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Configuration guide
This is a general guide to setting up TBot. If you need specific help, please write us a message on the Discord server:
"Credentials": {
"Universe": "",
"Email": "",
"Password": "",
"Language": "",
"LobbyPioneers": false,
"BasicAuth": {
"Username": "",
"Password": ""
In the "Credentials" section, enter the information as follows.
"Universe": "", is the name of your universe with a capital initial letter
"Email": "", is the address you use to log in to Ogame
"Password": "", is the password you use to log in to Ogame
"Language": "", is the language setting of your universe, in non-capital letters
"LobbyPioneers": false, is only for the Pioneers Lobby, if you are not sure, leave it out, otherwise set it to true
"Universe" is the name of your universe with a capital initial letter (e.g. Myuniverse ). "Email" is the address you use to log in to Ogame and the "Password". The "Language" setting consists of the two letters that represent the language setting of your universe, in non-capital letters(e.g. en, es, it, fr, ar etc.), which is also the country of the server. LobbyPioneers
is only for the Pioneers Lobby, set it to true and use your credentials in the username
and password
"Host": "localhost",
"Port": "8080",
In this section, the Host
setting is used so you can access the game in the browser and play. For example, if you leave localhost, you'll access the game in the address http://localhost:8080/game/index.php , but it'll only be accessible from your computer. If you set it to your computer's local network IP address, (ex., you can access it at and so on. As for the Port
, you can use any port you want, just try not to set it to anything another program is using.
This is not the bot's WebUI, the port for the WebUI is defined in the setting.json file and is http://localhost:9090 by default. From the WebUI you can access and edit the instance_setting.json file, access the log with sorting functions, and access the game.
"Proxy": {
"Enabled": false,
"Address": "",
"Type": "socks5",
"Username": "",
"Password": "",
"LoginOnly": true
"CaptchaAPIKey": "",
"CustomTitle": "",
"SlotsToLeaveFree": 1
refers to as where you want to use a proxy or not. If you want it set to true. Address
is the Proxy's IP address, and type can be for example socks4, socks5, etc, depending on your proxy. Also, you can write here the Username
and Password
to login to your proxy service. If LoginOnly
is set to true, TBot only uses it to login to the game.
will modify the titlebar of the command prompt or shell window where TBot is running, which helps ID the account it is working on.
refers to how many slots will missions sent by TBot leave free for playing or contingency, so as to not take all spaces up. This setting is overridden when being attacked, so be careful to procure many free slots in the game via the Store or increasing computing research.
"SleepMode": {
"Active": false,
"GoToSleep": "23:15",
"WakeUp": "07:05",
"PreventIfThereAreFleets": true, // wait for all fleet before sleep time if set to true, if set to false don't wait until all fleet are back ,fleet back after sleep time stay on planet during sleep, tbot will not send fleet that return after sleep time regardless of this parameter
"TelegramMessenger": {
"Active": false
Sleep Mode settings go as follows:
must be set to true or false. If true, TBot will turn itself off completely at the GoToSleep
set time, and it takes into account SERVER TIME (your computer or server), TBot will then wake up at the time set in the WakeUp
line (notice 24 hr format). If PreventIfThereAreFleets
is set to true, TBot will wait for fleets to return before going into sleep mode, else it will not wait. The TelegramMessenger
setting here lets you know via message that TBot is about to go to sleep. Sleep mode means the program does not interact with Ogame servers, so take into account that all other missions and even the defender setting will be overlooked during sleep.
"AutoFleetSave": {
"Active": true,
"OnlyMoons": true,
"DeutToLeave": 200000,
"Recall": true,
"DefaultMission": "Deploy"
can be enabled to make your fleet fly before entering SleepMode. If OnlyMoons
is set to true, it will only make fleets on moons fly. DeutToLeave
is set for all fleet takeoff locations. If Recall
is enabled, TBot will recall the fleet in time for it to return home by the WakeUp
time. DefaultMission
can be set to 'Deploy', 'Colonize', 'Harvest', or 'Spy' to define the mission used to send the fleet.
"Defender": {
"Active": true,
"CheckIntervalMin": 1,
"CheckIntervalMax": 22,
"IgnoreProbes": true,
"DefendFromMissiles": true,
"IgnoreWeakAttack": false,
"WeakAttackRatio": 3,
"RandomActivity": true,
"Home": {
"Galaxy": 1,
"System": 1,
"Position": 1,
"Type": "Planet"
The Defender Settings begin with the Active
setting, which is set to true or false. If it is set to true, TBot will check for attacks at a random time set between the following options CheckIntervalMin
and CheckIntervalMax
, which are set in minutes. If IgnoreProbes
is set to true, TBot will do nothing if attacked by probes (not spying missions, just probes in the attacking fleet). Defender will also ignore WeakAttacks
, when the next setting is set to true, and the WeakAttackRatio
setting works as follows: if it is set to for example 2, it will NOT ignore if attacking fleet is over 1/2 of your fleet, or if set to 3, it will NOT ignore if attacking fleet is over 1/3 of your fleet. If say you want it to ignore everything except a fleet as big as yours, you can set it to 1 or if you want it to ignore fleets less than double the size of your fleet, you can set it to 0.5.
The actions TBot does once an attack is being received and is not ignored begins with the Autofleet
setting, which when set to true will send you a message if specified to do so in the TelegramMessenger
and it will let you know the player attacking, where the attack is being sent to, and if your espionage tech is high enough, the composition of the attacking fleet. This setting can be set to true or false. Also, TBot will then schedule and send your fleet to another place in order to save it from the attack.
Other actions by the Defender settings are SpyAttacker
, MessageAttacker
and TelegramMessenger
which are self explanatory, and Alarm
, which if set to true, will play a loud sound in your computer (useless if TBot is in a remote server) .
The WhiteList
setting tells TBot which players (by their Ogame ID) are allowed to attack your account, even if Defender is enabled.
To find a player's ID, you can go to http://localhost:8080/api/players.xml (adjust if you have changed the default setting).
This section controls most of the actions in TBot, specially when it comes to building things and researching.
"Brain": {
"Active": true,
The above setting turn all of the Brain functions on or off.
The Transports section sets a kind of ship and a planet of origin from which resources will be sent to other planets. The DeutToLeave
setting is the ammount of Deuterium to be left in the origin coordinates. If you set the "Exclude":
to some coordinates, it will not ship resources or build things in those coordinates.
"AutoMine": { "Active": true, This section turn on or off the AutoMine actions, which include settings for the maximum levels for all the buildings you want on your planets/ moons. For example, the line:
"MaxMetalMine": 40,
"MaxCrystalMine": 35,
means the max metal mine to be built by the brain is a level 40 mine, etceteras. The following lines:
"OptimizeForStart": true,
"PrioritizeRobotsAndNanites": false,
"BuildDepositIfFull": false, //build deposit regardless of `DepositHours`if it's full
"DepositHours": 6, //calculates and builds storage for x hours (here it's 6)
"MaxDaysOfInvestmentReturn": 365, //Will not build if the ROI Exede 365, can help egualise planets, but will need to be adapted.
"DeutToLeaveOnMoons": 1000000,
"CheckIntervalMin": 10,
"CheckIntervalMax": 20
are especially useful in the beginning, when your priorities in terms of buildings have to do with getting Nanites built and your deposits with some space. Also in the initial part of the game, it is important for the Brain to check often what needs to be built.
"LifeformAutoMine": {
"Active": true,
"Transports": {
"Active": true //if not set to true, bot will construct (if "Active": true,) if the resource is on the planet, but will not send the resource.
"StartFromCrystalMineLvl": 20, //Until this level is reached in the Crystal Mine, the bot will not build a lifeform.
"MaxBasePopulationBuilding": 60,
"MaxBaseFoodBuilding": 62,
"MaxBaseTechBuilding": 6,
"MaxT2Building": 10, //Set the level for the building to create a T2 lifeform.
"MaxT3Building": 8, //Set the level for the building to create a T3 lifeform.
"MaxBuilding6": 5,
"MaxBuilding7": 5,
"MaxBuilding8": 5,
"MaxBuilding9": 5,
"MaxBuilding10": 5,
"MaxBuilding11": 5,
"MaxBuilding12": 5,
"Exclude": [
"Galaxy": 3,
"System": 333,
"Position": 15,
"Type": "Planet"
"PreventIfMoreExpensiveThanNextMine": true, // if the next best building in lifeform costs more than the next best building from automine it will not be started if this is set to true
"CheckIntervalMin": 30,
"CheckIntervalMax": 60
"LifeformAutoResearch": {
"Active": true,
"Transports": {
"Active": true //if not set to true, bot will research (if "Active": true,) if the resource is on the planet, but will not send the resource.
"MaxResearchLevel": 6, //don't do anything anymore, but can't be removed
"MaxTechs11": 6, // 1x are T1 tech, the first tech is top left in the order where they are unlocked.
"MaxTechs12": 6,
"MaxTechs13": 6,
"MaxTechs14": 6,
"MaxTechs15": 6,
"MaxTechs16": 6,
"MaxTechs21": 6, // T2 tech
"MaxTechs22": 6,
"MaxTechs23": 6,
"MaxTechs24": 6,
"MaxTechs25": 6,
"MaxTechs26": 6,
"MaxTechs31": 6, //T3 tech
"MaxTechs32": 6,
"MaxTechs33": 6,
"MaxTechs34": 6,
"MaxTechs35": 6,
"MaxTechs36": 6,
"Exclude": [
"Galaxy": 3,
"System": 333,
"Position": 15,
"Type": "Planet"
"CheckIntervalMin": 30,
"CheckIntervalMax": 60
When this setting is set to true, TBot will do the research in the planet set, much like the brain builds things. So you set the levels of technologies you want, a Target planet to do the research, an origin and type of ship to sent the resources to complete the research. It can be the same or a different planet from the AutoMine
In the early game, the settings:
"OptimizeForStart": true,
"EnsureExpoSlots": true,
"PrioritizeAstrophysics": true,
"PrioritizePlasmaTechnology": true,
"PrioritizeEnergyTechnology": true,
"PrioritizeIntergalacticResearchNetwork": true,
"CheckIntervalMin": 10,
"CheckIntervalMax": 20
will help you get the Astrophysics going, and in the late game, you can set it to research the only profitable techs, Plasma, Energy ,Intergalactic Research Network, and Astrophysics.
"AutoCargo": {
"Active": true, //-- True - On //-- False - Off
"ExcludeMoons": true, //-- True doesn't try to build ships on moons, //-- False tries to build ships on moons
"CargoType": "LargeCargo", //-- Cargo/Ship Type to build: LargeCargo/SmallCargo/Recycler/Pathfinder/ etc.
"RandomOrder": true, //-- True build in random order on planets/moons //-- False build in order on planets/moons
"MaxCargosToBuild": 50, //-- Maximum amount to build on check
"MaxCargosToKeep": 50, //-- Maximum amount to keep on planet (won't build if it's above this number)
"LimitToCapacity": true, //-- True - Limits building cargo ships to amount planet/moon can hold in storage //-- False - ignores limit of storages on planet/moon
"SkipIfIncomingTransport": true, //-- True - skips building ships if transport is coming to planet/moon //-- False - Ignores incoming transport
"Exclude": [
"Galaxy": 3,
"System": 333,
"Position": 15,
"Type": "Moon" //-- Doesn't build ships on these planets/moons
"CheckIntervalMin": 60, //-- Minimum wait time in minutes to check if build ships again "maybe not implemented"
"CheckIntervalMax": 240 //-- Maximum wait time in minutes to check if build ships again "maybe not implemented"
"AutoRepatriate": {
"Active": true, //-- True - Enabled, false - Disabled
"ExcludeMoons": false, //-- True - Exclude moons from being repatriated, false - Include moons
"MinimumResources": 1000000, //-- Minimum amount of resources (e.g. metal, crystal) to repatriate.
"LeaveDeut": { //-- Settings to leave deuterium on target
"OnlyOnMoons": true, //-- True - leave deuterium on moons only, false - leave deuterium on both planets and moons
"DeutToLeave": 1000000 //-- Amount of deuterium to leave behind.
"Target": { //-- Target planet/moon to send resources to
"Galaxy": 5,
"System": 63,
"Position": 8,
"Type": "Moon" //-- Target type: "Planet" or "Moon
"CargoType": "LargeCargo", //-- Type of cargo to use for the transport (e.g. "LargeCargo", "SmallCargo")
"RandomOrder": true,
"SkipIfIncomingTransport": true, //-- True - skip the collection if another transport is already on its way, false - collect regardless.
"Exclude": [ //-- List of planets/moons to exclude from repatriation.
"Galaxy": 3,
"System": 333,
"Position": 15,
"Type": "Planet" //-- Set if you are excluding the planet or moon at this position
"CheckIntervalMin": 30, //-- Minimum time in minutes to wait before checking again for repatriation.
"CheckIntervalMax": 60 //-- Maximum time in minutes to wait before checking again for repatriation
"Expeditions": {
"Active": true, /Expeditions On(true) - Off (false)
"MinWaitNextFleet": 5, /minimum time between expeditions sent in same wave (in seconds)
"MaxWaitNextFleet": 15, /maximum time between expeditions sent in same wave (in seconds)
"PrimaryShip": "LargeCargo", /primary ship you want to use (SmallCargo, LargeCargo, Pathfinder)
"MinPrimaryToSend": 1000, /at least how many primary ships you want tbot to sent to expedition
"PrimaryToKeep": 10000, /at least how many primary ships you want tbot to keep on planet/moon that expeditions will be sent from
"SecondaryShip": "Null", /secondary ship you want to use (SmallCargo, LargeCargo, Pathfinder)
"MinSecondaryToSend": 0, /at least how many secondary ships you want tbot to sent to expedition
"SecondaryToPrimaryRatio": 2, /maximum how many of secondary ships in accordance to primary ones should be sent
"ManualShips": {
"Active": false, /Manual Expeditions On(true) - Off (false) -
"Ships": {
"LargeCargo": 1300,
"LightFighter": 26000,
"Reaper": 1,
"Pathfinder": 1,
"EspionageProbe": 1
"WaitForAllExpeditions": false /if true tbot will wait for all expeditions to come back before sending next round of expeditions
"WaitForMajorityOfExpeditions": false, /if true tbot will wait for at least half expeditions to come back before sending next round of expeditions
"MinWaitNextRound": 30, /minimum time between expeditions rounds sent (in minutes)
"MaxWaitNextRound": 300, /maximum time between expeditions rounds sent (in minutes)
"SplitExpeditionsBetweenSystems": {
"Active": false, /if false tbot will sent expeditions to only same sistem as origin
"Range": 1 /If true, it will split them between different systems (1 expedition per system), range 0 is +-0-1 from origin, range 1 is +-0-2 from origin, etc...
"RandomizeOrder": true, /if false tbot will send expeditions in origin order specified below, it true it will randomise order
"FuelToCarry": 20000, /how much fuel to sent on expedition (in case of attack tbot will fleetsave the fleet on the origin with all resources leaving 0 deuterium and when expedition comes back if no deuterium was sent on expedition (and none found this time), tbot cannot fleetsave that fleet)
"Origin": [ /from where expeditions should be sent, at least 1 origin needs to be specified
"Galaxy": 5,
"System": 63,
"Position": 8,
"Type": "Moon"
"Galaxy": 5,
"System": 64,
"Position": 8,
"Type": "Moon"
Automatic mode is recommended and will send 1 of the best fighter ships you have (probably Reaper), 1 EspionageProbe and 1 Pathfinder with the requested ship (if available). The number of PrimaryShip send is calculated by Tbot and take into acount lifeform bonus to reach the maximum return possible, if the number of selected ship is not enough it will send the maximum ship available minus those to keep and will divide those ship between all free slot, if a slot is not free when sending it will not be taken into account when dividing the number of avaible ship.
For example :
Mission: Expedition. Speed: 100% Ships: Destroyer: 1; LargeCargo: 436; EspionageProbe: 1; Pathfinder: 1;
Don't distinguish between the Spy Probe sent for the Auto Farm and the Spy Fleet for Fleet Save.
parameter in Auto Farm determines the maximum number of seconds the script will wait for a fleet slot to become available. If no slot opens up within this timeframe, the script will stop waiting and set a new timer to attempt farming again later.
"AutoColonize": {
"Active": true, //build ship and colonize or not
"Origin": { //from where to send ship
"Galaxy": 5,
"System": 64,
"Position": 8,
"Type": "Planet"
"SlotsToLeaveFree": 0,
"Abandon": {
"Active": true, //Abandon *new* planets based on condition, don't abandon a planet after you have a few buildings on it.
"MinTemperatureAcceptable": -130, //under this value, the planet goes bye-bye
"MaxTemperatureAcceptable": 260 //above this value, the planet goes bye-bye
"IntensiveResearch" : { //Send more than one ship, even if you only have one planet left to find, you may need to build ships manually.
"Active": false,
"MaxSlots": 10,
"MinWaitNextFleet": 25, // Time between two ships, if you have a lot of returning ships increase both.
"MaxWaitNextFleet": 55
"Targets": [ // where you want you next planet
"Galaxy": 1,
"StartSystem": 123,
"EndSystem": 123,
"StartPosition": 7,
"EndPosition": 9,
"MaxPlanets": 1 //maximum number of planets with these parameters, here it would be 1 planet between 7 and 9 in system 123
"Galaxy": 3,
"StartSystem": 150,
"EndSystem": 350,
"StartPosition": 15,
"EndPosition": 15,
"MaxPlanets": 2 //maximum number of planets with these parameters, here it would be 2 planets at pos 15 betwen system 150 and 350
"RandomPosition": true,
"CheckIntervalMin": 30,
"CheckIntervalMax": 60
"AutoDiscovery": {
"Active": true, //Send Discovery Fleet or not
"Origin": {
"Galaxy": 5,
"System": 64,
"Position": 8,
"Type": "Planet"
"MaxSlots": 5, //max number of slots used by discovery, can't be more than the number of fleets you have minus `SlotsToLeaveFree` (see `General`)
"MaxFailures": 5, //Once reached, it waits an interval before retrying.
"CheckIntervalMin": 30,
"CheckIntervalMax": 60
WARNING: You must have unlocked the lifeform to send discovery for AutoDiscovery to work (Human, First Tech)
Defence can only be used with /build
- SmallCargo
- LargeCargo
- LightFighter
- HeavyFighter
- Cruiser
- Battleship
- ColonyShip
- Recycler
- EspionageProbe
- Bomber
- SolarSatellite
- Destroyer
- Deathstar
- Battlecruiser
- Crawler
- Reaper
- Pathfinder
- PlasmaTurret
- IonCannon
- GaussCannon
- HeavyLaser
- LightLaser
- RocketLauncher
- AntiBallisticMissiles
- Left click -> pause
- Right click or any letter -> unpause
- If Selection is written in the console title, you are in "pause".
check the README.md for the setup and a command list like /help to get the list of commands available in telegram when using telegram (also don't forget to set the time unit with /ghost, it will not count 1h59 as wrong but as 1h).