To develop the plug in local environment along with care, follow the steps below:
- Go to the care root directory and clone the plugin repository:
cd care
git clone
- Add the plugin config in
hello_plugin = Plug(
name="camera", # name of the django app in the plugin
package_name="/app/care_camera_asset", # this has to be /app/ + plugin folder name
version="", # keep it empty for local development
configs={}, # plugin configurations if any
plugs = [hello_plug]
- Tweak the code in plugs/, install the plugin in editable mode
[sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", "-e", *packages] # add -e flag to install in editable mode
- Rebuild the docker image and run the server
make re-build
make up
Do not push these changes in a PR. These changes are only for local development.
To install care camera asset, you can add the plugin config in care/ as follows:
hello_plug = Plug(
plugs = [hello_plug]
Extended Docs on Plug Installation
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
This plugin was created with Cookiecutter using the ohcnetwork/care-plugin-cookiecutter.