Some utilities to manage odoos
Following extensions are required:
Create a folder named "odoo18"
mkdir "Odoo-18"
cd "Odoo-18"
Clone odoo-utill
git clone
Make the main file executable:
chmod +X odoo-utils/
To prepaire development environment:
odoo-utils/ dev init --vscode --repo --python
For Update Run command
odoo-utils/ dev update
Activate your venv using this command if not activated: "source .venv/bin/activate"
With this, a Python environment will be created for you and all the required Odoo libraries will be installed in it
The launch file of the vscode program is created automatically and makes the necessary settings for communication between odoo and postgres
Finally, vscode will open automatically and you just need to press the "F5" key to install Odoo locally on your system.
To see ODOO environment, go to your browser and view the address: "localhost:8069"