DE: Unit Data Address |
E: Unit |
This function will lookup the actual driver function address and unit data address inside the HBIOS driver. On entry, place the CIO function number to lookup in D and the CIO unit number in E. On return, HL will contain the address of the requested function in the HBIOS driver (in the HBIOS bank). DE will contain the associated unit data address (also in the HBIOS bank). See Appendix A for details. The returned Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
This function can be used to speed up HBIOS calls by looking up the function and data address for a specific driver function. After this, the caller can use interbank calls directly to the function in the driver which bypasses the overhead of the normal function invocation lookup.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xF8 | A: Status |
C: 0x10 | E: Count |
Return the Count (E) of disk device units. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xF8 | A: Status |
C: 0x11 | HL: Function Address |
D: Function | DE: Unit Data Address |
E: Unit |
This function will lookup the actual driver function address and unit data address inside the HBIOS driver. On entry, place the DIO function number to lookup in D and the DIO unit number in E. On return, HL will contain the address of the requested function in the HBIOS driver (in the HBIOS bank). DE will contain the associated unit data address (also in the HBIOS bank). See Appendix A for details. The returned Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
This function can be used to speed up HBIOS calls by looking up the function and data address for a specific driver function. After this, the caller can use interbank calls directly to the function in the driver which bypasses the overhead of the normal function invocation lookup.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xF8 | A: Status |
C: 0x20 | E: Count |
Return the Count (E) of RTC device units. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xF8 | A: Status |
C: 0x40 | E: Count |
Return the Count (E) of video device units. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xF8 | A: Status |
C: 0x41 | HL: Function Address |
D: Function | DE: Unit Data Address |
E: Unit |
This function will lookup the actual driver function address and unit data address inside the HBIOS driver. On entry, place the VDA function number to lookup in D and the VDA unit number in E. On return, HL will contain the address of the requested function in the HBIOS driver (in the HBIOS bank). DE will contain the associated unit data address (also in the HBIOS bank). See Appendix A for details. The returned Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
This function can be used to speed up HBIOS calls by looking up the function and data address for a specific driver function. After this, the caller can use interbank calls directly to the function in the driver which bypasses the overhead of the normal function invocation lookup.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xF8 | A: Status |
C: 0x50 | E: Count |
Return the Count (E) of sound device units. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xF8 | A: Status |
C: 0x51 | HL: Function Address |
D: Function | DE: Unit Data Address |
E: Unit |
This function will lookup the actual driver function address and unit data address inside the HBIOS driver. On entry, place the SND function number to lookup in D and the SND unit number in E. On return, HL will contain the address of the requested function in the HBIOS driver (in the HBIOS bank). DE will contain the associated unit data address (also in the HBIOS bank). See Appendix A for details. The returned Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
This function can be used to speed up HBIOS calls by looking up the function and data address for a specific driver function. After this, the caller can use interbank calls directly to the function in the driver which bypasses the overhead of the normal function invocation lookup.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xF8 | A: Status |
C: 0xD0 | DEHL: Tick Count |
C: Frequency |
Return the value of the global system timer Tick Count (DEHL). This is a double-word binary value. The frequency of the system timer in Hertz is returned in Frequency (C). The returned Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Note that not all hardware configuration have a system timer. You can determine if a timer exists by calling this function repeatedly to see if it is incrementing.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xF8 | A: Status |
C: 0xD1 | DEHL: Seconds Count |
C: Ticks per Second |
Return the a Seconds Count (DEHL) with the number of seconds that have
elapsed since the system was started. This is a double-word binary
value. Additionally, the number of Ticks per Second (C) is returned.
The returned Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
This availability of the Seconds Count (DEHL) is dependent on having a system timer active. If the hardware configuration has no system timer, then Seconds Count (DEHL) will not increment.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xF8 | A: Status |
C: 0xE0 | L: Boot Bank ID |
D: Boot Disk Unit | |
E: Boot Disk Slice |
This function returns information about the most recent boot operation performed. It includes the Boot Bank ID (L), the Boot Disk Unit (D), and the Boot Disk Slice (E). The returned Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xF8 | A: Status |
C: 0xF0 | H: Z80 CPU Variant |
L: CPU Speed MHz | |
DE: CPU Speed KHz | |
BC: Oscillator Speed KHz |
This function returns information about the active CPU environment. The Z80 CPU Variant (H) will be one of: 0=Z80, 1=Z180, 2=Z180-K, 3=Z180-N, 4=Z280. The current CPU speed is provided as both CPU Speed MHz (L) and CPU Speed KHz (DE). The raw oscillator speed is provided as Oscillator Speed KHz (BC). The returned Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xF8 | A: Status |
C: 0xF1 | D: ROM Bank Count |
E: RAM Bank Count |
This function returns the systems ROM Bank Count (D) and RAM Bank Count (E). Each bank is 32KB by definition. The returned Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xF8 | A: Status |
C: 0xF2 | D: BIOS Bank ID |
E: User Bank ID |
Certain memory banks within a RomWBW system are special. The exact bank id for each of these varies depending on the configuration of the system. This function can be used to determine the BIOS Bank ID (D) and the User Bank ID (E). The returned Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xF8 | A: Status |
C: 0xF3 | L: Clock Mult |
D: Memory Wait States | |
E: I/O Wait States |
This function will return the running CPU speed attributes of a system. The Clock Mult (L) returned indicates the frequency multiple being applied to the raw oscillator clock. If is defined as: 0=Half, 1=Full, and 2=Double. The wait states for the system are also provided as Memory Wait States (D) and I/O Wait States (E). The value of Memory Wait States (D) is the actual number of wait states, not the number of wait states added. The returned Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xF9 | A: Status |
C: Subfunction |
This function will set various system parameters based on the sub-function value. The following lists the subfunctions available along with the registers/information utilized. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xF9 | A: Status |
C: 0xD0 | DEHL: Timer Tick Count |
This function will explicitly set the system Timer Tick Count (DEHL) value. DEHL is a double-word binary value. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xF9 | A: Status |
C: 0xD1 | |
DEHL: Seconds Count |
This function will explicitly set the system Seconds Count (DEHL) value. DEHL is a double-word binary value. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xF9 | A: Status |
C: 0xE0 | |
L: Boot Bank ID | |
D: Boot Disk Unit | |
E: Boot Disk Slice |
This function sets information about the most recent boot operation performed. It includes the Boot Bank ID (L), the Boot Disk Unit (D), and the Boot Disk Slice (E). The returned Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xF9 | A: Status |
C: 0xF3 | |
L: Clock Mult | |
D: Memory Wait States | |
E: I/O Wait States |
This function will modify the running CPU speed attributes of a system. Note that it is frequently impossible to tell if a system is capable of dynamic speed changes. This function makes the changes blindly. You can specify 0xFF for either of the wait state settings to have them left alone. If an attempt is made to change the speed of a system that is definitely incapable of doing so, then an error result is returned. The returned Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
The function will attempt to set the CPU speed based on the Clock Mult (L) value: 0=Half, 1=Full, 2=Double. Memory Wait States (D) and I/O Wait States (E) will be set if possible. The value of Memory Wait States (D) is the actual number of wait states, not the number of wait states added.
Some peripherals are dependent on the CPU speed. For example, the Z180 ASCI baud rate and system timer are derived from the CPU speed. The Set CPU Speed function will attempt to adjust these peripherals for correct operation after modifying the CPU speed. However, in some cases this may not be possible. The baud rate of ASCI ports have a limited set of divisors. If there is no satisfactory divisor to retain the existing baud rate under the new CPU speed, then the baud rate of the ASCI port(s) will be affected.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xFA | A: Status |
D: Bank ID | E: Byte Value |
HL: Memory Address |
This function retrieves and returns the Byte Value from the specified Bank ID (D) and Memory Address (HL). The bank specified is not range checked. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xFB | A: Status |
D: Bank ID | |
HL: Memory Address | |
E: Byte Value |
This function sets the Byte Value (E) in the specified Bank ID (D) and Memory Address (HL). The bank specified is not range checked. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xFC | A: Status |
C: Subfunction |
This function allows the caller to query information about the interrupt configuration of the running system and allows adding or hooking interrupt handlers dynamically. Register C is used to specify a subfunction. Additional input and output registers may be used as defined by the sub-function. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Note that during interrupt processing, the lower 32K of CPU address space will contain the RomWBW HBIOS code bank, not the lower 32K of application TPA. As such, a dynamically installed interrupt handler does not have access to the lower 32K of TPA and must be careful to avoid modifying the contents of the lower 32K of memory. Invoking RomWBW HBIOS functions within an interrupt handler is not supported.
Interrupt handlers are different under IM1 and IM2.
Interrupt Mode 1:
: The new interrupt handler is responsible for chaining (JP) to the previous vector if the interrupt is not handled. If the interrupt is handled, the new handler may simply return (RET). When chaining to the previous interrupt handler, ZF must be set if interrupt is handled and ZF cleared if not handled. The interrupt management framework takes care of saving and restoring AF, BC, DE, HL, and IY. Any other registers modified must be saved and restored by the interrupt handler.
Interrupt Mode 2:
: The new interrupt handler may either replace or hook the previous interrupt handler. To replace the previous interrupt handler, the new handler just returns (RET) when done. To hook the previous handler, the new handler can chain (JP) to the previous vector. Note that initially all IM2 interrupt vectors are set to be handled as “BAD” meaning that the interrupt is unexpected. In most cases, you do not want to chain to the previous vector because it will cause the interrupt to display a "BAD INT" system panic message.
The interrupt framework will take care of issuing an EI and RETI instruction. Do not put these instructions in your new handler. Additionally, interrupt management framework takes care of saving and restoring AF, BC, DE, HL, and IY. Any other registers modified must be saved and restored by the interrupt handler.
If the caller is transient, then the caller must remove the new interrupt handler and restore the original one prior to termination. This is accomplished by calling this function with the Interrupt Vector set to the Previous Vector returned in the original call.
The caller is responsible for disabling interrupts prior to making an INTSET call and enabling them afterwards. The caller is responsible for ensuring that a valid interrupt handler is installed prior to enabling any hardware interrupts associated with the handler. Also, if the handler is transient, the caller must disable the hardware interrupt(s) associated with the handler prior to uninstalling it.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xFC | A: Status |
C: 0x00 | D: Interrupt Mode |
E: IVT Size |
Return current Interrupt Mode (D) of the system. Also return the number of Interrupt Vector Table (IVT) entries in IVT Size (E). interrupt mode in D and size of interrupt vector table in E. For IM1, the size of the table is the number of vectors chained together. For IM2, the size of the table is the number of slots in the vector table. The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xFC | A: Status |
C: 0x10 | HL: IVT Address |
E: IVT Index |
This function will return the IVT Address (HL) of the current interrupt vector for the specified IVT Index (C). The Status (A) is a standard HBIOS result code.
Entry Parameters | Returned Values |
B: 0xFC | A: Status |
C: 0x20 | HL: Previous Interrupt Address |
E: IVT Index | |
HL: Interrupt Address |
This function will set a new Interrupt Address (HL) at the IVT Index (E) specified. On return, the Previous Interrupt Address (HL) will be provided.
ROMWBW tries to provide useful information when a run time or build time error occurs. Many sections of the code also have code blocks that can be enable to aid in debugging and in some cases the level of reporting detail can be customized.
A panic error indicates a non-recoverable error. The processor status is displayed on the console and interrupts are disabled and execution is halted. A cold boot or reset is required to restart.
Example error message:
>>> PANIC: @06C4[DFA3:DFC3:0100:F103:04FC:0000:2B5E]
*** System Halted ***
The format of the information provided is
@XXXX [-AF-:-BC-:-DE-:-HL-:-SP-:-IX-:-IY-]
Where @XXXX
is the address the panic was called from. The other information
is the CPU register contents.
Possible reasons a PANIC may occur are:
- RAM Bank range error when attempting a read or write to a RAM disk.
- Sector read function has not been setup but a read was attempted.
- An interrupt vector has not been set up when an interrupt was received.
- There was an attempt to add more devices than the device table had room for.
- An illegal SD card command was encountered.
memory address can be cross referenced with the build source code to identify
which section of the software or hardware caused the fault.
A syschk error is identified when an internal error is detected. When this occurs an error code is returned to the calling program in the A register. A non-zero result indicates an error.
Syschk errors may be reported to the console. Whether this occurs depends on the value of the diagnosis level equate DIAGLVL. By default syschk errors are not reported to the console.
If the diagnosis level is set to display the diagnosis information, then memory address, register dump and error code is displayed. A key difference with the PANIC error is that execution may be continued.
Example error message:
>>> SYSCHK: @06C4[DFA3:DFC3:0100:F103:04FC:0000:2B5E] FD Continue (Y/N)
The format of the information provided is similar the PANIC report.
@XXXX [-AF-:-BC-:-DE-:-HL-:-SP-:-IX-:-IY-] YY
The syschk error codes YY is returned in the A register.
Error | Code YY |
Success | 0x00 |
Undefined Error | 0xFF |
Function Not Implemented | 0xFE |
Invalid Function | 0xFD |
Invalid Unit Number | 0xFC |
Out Of Memory | 0xFB |
Parameter Out Of Range | 0xFA |
Media Not Present | 0xF9 |
Hardware Not Present | 0xF8 |
I/O Error | 0xF7 |
Write Request To Read-Only Media | 0xF6 |
Device Timeout | 0xF5 |
Invalid Configuration | 0xF4 |
Internal Error | 0xF3 |
place holder
Progress through the boot and initialization process can be difficult to monitor due to the lack of console or video output. Access to these output devices does not become available until late the in the boot process. If these output devices are also involved with the issue trying to be resolved then trouble shooting is even more difficult.
ROMWBW can be configured to display boot progress with the assistance of additional hardware. This take the form of an LED breakout debugging board connected to an 8-bit output port. As the boot code executes, the LED output display is updated.
To use a LED breakout board, it must be connected the computers data, reset and port select lines.
To enable the DIAG option the following settings must be made in the systems .ini configuration file, where 0xnn is the port address.
The following table shows the ROMWBW process steps in relation to the LED display.
LED | RomWBW Processes |
........ |
Initial boot |
Jump to start address | |
Disable interrupts | |
Set interrupt mode | |
Initialize critical ports and baud rate | |
.......O |
Setup initial stack |
Memory manager and CPU configuration | |
Set top bank to be RAM | |
......OO |
Get and save battery condition |
Install HBIOS proxy in upper memory | |
If platform is MBC reconfigure memory manager | |
Setup "ROMLESS" HBIOS image or ... | |
Copy HBIOS from ROM to RAM if RAM flag not set | |
Jump to HBIOS in RAM | |
Set running in RAM flag | |
.....OOO |
Finalize configuration for running in RAM |
Check battery condition | |
Check for recovery mode boot | |
....OOOO |
Identify CPU type |
...OOOOO |
Set cpu oscillator speed |
Setup counter-timers | |
Setup heap | |
Preconsole initialization |
Boot delay |
Set boot console device | |
Bios announcement | |
Display platform information |
Display memory configuration | |
Display CPU family | |
Verify ROM checksum | |
Report battery condition | |
Perform device driver initialization | |
Report watchdog status | |
Mark HBIOS heap so it is preserved | |
Switch from boot console to CRT if active | |
Display device summary | |
Execute boot loader |
This section is a work in progress...
The following section outlines the read only data referenced by the
, subfunctions xxxFN
for specific drivers.
Name | Offset | Bytes | Description |
PPIA | 0 | 1 | PPI PORT A |
PPIB | 1 | 1 | PPI PORT B |
PPIC | 2 | 1 | PPI PORT C |
Below are the register mirror values | |||
that HBIOS used for initialisation | |||
REG. 0 | 6 | 1 | $00 - NO EXTERNAL VID |
REG. 1 | 7 | 1 | $50 or $70 - SET MODE 1 and interrupt if enabled |
REG. 2 | 8 | 1 | $00 - PATTERN NAME TABLE := 0 |
REG. 3 | 9 | 1 | $00 - NO COLOR TABLE |
REG. 4 | 10 | 1 | $01 - SET PATTERN GENERATOR TABLE TO $800 |
REG. 6 | 12 | 1 | $00 - NO SPRITE GENERATOR TABLE |
REG. 7 | 13 | 1 | $F0 - WHITE ON BLACK |
DCNTL* | 14 | 1 | Z180 DMA/WAIT CONTROL |