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odoodo edited this page Feb 8, 2025 · 3 revisions

Log into Mirth Migrator

After opening http://:1339/mirthMigrator (where Mirth Server is the Mirth instance running Mirth Migrator) the initial login dialog appears: image

There you enter the username and password of a user of the Mirth instance on which Mirth Migrator is installed.

Configure Mirth Instances

After the first successful login, Mirth Migrator will automatically open the configuration screen. Amongst others, this screen allows to configure the Mirth instances for which you would like to manage the migration: image

You will need to specify a name and (optionally) a description for each Mirth instance.

Further, the the DNS name or IP and port on which the Mirth API is accessible are required. The default port is 8443.

You also need to add a user account that exists on the Mirth instance and will be used to access the API. To do this, enter the username and password of a Mirth user on that instance. It may be useful to create a special user to be used for automated activities.

Each Mirth instance can be associated with a specific environment, such as development, test, or production. If additional environments are required, they can be configured in the Environments tab.

Additional Mirth instances can be configured using the Add button.

When you are finished configuring, press the Close button to exit the configuration screen. All changes are automatically saved.

Select Component Type

After the configuration section is closed, the screen appears as follows: image Now you can select the type of component you want to migrate. Either Channels or Code Templates/Functions. The component type can be changed at any time.

On the right side you will see a list of configured environments. Mirth instances will appear in the color of their environment.

The -button in the upper right corner allows you to access the configuration section at any time.

Select Mirth Instances

When the component type has been selected, 2 select-boxes appear, for determining the Mirth instances between which the migration should take place: image

There you select your Mirth instance A or instance B. The names of the Mirth instances are marked in the color of the environment they belong to.

The initial caching may take a moment. After that, depending on your choice, either the channels or the code templates/functions of the respective Mirth instances will be displayed.

At the top you can see general information such as the server name, the number of component groups and components, and the Mirth version. (It is possible to migrate between different Mirth versions.)

Below the general information, the components are listed. The first column contains the name of the component (channel or code template or function) or group (channel group or code template library).

The second column contains information about the component. This information is displayed by moving the mouse pointer over the -button. (the information is taken from the channel description or function javascript header)

The third column shows the last modification date of the component and the last column shows it's version.

Warning Triangle in Info Column

It is further possible that an additional warning triangle is displayed in the info column. This indicates that there is an issue with the corresponding component. Details about this issue will be displayed when hovering over the warning triangle:

For Channels
It is possible that a function is used, but the code template library that the function belongs to is not referenced by the channel:

It is further possible that a channel uses a function that is not defined at all:

For Code Templates
It is possible that a function was defined multiple times in the same code template and/or in different code templates. As overloading like in Java does not work in JavaScript, this might result in adverse events:

View Component Details

Corresponding Component in other Mirth Instance

Component Attributes

Standard Attributes



Component Source Code

Compare Components

Meta Data

Source Code

Display Modes

Migrate Components

Select Components to Migrate

Single Components

Multiple Components

Component Groups

Automatically Migrate referenced Functions

Handle Migration Conflicts

Differing Mirth Versions

Component already exists on Target System

Migration Report

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