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ODPi Runtime Specification: 2.0

Date of Publication:

Status: Draft


Specifications covering Platforms based upon Apache Hadoop and Apache Hive. Compatibility guidelines for Applications running on Platforms.

Included Projects

This specification covers:

  • Apache Hadoop® 2.7, including all maintenance releases.
  • Apache Hadoop® 2.7, compatible filesystems (HCFS).
  • Apache Hive™.

Maintenance releases indicate bug fix releases connected to the indicated minor release. For example, at the time of this writing the Hadoop 2.7 line has two maintenance releases, 2.7.1 and 2.7.2. Thus versions 2.7.0, 2.7.1, and 2.7.2 all satisfy this specification.


The goals of the ODPi Runtime Specification are:

  1. For End-Users: Ability to run any Applications on any Platform and have it work.

  2. For Software Vendors : Compatibility guidelines that enable them to ensure thier Applications are interoperable across any Platform.

  3. For Platform Vendors: Compliance guidelines that enable Applications to run successfully on their Platform. But the guidelines must allow Platform Vendors to patch their End-Users in an expeditious manner, to deal with emergencies.

The methodology used in ODPi Runtime Specification is defining the interface(s) between Services on an Platform (such as HDFS) and Applications that achieves the above goals. These interface(s) in turn can be used by Software Vendors to properly build their software, and will be used as the basis of a compliance test suite that can be used by Platform Vendors to test compliance.

Technical Context

At this time the ODPi Runtime Specification is strongly based on the exact behaviour of the underlying Apache projects. Part of compliance is specified as shipping a Platform built from a specific line of Hadoop, namely 2.7. It is expected that the Hadoop version the spec is based on will evolve as both Hadoop and this specification evolve.

The Hadoop implementation leaves many degrees of freedom in how Hadoop is deployed and configured--and also how it is used (e.g., nothing stops Applications from calling private interfaces). These degrees of freedom can interfere with the objectives of the ODPi Runtime Specification. The goal of this spec is to close enough of those freedoms to achieve those objectives.

The source code approach is not followed in the same way for Hive. Instead a set of interfaces that are deemed to be important for applications and users are specified to be fully compatible with Hive 1.2.

Specification Format

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

Each entry will have a designation (free text in square brackets) in order to pinpoint which parts of the specification are in violation during certification.

The designation [TEST_ENVIRONMENT] is reserved for entries that are defining constraints on the environment in which Platforms are expected to run. The output of the reference implementation validation testsuite is expected to capture enough information to identify whether the test execution environment conforms to the specification.

Build Specifications

Platforms MUST conform to the following build specifications.

Version Specifications

  • [HADOOP_VERSION] For this version of the ODPi Runtime Specification, Platforms MUST include a descendent of the Hadoop 2.7 branch. Future versions MAY increase the base Hadoop version.

  • The Apache components in a Platform MUST have their source be 100% committed to an Apache source tree.

Patch Specifications

While ODPi can be more prescriptive when it comes to the source code and release timing of major and minor releases of Apache components, Platform Vendors need more flexibility in dealing with patch releases. In particular, to deal with urgent security or availability problems for their customers, Platform Vendors need to be able to do just about anything to triage an emergency situation. Even after an emergency is dealt with, some customers, Software Vendors and/or Platform Vendors are very conservative about change-management and providers need flexibility to work with such customers.

  • [ODPi_PATCH1] Platforms have full flexibility to release fixes to customers who are facing urgent security or availability issues. Once operations are restored to normal, however, these emergency fixes MUST eventually be replaced with more permanent patches that comply with the specifications listed here.

  • [ODPi_PATCH2] Patches to Apache components MUST have the source available to the Apache community, posted via the project-specific bug-tracking system (like JIRA). The vendor SHOULD make reasonable efforts to get the patch committed.

  • [ODPi_PATCH3] Patches to Apache components MUST be to deal with major security, availability, compatibility, or correctness issues. Patches MUST be 100% backward compatible (as defined by Hadoop's compatibility guidelines) and MUST NOT be used to add features of any kind.

  • ODPi MUST itself issue official patch releases to the reference release to deal with very major security, availability, or correctness issues.

Minimum Native build specifications

The native libraries of Hadoop have historically been a particular point of pain for Software Vendors. The specifications in this subsection should reduce that pain. These options guarantee a minimum set of basic functionalities that MUST be available for each of these components, including Hadoop native operating system resources required for enabling Kerberos, many Java/OS performance and functionality enhancements, and the GZip and Snappy codec compression libraries. Platforms MAY enable other features such as file system encryption, however they are considered optional and not part of the base specification.


  • hadoop-common-project MUST be built with:

    • [HADOOP_CNATIVE1] -Pnative or -Pnative-win (build, which also enables ZLib/gzip compression codec)

    • [HADOOP_CNATIVE2] -Drequire.snappy (enable Snappy compression)


  • hadoop-hdfs-project MUST be built with:

    • [HADOOP_HNATIVE1] -Pnative or -Pnative-win (enable


  • hadoop-yarn-project MUST be built with:

    • [HADOOP_YNATIVE1] -Pnative or -Pnative-win (build and include an appropriate container executor)


  • hadoop-mapreduce-project MUST be built with:

    • [HADOOP_MNATIVE1] -Drequire.snappy (enable Snappy support in the MapReduce native client)

Runtime Environment for Application Code

Minimum Versions

Applications on Unix platforms need to understand the base specification of some key components of which they write software. Two of those components are the Java runtime environment and the shell environment.

  • [TEST_ENVIRONMENT] OS: ODPi Platforms SHOULD be clear what operating systems are supported.

  • [TEST_ENVIRONMENT] Java: Platforms SHOULD provide jars that are JDK 1.7 bytecode compatible, thus allowing them to run in both JRE 7 and JRE 8 runtime environments. 64-bit environments MUST be supported. Applications SHOULD work in at least one of JRE 7 or JRE 8, and SHOULD be clear when they don’t support both.

  • [TEST_ENVIRONMENT] Shell scripts: On Unix and Unix-like systems, Platforms and Applications SHOULD use either POSIX sh or GNU bash with the appropriate bang path configured for that operating system. GNU bash usage SHOULD NOT require any version of GNU bash later than 3.2. On Windows, Platforms and Applications SHOULD use Microsoft batch or PowerShell.

Environment Variables

Hadoop uses several critical environment variables to determine the Java class path and location of configuration information. As a result, they become the glue that holds together not only Hadoop itself but also anything that connects to it. (See this document for related Hadoop documentation.)

In order to fulfill the goals of this specification, the discovery and content of several key environment variables are covered. This enables applications the capability to locate where the various Hadoop components are located (user-level binaries and Java JAR files) in a Platform consistent way.

The following environment variables are noted by this spec:

Test Designation Environment Variable Type Description
[HADOOP_EJH1] JAVA_HOME Absolute Dir Location of Java
[HADOOP_EC1] HADOOP_TOOLS_PATH Class Path Supplemental Hadoop jars for extra functionality
[HADOOP_EC2] HADOOP_COMMON_HOME Absolute Dir Home directory of the Hadoop 'common' component
[HADOOP_EC3] HADOOP_COMMON_DIR Relative Dir Hadoop common jars
[HADOOP_EC4] HADOOP_COMMON_LIB_JARS_DIR Relative Dir Hadoop common jar dependencies
[HADOOP_EC5] HADOOP_CONF_DIR Absolute Dir Location of Hadoop configuration files
[HADOOP_EH1] HADOOP_HDFS_HOME Absolute Dir Home directory of the Hadoop HDFS component
[HADOOP_EH2] HDFS_DIR Relative Dir Hadoop HDFS jars
[HADOOP_EH3] HDFS_LIB_JARS_DIR Relative Dir Additional Hadoop HDFS jar dependencies
[HADOOP_EY1] HADOOP_YARN_HOME Absolute Dir Home directory of the Hadoop YARN component
[HADOOP_EY2] YARN_DIR Relative Dir Hadoop YARN jars
[HADOOP_EY3] YARN_LIB_JARS_DIR Relative Dir Additional Hadoop YARN jar dependencies
[HADOOP_EM1] HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME Absolute Dir Home directory of the Hadoop MapReduce component
[HADOOP_EM2] MAPRED_DIR Relative Dir Hadoop MapReduce jars
[HADOOP_EM3] MAPRED_LIB_JARS_DIR Relative Dir Additional Hadoop MapReduce jar dependencies
  • The content of the *_DIR directories SHOULD be the same as the Reference Platform. In a future release, this will become a MUST.

  • [HADOOP_ENVVAR] All previously named environment variables mentioned in this section MUST be either explicitly set or readable via running the appropriate bin command with the envvars parameter. In the situation where these variables are not explicitly set, the appropriate commands MUST be available on the path. For example, hadoop envvars should provide output similar to the following:

$ hadoop envvars
  • [HADOOP_EJH2] A Platform MUST either explicitly set JAVA_HOME or configure it in and In a future specification, will be removed.

  • [HADOOP_EJH2] A Platform MUST set the HADOOP_CONF_DIR environment variable to point to the Platform's configuration directory if config files aren’t being stored in *_HOME/etc/hadoop.

  • [HADOOP_TOOLS] The location of the tools jars and other miscellaneous jars SHOULD be set to the HADOOP_TOOLS_PATH environment variable. This is used as input for setting Java class paths, therefore this MUST be an absolute path. It MAY contain additional content above and beyond what ships with the Reference Platform. The entire directory SHOULD NOT be included in the default Hadoop class path. Individual jars MAY be specified.

  • [HADOOP_USERS] ODPi Platform can OPTIONALLY define a set of user ids and group ids that correspond to a set of running services. The list of user and group ids if defined SHOULD be clearly stated. E.g. The user id, hdfs, and group id,hadoop, is used for the HDFS service.


Hadoop Compliance

  • [HADOOP_SUBPROJS] Platforms MUST have all of the base Hadoop components installed.

  • [HADOOP_BIGTOP] Platforms MUST pass the Apache Big Top™ 1.0.0 Hadoop smoke tests.

  • [TEST_ENVIRONMENT] Platforms MUST NOT change public APIs, where an API is defined as either a Java API (aka "Hadoop ABI") or a REST API. See the Hadoop Compatibility guidelines for more information.

  • [HADOOP_PLATVER] Platforms MUST modify the version string output by Hadoop components, such as those displayed in log files, or returned via public API's such that they contain -(vendor string) or _(vendor string) where (vendor string) matches the regular expression [A-Za-z_0-9]+ and appropriately identifies the Platform Vendor in the output.

  • A Platform MUST keep the same basic directory layout with regards to directory and filenames as the equivalent upstream Apache component. Changes to that directory layout MUST be enabled by the component itself with the appropriate configurations for that layout configured. For example, if Apache Hadoop YARN's package distribution contains a libexec directory with content, then that libexec directory with the equivalent content must be preset. Additionally:

    • [HADOOP_DIRSTRUCT_COMMON] Contents of HADOOP_COMMON_HOME SHOULD match the Reference Platform.

    • [HADOOP_DIRSTRUCT_HDFS] Contents of HADOOP_HDFS_HOME SHOULD match the Reference Platform.

    • [HADOOP_DIRSTRUCT_MAPREDUCE] Contents of HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME SHOULD match the Reference Platform.

    • [HADOOP_DIRSTRUCT_YARN] Contents of HADOOP_YARN_HOME SHOULD match the Reference Platform.

    • [HADOOP_BINCONTENT]HADOOP_COMMON_HOME/bin, HADOOP_HDFS_HOME/bin, HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME/bin, and HADOOP_YARN_HOME/bin MUST contain the same binaries and executables that they contain in the Reference Platform, with exceptions granted for bug fixes. Therefore, there SHOULD NOT be any additional content in order to avoid potential future conflicts. In future versions of this spec this will become a MUST NOT.

    • [HADOOP_LIBJARSCONTENT] HADOOP_COMMON_LIB_JARS_DIR, HDFS_LIB_JARS_DIR, MAPRED_LIB_JARS_DIR, and YARN_LIB_JARS_DIR MUST contain the same binaries and executables that they contain in the Reference Platform. They MAY be modified to be either fix bugs or have enhanced features. There SHOULD NOT be any additional content in order to avoid potential future conflicts. In future versions of this spec this will become a MUST NOT.

  • [HADOOP_GETCONF] It MUST be possible to determine key Hadoop configuration values by using ${HADOOP_HDFS_HOME}/bin/hdfs getconf so that directly reading the XML via Hadoop’s Configuration object SHOULD NOT be required.

  • [HADOOP_COMPRESSION] The native compression codecs for gzip and snappy MUST be available.

  • A common application-architecture is one where there’s a fair bit of stuff running on the “Client Host” -- a Web server, all kinds of app logic, maybe even a database. They interact with Hadoop using client-libraries and cluster-config files installed locally on the client host. These apps tend to have a lot of requirements in terms of the packages installed locally. A good Platform implementation SHOULD NOT get in the way: at most, the implementation SHOULD only care about the version of Java and Bash, and nothing else.

  • Platforms SHOULD publish all modified (i.e., not-default) Hadoop configuration entries, regardless of client, server, etc applicability to all nodes unless it is known to be node hardware specific, private to a service, security-sensitive, or otherwise problematic. The list of variables that SHOULD NOT be shared are listed in Appendix A.

Requirements we’d like to push upstream from a compatibility perspective:

  • Don’t assume GNU userland -- POSIX please -- to increase cross-platform compatibility.

Best practices for Platforms:

  • Platforms SHOULD avoid using randomized ports when possible. For example, the NodeManager RPC port SHOULD NOT use the default ‘0’ (or random) value. Using randomized ports may make firewall setup extremely difficult as well as makes some parts of Hadoop function incorrectly. Be aware that users MAY change these port numbers, including back to randomization.

  • Future versions of this specification MAY require other components to set the environment variable component_HOME to the location in which the component is installed and component_CONF_DIR to the directory in which the component's configuration can be found, unless the configuration directory is located in component_HOME/conf.

HCFS (Hadoop-compatible filesystem) Compliance

ODPi Platforms MAY include alternative filesystem implementations compatible with Apache Hadoop (HCFS). Such HCFS Filesystem Products MAY be delivered as standalone products by either ODPi Platform vendors or 3d parties. These products MAY be open source or they MAY be proprietary. Regardless of the delivery mechanism, ODPi Platform vendors have the ultimate responsibility around integrating supported HCFS Filesystem Products with the rest of the ODPi platform by following the guidelines provided below:

  • ODPi Platform MUST ship HCFS Interface JAR as part of the ODPi Platform. HCFS Interface JAR is a compiled Java JAR that provides the interface, or “glue layer” between the HCFS Filesystem Product and the ODPi Platform. The requirements for the classes shipped as part of HCFS Interface JAR are specified by the Apache Hadoop documentation, and summarized in the guidelines below. Placing HCFS Interface JAR in Hadoop’s classpath is a typical mechanism for allowing ODPi Platform to use an HCFS Filesystem Product. This MAY be achieved by:

    • either placing the JAR in the default location of HADOOP_CLASSPATH, under $HADOOP_HOME/lib/
    • or by extending the HADOOP_CLASSPATH environment variable value to include the path to some other location where the HCFS Interface JAR has been deployed. This may be defined in the file, or by any other means for managing environment variables.
  • ODPi Platforms MAY ship multiple HCFS Filesystem Products, in which case each will have its own separate HCFS Interface JAR.

  • ODPi Platform MUST define a scheme name for all HCFS Filesystem Products that they support. A scheme name is a unique, one-word name for each file system. A scheme name is used in the URI “scheme:” prefix, and the related configuration parameter names. The following names are already in use and SHOULD be considered reserved:

    • hdfs (Apache Hadoop HDFS implementation),
    • s3a, s3native (Amazon S3)
    • wasb, adl (Windows Azure)
    • swift (OpenStack)
  • ODPi Platform MAY provide a way to install, configure, monitor, upgrade and decommission HCFS Filesystem Products in a manner compatible with ODPi Operations Specification. Operations Specification considers HCFS Filesystem Products as 3d-party services that are typically delivered in a standalone stack. A stack containing HCFS Filesystem Product MAY derive from an Apache Hadoop HDFS-based stack. The configuration code shipped as part of the HCFS specific stack MUST provide an automated way to:

    • add any required repositories containing the HCFS implementation JAR
    • adjust the HADOOP_CLASSPATH definition
    • and change or add configuration parameters as needed for the particular HCFS
  • ODPi Platform vendors MUST NOT make HCFS Filesystem Product be the only storage option for an ODPi platform. Apache Hadoop HDFS MUST still be available as a viable choice.

  • ODPi Platforms MAY define optional storage tiers functions that can be implemented by different solutions.

  • ODPi Platforms SHOULD provide error handling for applications invoking HDFS specific APIs that are not included in the AbstractFileSystem or FileSystem classes.

  • ODPi Platforms SHOULD be compatible with POSIX ACL and POSIX permissions. It is recommended that HCFS implementations follow HDFS in how they treat group ID for the newly created files: inheriting the group from the parent directory (this means following the "BSD rule" instead of the "System V rule" for group ownership of new files).

  • ODPi Platforms SHOULD handle user impersonation permissions accordingly.

  • ODPi Platform MAY support security mechanism to encrypt RPC data.

  • ODPi Platform MAY support authentication mechanism to verify user access.

  • ODPi Platform CLI tools MAY have different output when working with HCFS implementations

  • For command line interfaces (CLI), the Hadoop FileSystem interface SHOULD be used to interact with the distributed file system. Hadoop fs command line interface (CLI) MAY have commands that are not required in the HCFS compatible file system. The HCFS compatible file system MAY have their own set of command line interfaces to do similar functions. Only HCFS API SHOULD be compatible with the HCFS compatible file system. Hadoop fs command line interfaces MAY produce output structures that are different under the HCFS compatible file systems.

  • Applications SHOULD invoke filesystem client APIs and behaviors explicitly from the FileSystem and FileContext classes instead of the HDFS class. A file system will be HCFS compatible if all the APIs are implemented from the FileSystem class and AbstractFileSystem class (the latter is used by the FileContext client APIs). Implementing API specifications from the HDFS class is considered optional usage in HCFS Interface JAR.

ODPi Platform providers MAY include results of compliance testing with supported HCFS Filesystem Products in the submission presented to ODPi. These results MUST at least include execution of tests created in accordance with guidelines provided by "Testing with the Filesystem specification" section of the Hadoop FileSystem API Definition. ISV vendors SHOULD NOT be expected to provide test results with HCFS Filesystem Products when certifying their ODPi interoperability.

As part of test results ODPi Platform providers SHOULD submit results of the HCFS Interface JAR Unit Testing as per the following specification:

Finally, ODPi Platform providers are encouraged and MAY submit ad-hoc test results based on:

  • executing ad-hoc filesystem manipulation primitives (e.g. mkdir, rm, copyFromLocal, copyToLocal, etc.)
  • Hadoop distcp utility
  • queries via Apache Hive, Pig and Spark using the HCFS implementation as a source and destination of data

HCFS Interface implementation guidelines

HCFS Interface MUST follow the guidelines laid out in the Hadoop FileSystem API Definition available as part of Apache Hadoop release and also available online. In addition to the formal Hadoop FileSystem API Definition a good overview of the HCFS plug-in interface is provided in the Apache wiki

The HCFS Interface JAR JAR MUST provide an implementation of these two abstract classes:

  • org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem
  • org.apache.hadoop.fs.AbstractFileSystem

The FileSystem implementation class MUST be named:

  • org.apache.hadoop.fs.<hcfsname>.<HCFSFileSystemImplName>

where <hcfsname> is substituted with the scheme name, and <HCFSFileSystemImplName> is substituted with an appropriate class name.

The JAR MUST also declare the FileSystem implementation class as a service, by including a file

  • META-INF/services/org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem

in which the HCFS FileSystem implementation class is named. (For an example, see AWS S3 FileSystem implementation)

There is no constraint on the naming of the AbstractFileSystem implementation class, but by convention it also SHOULD be in the package org.apache.hadoop.fs.<hcfsname>. It MUST NOT be named in the META-INF/services file.

An HCFS Interface MUST satisfy all of the API contracts outlined in the Hadoop FileSystem API Definition

All behavior semantics of the HDFS implementation SHOULD be imitated insofar as the file system underlying the HCFS is compatible with such behavior. If the HCFS Filesystem Product is capable of providing locality information, it SHOULD support the API for telling applications such as Apache Tez and Apache Spark which TaskTracker is closest to the data (FileSystem:getFileBlockLocations()). Where HDFS-native APIs cannot be implemented, then the HCFS Interface SHOULD return values which are compatible with the rest of the Hadoop stack. As an example, while getBlockSize() is not a value which a blockless filesystem can actually return, a value suitable for block-partitioning algorithms should be returned, such as 256M, 512M or similar.

Almost any file system can be interfaced to the Hadoop stack via the HCFS Interface, and can therefore be used for basic I/O and mass storage, alongside HDFS. They are still considered HCFS, but additional features (consistency, atomicity, and durability) MUST be provided in order for the HCFS Filesystem Product to serve as primary storage replacing HDFS in its role as primary storage and working space for MapReduce, Tez, and HBase. The difference is discussed in detail in the section titled Object Stores vs Filesystems

As explained there, the key properties of consistency, atomicity, and durability, are missing from many filesystem-like storage platforms, including Amazon S3 and OpenStack Swift. These are often referred to as Object Stores or Blob Stores, but be aware that this distinction by name is not necessarily correct. In particular, some Blob Store-based file systems do support the necessary features and can be substituted for HDFS. For example, on the Microsoft Azure HDInsights platform, the WASB file system (“Windows Azure Storage - Blob”) supports all features necessary to act as primary storage and working space for MapReduce, Tez, and HBase, and is successfully substituted for HDFS on the HDInsights platform. If an ODPi Platform supports an HCFS Filesystem Product as a drop-in replacement for HDFS, then it MUST support all of the ODPi Core components without degradation in functionality. If an ODPi Platform supports an HCFS Filesystem Product only for use with Application input/output, then it must support Applications' use of FileContext APIs without degradation in functionality.

After being correctly installed and configured an HCFS filesystem SHOULD be available via a specific URI. For example, in order to access an HCFS filesystem registered under the name hcfsname one may use the following command line syntax:

  • hadoop fs -ls hcfsname://localservice/

The URI string (hcfsname://localservice/) should be adapted to whatever is appropriate for the scheme name and root URI of the particular HCFS. It is important to include the trailing “/” at the end of the URI; this is to guarantee that the root of the filesystem is accessed. If omitted, then the user's home directory is accessed.

HCFS configuration guidelines

To enable the HCFS, a configuration parameter fs.AbstractFileSystem.hcfsname.impl MUST be set. The fs.hcfsname.impl parameter is not strictly required (since META-INF/services declarations started being used in Hadoop 2.0+). However it MAY be expected by some applications and thus SHOULD be defined. Note that hcfsname is expected to be replaced with the HCFS scheme name, and a fully qualified class name is provided for the values. For example, configuring an AWS S3 file system (which uses s3a: as its HCFS scheme name) in core-site.xml will look like this:


If the HCFS Filesystem Product is intended to replace HDFS as primary storage and workspace for MapReduce, Tez, and HBase, fs.defaultFS property MUST also be set. An older alias for this propery is now considered deprecated and SHOULD NOT be used. The value of the fs.defaultFS property is expected to be hcfsname://localservice For example, making an already configured AWS S3 file system be the default MAY be done by the following settings in core-site.xml:


where again hcfsname is replaced with the HCFS scheme name, and localservice is replaced with the URI authority element appropriate to the HCFS, at the server level. The value of localservice may be just localhost:port# for many HCFS implementations.

Since the Hadoop configuration parameter set is extensible, arbitrary additional parameters, specific to the HCFS, MAY be defined. These can then be accessed from the HCFS Interface JAR using the general Hadoop configuration APIs. In this manner, the HCFS can be configured via parameters like any other Hadoop facility. By convention, any such HCFS-specific configuration parameters should include the HCFS scheme name as an element of the parameter name. For example, setting the following properties specific to AWS S3 HCFS implementation in core-site.xml will allow access to private S3 buckets:



The error message: "No FileSystem for scheme"

  1. The URI Scheme is incorrect (i.e it is is misspelled or simply wrong).
  2. The implementation JAR is not on the classpath.
  3. The implementation JAR is on the classpath, but a dependency is missing. Examine the log of the application to see if this problem was detected.
  4. The META-INF/services/org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem file is absent from the HCFS implementation JAR
  5. The fs.AbstractFileSystem.hcfsname.impl configuration parameter declaration is absent or incorrect. (Occurs if client uses the FileContext APIs)

“ClassNotFoundException” when trying to use an HCFS scheme

A class is registered as being the implementation of a filesystem scheme, but its implementation JAR or a dependency is not on the classpath.

Basic command line file system operations failing with permission errors

This usually means that any security setup, credentials, etc needed to authenticate with the HCFS are not supplied. Unless Kerberos is used for authentication, the specific configuration options to authenticate with an HCFS must be set in the environment/Hadoop configuration. If Kerberos is used, the user must be logged in.

Submitted jobs failing with permission errors, even though command line operations work

This can mean that the security credentials are not being set in, or propagated to, the worker nodes in an application.

Client-side Split calculation during job submission takes a very long time or runs out of memory.

This can be caused by the returned block size of the file system (as returned in FileSystem.getStatus()) being 0 or another low value. A minimum block size of a few tens of MB is necessary for work to be be efficiently divided up, even if the file system has no notion of "block size". We currently recommend a default value of 64 MB. File systems which simulate a block size usually make this configurable to other values.

Jobs using the HCFS pause at the end, in Hive and Spark queries, DistCp and elsewhere

This arises if the HCFS is an object store which only supports directory rename through explicit copy and delete of individual files under the specific path. The implementors of the HCFS client must try to produce as fast a rename() operation as possible, because it is required to atomically commit operations. It may also be possible to provide a "direct" committer to write output without renaming. Any HCFS implementor providing such a committer must ensure that their implementation handles race conditions from speculative execution and failure recovery from network partitioned executors (the “consistency, atomicity, and durability” requirements).

Hive Compliance

Hive 1.2 is taken as the Hive Reference Version for this version of ODPi Runtime Specification. This does not mean that Platforms must include Hive 1.2. Rather it means that Hive 1.2 is the reference that all Platforms will be tested against.

  • [HIVE_SQL] Platforms MUST provide SQL that is compatible with the reference version of Hive's SQL. All valid statements in the reference version should produce the same results in the Platform. The Platform MAY include additional SQL that is not supported in the reference version of Hive, subject to other requirements in this document.
  • [HIVE_JDBC] Platforms MUST include access via JDBC and support all of the same JDBC functionality as the reference version of Hive. All methods implemented in the reference version's JDBC client must be implemented and have the same signature in the Platform. The Platform MAY implement additional JDBC methods that are not supported in the reference version of Hive, subject to other requirements of this document.
  • [HIVE_CLI] Platforms MAY include the bin/hive command line interface. If the Platform includes the CLI it MUST accept all of the same arguments as the reference version.
  • [HIVE_BEELINE] Platforms MUST include the bin/beeline command line script. The Platform MUST accept all of the same arguments as the reference version.
  • [HIVE_THRIFT] Platforms MAY allow applications to connect to the Hive Metastore Thrift server via the thrift interface. If the Platform allows this it MUST accept all of the same thrift method calls as the Hive Reference Version.
  • [HIVE_HCATALOG] Platforms MAY support HCatalog. If they do they MUST support the HCatInputFormat, HCatOutputFormat, HCatReader, and HCatWriter APIs and they MUST be binary compatible with the Hive Reference Versio.

Requirements Relevant to Hive Covered Elsewhere

It is important for applications to be able to find the Hive ODBC/JDBC endpoint on a cluster. Discoverability of services in the Platform is covered in the Operations Specification, in the section titled Discoverability.


Applications must follow these guidelines:

  • Applications that need a different version of Java MUST NOT change the Platform’s JAVA_HOME setting. Instead, they SHOULD set it appropriately for their specific code in an appropriate way (either own startup scripts, custom-to-the-application configuration file, etc) that does not impact the Platform.

  • Applications SHOULD get the Java version via ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -version or via Java system property detection.

  • Applications SHOULD use ${HADOOP_CONF_DIR} or ${*_HOME}/etc/hadoop as the location of the configuration directory.

  • Applications SHOULD use the REST interfaces in lieu of direct RPC calls. Applications MUST use the Hadoop client libraries or command-line tools to access the non-REST interfaces. Applications SHOULD use stable interfaces when possible. Interfaces marked as evolving interfaces MAY be used however they are not preferred.

  • Applications SHOULD NOT use traditionally human consumable interfaces such as log file output or shell command output.

  • YARN applications SHOULD use the Web App proxy to surface their UIs to users, rather than asking users to connect directly to the Application Manager.

  • Applications SHOULD use the Java client libraries or ${HADOOP_HDFS_HOME}/bin/hdfs getconf to obtain configuration information, rather than reading config files directly. This includes getting the YARN Resource Manager address and port information.

  • Applications SHOULD NOT depend upon the configuration entries listed in Appendix A, as they are known to be node specific, private to a service, security-sensitive, or otherwise problematic.

  • Applications SHOULD only use the HADOOP_CLASSPATH environment variable hook (2.x) or the shellprofile.d infrastructure (3.x) to manipulate the runtime content of the Java classpath. Applications SHOULD NOT inject themselves into the classpath other than manipulation of this environment variable.

  • Applications SHOULD obtain the Java classpath via the ${HADOOP_COMMON_HOME}/bin/hadoop classpath command with the understanding that users and platforms may add or upgrade objects in that classpath.

  • Applications SHOULD obtain the version of a specific Hadoop component via the appropriate $_HOME/bin/cmd version command.

  • Applications SHOULD NOT assume that HDFS is the currently configured distributed file system. They SHOULD use hadoop fs commands instead of hdfs dfs commands. The applications SHOULD use Hadoop FileSystem interface to interact with the distributed file system. Future specifications MAY include the ability to use any file system that is compatible with the Hadoop Compatible File System (HCFS) specification.

  • Applications SHOULD either launch via the Hadoop YARN ResourceManager REST API or via ${HADOOP_YARN_HOME}/bin/yarn jar

  • Applications SHOULD use JDBC, ODBC, or SQL to determine the structure of Hive metadata rather than directly querying Hive's metastore thrift interface whenever possible.

Best practices for compatible apps to be portable and operator friendly:

  • Applications SHOULD NOT assume that an Intel processor is being used.

  • Applications SHOULD NOT assume that Linux is being used.

  • Applications SHOULD NOT assume that an Oracle JRE is being used.

  • Applications SHOULD include both Microsoft batch or PowerShell as well as Unix-compatible shell scripts.

  • Applications SHOULD NOT install their own dependent packages (e.g., Ruby, Python, Apache HTTP Server) unless absolutely necessary. They SHOULD list them as system requirements and let the operator install them.

  • Similarly, Applications SHOULD NOT ship with “fat jars” that include Hadoop Java libraries. They SHOULD pick them up from their runtime environment.

  • In order to avoid conflicting with other services, Applications SHOULD use distributed cache as much as possible to distribute execution objects to compute nodes. Pre-installation SHOULD be avoided as much as possible.

  • Hive allows users to set some configuration values as part of their Hive session, via the set command. Applications SHOULD only depend on setting those values that Hive by default allows users to set. These values are listed in Appendix B.


  • Service - Software package that is installable within the Hadoop stack. A service can be comprised of one or more components (such as a NameNode, DataNode, etc.) or may be as simple as a single library.

  • Component - A service is comprised of one or more components. For example, HDFS has three components: NameNode, Secondary NameNode, and DataNode. A single component may be installed across multiple nodes in the cluster, such as in the case of the HDFS data node.

  • Platform - A product or service offering that consists of Hadoop, and optionally includes additional open source and/or commercial components that work with Hadoop.

  • Platform Vendor - An organization, either a commercial vendor or an open source project, that either produces a packaged version of the Platform or supports a service offering around the Platform aimed at End User consumption.

  • Application - A product that is intended to interoperate with a Platform.

  • Software Vendor - An organization, either a commercial vendor or an open source project, that has a product that works with a Platform.

  • ODPi Interoperable Application - An Application that has been verified by the Software Vendor and ODPi to be ODPi Interoperable, verified by completeing the compliance process outlined at

  • Reference Platform - A Platform Vendor neutral, open source Plaform that is composed of projects outlined in the Included Projects in this document, leverages the source code made available by the associated Apache project, and passes all acceptance tests for this version of the ODPi Runtime Specification.

  • End Users - Users of a Platform and/or Application.

Appendix A, Hadoop Configuration Values Not Shared

The following Hadoop configuration values need not be shared by a compliant distribution and should not be depended on by an application:

Configuration Value Reason for Not Sharing
dfs.block.access.key.update.interval internal
dfs.block.invalidate.limit internal
dfs.block.local-path-access.user internal
dfs.block.misreplication.processing.limit internal
dfs.block.replicator.classname internal
dfs.block.scanner.volume.bytes.per.second internal
dfs.blockreport.initialDelay internal
dfs.blockreport.intervalMsec internal
dfs.blockreport.split.threshold internal
dfs.cachereport.intervalMsec internal
dfs.cluster.administrators internal
dfs.content-summary.limit internal
dfs.content-summary.sleep-microsec internal
dfs.corruptfilesreturned.max internal
dfs.datanode.available-space-volume-choosing-policy.balanced-space-preference-fraction internal
dfs.datanode.available-space-volume-choosing-policy.balanced-space-threshold internal
dfs.datanode.balance.bandwidthPerSec internal
dfs.datanode.balance.max.concurrent.moves internal internal internal internal internal internal
dfs.datanode.directoryscan.interval internal
dfs.datanode.directoryscan.threads internal
dfs.datanode.dns.interface internal
dfs.datanode.dns.nameserver internal
dfs.datanode.drop.cache.behind.reads internal
dfs.datanode.drop.cache.behind.writes internal
dfs.datanode.du.reserved internal
dfs.datanode.duplicate.replica.deletion internal
dfs.datanode.failed.volumes.tolerated internal
dfs.datanode.fsdataset.factory internal
dfs.datanode.fsdataset.volume.choosing.policy internal
dfs.datanode.fsdatasetcache.max.threads.per.volume internal
dfs.datanode.handler.count internal
dfs.datanode.hdfs-blocks-metadata.enabled internal
dfs.datanode.keytab.file security
dfs.datanode.lazywriter.interval.sec internal internal
dfs.datanode.oob.timeout-ms internal
dfs.datanode.ram.disk.low.watermark.bytes internal
dfs.datanode.ram.disk.low.watermark.percent internal
dfs.datanode.ram.disk.replica.tracker internal
dfs.datanode.readahead.bytes internal
dfs.datanode.restart.replica.expiration internal
dfs.datanode.scan.period.hours internal
dfs.datanode.shared.file.descriptor.paths internal internal
dfs.datanode.socket.reuse.keepalive internal
dfs.datanode.socket.write.timeout internal
dfs.datanode.startup internal
dfs.datanode.sync.behind.writes internal internal
dfs.datanode.synconclose internal
dfs.datanode.transferTo.allowed internal
dfs.datanode.use.datanode.hostname internal
dfs.datanode.xceiver.stop.timeout.millis internal
dfs.ha.fencing.ssh.private-key-files security
dfs.ha.log-roll.period internal
dfs.ha.log-roll.rpc.timeout internal
dfs.ha.standby.checkpoints internal
dfs.ha.tail-edits.period internal
dfs.ha.zkfc.port internal
dfs.heartbeat.interval internal
dfs.https.server.keystore.resource internal
dfs.image.compress internal
dfs.image.compression.codec internal
dfs.image.transfer.bandwidthPerSec internal
dfs.image.transfer.chunksize internal
dfs.image.transfer.timeout internal
dfs.journalnode.edits.dir internal
dfs.journalnode.http-address internal
dfs.journalnode.https-address internal
dfs.journalnode.keytab.file security
dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals internal
dfs.metrics.session-id internal
dfs.namenode.accesstime.precision internal
dfs.namenode.audit.log.async internal internal
dfs.namenode.audit.loggers internal internal
dfs.namenode.avoid.write.stale.datanode internal
dfs.namenode.blocks.per.postponedblocks.rescan internal
dfs.namenode.checkpoint.check.period internal
dfs.namenode.checkpoint.dir internal
dfs.namenode.checkpoint.edits.dir internal
dfs.namenode.checkpoint.max-retries internal
dfs.namenode.checkpoint.period internal
dfs.namenode.checkpoint.txns internal
dfs.namenode.datanode.registration.ip-hostname-check internal
dfs.namenode.decommission.blocks.per.interval internal
dfs.namenode.decommission.interval internal
dfs.namenode.decommission.max.concurrent.tracked.nodes internal
dfs.namenode.delegation.key.update-interval internal
dfs.namenode.delegation.token.max-lifetime internal
dfs.namenode.delegation.token.renew-interval internal internal
dfs.namenode.edit.log.autoroll.multiplier.threshold internal
dfs.namenode.edits.dir internal
dfs.namenode.edits.dir.minimum internal
dfs.namenode.edits.dir.required internal
dfs.namenode.edits.journal-plugin internal
dfs.namenode.edits.journal-plugin.qjournal internal
dfs.namenode.edits.noeditlogchannelflush internal
dfs.namenode.enable.retrycache internal
dfs.namenode.handler.count internal
dfs.namenode.heartbeat.recheck-interval internal
dfs.namenode.inode.attributes.provider.class internal internal internal
dfs.namenode.keytab.file internal
dfs.namenode.lazypersist.file.scrub.interval.sec internal
dfs.namenode.legacy-oiv-image.dir internal
dfs.namenode.list.cache.directives.num.responses internal
dfs.namenode.list.cache.pools.num.responses internal
dfs.namenode.list.encryption.zones.num.responses internal
dfs.namenode.max-num-blocks-to-log internal
dfs.namenode.max.extra.edits.segments.retained internal
dfs.namenode.max.objects internal internal internal internal
dfs.namenode.num.checkpoints.retained internal
dfs.namenode.num.extra.edits.retained internal internal internal internal
dfs.namenode.reject-unresolved-dn-topology-mapping internal
dfs.namenode.replication.considerLoad internal
dfs.namenode.replication.interval internal
dfs.namenode.replication.max-streams internal
dfs.namenode.replication.max-streams-hard-limit internal
dfs.namenode.replication.min internal
dfs.namenode.replication.pending.timeout-sec internal internal
dfs.namenode.replqueue.threshold-pct internal
dfs.namenode.resource.check.interval internal
dfs.namenode.resource.checked.volumes internal
dfs.namenode.resource.checked.volumes.minimum internal
dfs.namenode.resource.du.reserved internal
dfs.namenode.retrycache.expirytime.millis internal
dfs.namenode.retrycache.heap.percent internal
dfs.namenode.rpc-bind-host internal
dfs.namenode.safemode.extension internal
dfs.namenode.service.handler.count internal
dfs.namenode.servicerpc-bind-host internal
dfs.namenode.shared.edits.dir internal
dfs.namenode.stale.datanode.interval internal
dfs.namenode.stale.datanode.minimum.interval internal
dfs.namenode.startup internal
dfs.namenode.startup.delay.block.deletion.sec internal internal
dfs.namenode.tolerate.heartbeat.multiplier internal internal internal internal internal
dfs.namenode.write.stale.datanode.ratio internal
dfs.namenode.xattrs.enabled internal
dfs.permissions.superusergroup internal
dfs.pipeline.ecn internal internal internal internal internal internal
dfs.qjournal.queued-edits.limit.mb internal internal internal internal internal
dfs.secondary.namenode.keytab.file security
dfs.web.authentication.kerberos.keytab security
fs.df.interval internal
fs.du.interval internal internal internal internal internal internal
ha.zookeeper.acl security
ha.zookeeper.auth security
ha.zookeeper.parent-znode internal
ha.zookeeper.quorum internal internal
hadoop.htrace.spanreceiver.classes internal
hadoop.http.authentication.cookie.domain internal
hadoop.http.authentication.kerberos.keytab security
hadoop.http.authentication.signature.secret.file security
hadoop.http.authentication.token.validity internal
hadoop.http.authentication.type internal
hadoop.http.cross-origin.allowed-headers internal
hadoop.http.cross-origin.allowed-methods internal
hadoop.http.cross-origin.allowed-origins internal
hadoop.http.filter.initializers internal
hadoop.http.staticuser.user internal
hadoop.jetty.logs.serve.aliases internal internal security security security security security security security security security security security security* security security security security security security security
ipc*.backoff.enable internal
ipc.*.callqueue.impl internal
ipc.*.identity-provider.impl internal internal
mapreduce.jobhistory.admin.acl security
mapreduce.jobhistory.client.thread-count internal
mapreduce.jobhistory.datestring.cache.size internal
mapreduce.jobhistory.joblist.cache.size internal
mapreduce.jobhistory.keytab security
mapreduce.jobhistory.loadedjobs.cache.size internal
mapreduce.jobhistory.move.interval-ms internal
mapreduce.jobhistory.move.thread-count internal
mapreduce.jobhistory.recovery.enable internal internal internal internal
net.topology.configured.node.mapping internal internal
net.topology.impl internal
net.topology.node.switch.mapping.impl internal internal
net.topology.script.number.args internal internal
nfs.keytab.file security
rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals internal
rpc.metrics.quantile.enable internal
security.applicationhistory.protocol.acl security
security.client.datanode.protocol.acl security
security.client.protocol.acl security
security.datanode.protocol.acl security
security.get.user.mappings.protocol.acl security
security.ha.service.protocol.acl security
security.inter.datanode.protocol.acl security
security.namenode.protocol.acl security
security.qjournal.service.protocol.acl security
security.refresh.callqueue.protocol.acl security
security.refresh.generic.protocol.acl security
security.refresh.policy.protocol.acl security
security.refresh.user.mappings.protocol.acl security
security.service.authorization.default.acl security
security.service.authorization.default.acl.blocked security
security.trace.protocol.acl security
security.zkfc.protocol.acl security
ssl.server.keystore.* security
ssl.server.truststore.* security
yarn.admin.acl security internal internal
yarn.authorization-provider internal
yarn.client.nodemanager-client-async.thread-pool-max-size internal
yarn.nodemanager.admin-env internal
yarn.nodemanager.amrmproxy.client.thread-count internal
yarn.nodemanager.amrmproxy.interceptor-class.pipeline internal
yarn.nodemanager.container-executor.class internal
yarn.nodemanager.container-manager.thread-count internal
yarn.nodemanager.container-monitor.process-tree.class internal
yarn.nodemanager.container-monitor.procfs-tree.smaps-based-rss.enabled internal
yarn.nodemanager.container-monitor.resource-calculator.class internal
yarn.nodemanager.delete.thread-count internal internal internal
yarn.nodemanager.keytab security
yarn.nodemanager.linux-container-executor.resources-handler.class internal
yarn.nodemanager.localizer.cache.cleanup.interval-ms internal internal
yarn.nodemanager.localizer.client.thread-count internal
yarn.nodemanager.localizer.fetch.thread-count internal
yarn.nodemanager.log-aggregation.policy.class internal
yarn.nodemanager.log.deletion-threads-count internal
yarn.nodemanager.node-labels.provider.script.opts internal
yarn.nodemanager.node-labels.provider.script.path internal
yarn.nodemanager.recovery.dir internal
yarn.nodemanager.resource-calculator.class internal
yarn.nodemanager.runtime.linux.docker.privileged-containers.acl security
yarn.nodemanager.webapp.spnego-keytab-file security
yarn.resourcemanager.admin.client.thread-count internal
yarn.resourcemanager.amlauncher.thread-count internal
yarn.resourcemanager.client.thread-count internal
yarn.resourcemanager.delegation-token-renewer.thread-count internal
yarn.resourcemanager.fs.state-store.retry-policy-spec internal
yarn.resourcemanager.fs.state-store.uri internal
yarn.resourcemanager.history-writer.multi-threaded-dispatcher.pool-size internal
yarn.resourcemanager.keytab security
yarn.resourcemanager.leveldb-state-store.path internal
yarn.resourcemanager.max-log-aggregation-diagnostics-in-memory internal
yarn.resourcemanager.nodemanager-connect-retries internal
yarn.resourcemanager.nodes.exclude-path internal
yarn.resourcemanager.nodes.include-path internal
yarn.resourcemanager.reservation-system.class internal
yarn.resourcemanager.reservation-system.plan.follower internal
yarn.resourcemanager.reservation-system.planfollower.time-step internal
yarn.resourcemanager.resource-tracker.client.thread-count internal
yarn.resourcemanager.rm.container-allocation.expiry-interval-ms internal
yarn.resourcemanager.scheduler.class internal
yarn.resourcemanager.scheduler.client.thread-count internal
yarn.resourcemanager.scheduler.monitor.enable internal internal
yarn.resourcemanager.system-metrics-publisher.dispatcher.pool-size internal
yarn.resourcemanager.system-metrics-publisher.enabled internal
yarn.resourcemanager.webapp.delegation-token-auth-filter.enabled internal
yarn.resourcemanager.webapp.spnego-keytab-file security
yarn.resourcemanager.zk-acl security
yarn.resourcemanager.zk-state-store.root-node.acl internal
yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb internal
yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-vcores internal
yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb internal
yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-vcores internal
yarn.sharedcache.admin.thread-count internal internal
yarn.sharedcache.client-server.address internal
yarn.sharedcache.enabled internal
yarn.sharedcache.nested-level internal
yarn.sharedcache.nm.uploader.replication.factor internal
yarn.sharedcache.nm.uploader.thread-count internal
yarn.sharedcache.root-dir internal internal
yarn.sharedcache.uploader.server.thread-count internal
yarn.timeline-service.handler-thread-count internal
yarn.timeline-service.keytab security
yarn.timeline-service.leveldb-state-store.path internal
yarn.timeline-service.leveldb-timeline-store.path internal internal
yarn.timeline-service.leveldb-timeline-store.start-time-read-cache-size internal
yarn.timeline-service.leveldb-timeline-store.start-time-write-cache-size internal
yarn.timeline-service.leveldb-timeline-store.ttl-interval-ms internal
yarn.timeline-service.state-store-class internal internal
yarn.web-proxy.keytab internal

Appendix B, Hive Configuration Values to be White Listed

The following values should be settable by Hive users in their Hive sessions. Values ending in .* indicate all configuration values with the matching prefix. This list is taken from the default set of white listed values in Apache Hive 1.2.

Configuration Value

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