From 7f73a421ffbf10681a72baf238c67295b60725ba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Bjoern Kimminich Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2021 20:01:51 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Reformat all Markdown files (using default IntelliJ Markdown plugin) --- | 127 ++++++---------- | 49 ++++-- | 153 ++++++++----------- | 367 ++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- | 18 +-- | 165 ++++++++++---------- 6 files changed, 398 insertions(+), 481 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 81ca1dc8ca5..1f8830354b0 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -2,138 +2,111 @@ ## Our Pledge -We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in -our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of -age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex -characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, -education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, -race, caste, color, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. +We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for +everyone, regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity +and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, caste, +color, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. -We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, -welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community. +We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community. ## Our Standards -Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our -community include: +Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our community include: * Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people * Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences * Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback -* Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our - mistakes, and learning from the experience -* Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the - overall community +* Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes, and learning from the experience +* Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the overall community Examples of unacceptable behavior include: -* The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or - advances of any kind -* Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political - attacks +* The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or advances of any kind +* Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks * Public or private harassment -* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email - address, without their explicit permission -* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a - professional setting +* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email address, without their explicit permission +* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting ## Enforcement Responsibilities -Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our -standards of acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair -corrective action in response to any behavior that they deem -inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful. +Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of acceptable behavior and will take +appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, +or harmful. -Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or -reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other -contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will -communicate reasons for moderation decisions when appropriate. +Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, +issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for +moderation decisions when appropriate. ## Scope -This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also -applies when an individual is officially representing the community in -public spaces. Examples of representing our community include using an -official e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, -or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event. +This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when an individual is officially representing +the community in public spaces. Examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address, posting +via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event. ## Enforcement -Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may -be reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement at -[]( All -complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly. +Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported to the community leaders responsible +for enforcement at +[]( All complaints will be reviewed and investigated +promptly and fairly. -All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security -of the reporter of any incident. +All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the reporter of any incident. ## Enforcement Guidelines -Community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines in -determining the consequences for any action they deem in violation of -this Code of Conduct: +Community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines in determining the consequences for any action they deem +in violation of this Code of Conduct: ### 1. Correction -**Community Impact**: Use of inappropriate language or other behavior -deemed unprofessional or unwelcome in the community. +**Community Impact**: Use of inappropriate language or other behavior deemed unprofessional or unwelcome in the +community. -**Consequence**: A private, written warning from community leaders, -providing clarity around the nature of the violation and an explanation -of why the behavior was inappropriate. A public apology may be -requested. +**Consequence**: A private, written warning from community leaders, providing clarity around the nature of the violation +and an explanation of why the behavior was inappropriate. A public apology may be requested. ### 2. Warning -**Community Impact**: A violation through a single incident or series of -actions. +**Community Impact**: A violation through a single incident or series of actions. -**Consequence**: A warning with consequences for continued behavior. No -interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction -with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, for a specified period of -time. This includes avoiding interactions in community spaces as well as -external channels like social media. Violating these terms may lead to a +**Consequence**: A warning with consequences for continued behavior. No interaction with the people involved, including +unsolicited interaction with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, for a specified period of time. This includes avoiding +interactions in community spaces as well as external channels like social media. Violating these terms may lead to a temporary or permanent ban. ### 3. Temporary Ban -**Community Impact**: A serious violation of community standards, -including sustained inappropriate behavior. +**Community Impact**: A serious violation of community standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior. -**Consequence**: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public -communication with the community for a specified period of time. No -public or private interaction with the people involved, including -unsolicited interaction with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is -allowed during this period. Violating these terms may lead to a -permanent ban. +**Consequence**: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public communication with the community for a specified +period of time. No public or private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with those +enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period. Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban. ### 4. Permanent Ban -**Community Impact**: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community -standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an -individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of -individuals. +**Community Impact**: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community standards, including sustained inappropriate +behavior, harassment of an individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals. -**Consequence**: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction -within the community. +**Consequence**: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within the community. ## Attribution -This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor -Covenant][homepage], version 2.0, available at +This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 2.0, available at [][v2.0]. -Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by [Mozilla's code of conduct -enforcement ladder][Mozilla CoC]. +Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by [Mozilla's code of conduct enforcement ladder][Mozilla CoC]. For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ -at [][FAQ]. Translations are -available at +at [][FAQ]. Translations are available at [][translations]. [homepage]: + [v2.0]: + [Mozilla CoC]: + [FAQ]: + [translations]: diff --git a/ b/ index 2fc56bc3fa9..d67bb42cd91 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ ## GitHub Contributors -As reported by [`git-stats -a -s '2014'`]( analysis -of `master` as of Tue, 5 Oct 2021 after deduplication with `.mailmap`. +As reported by [`git-stats -a -s '2014'`]( analysis of `master` as of Tue, 5 Oct +2021 after deduplication with `.mailmap`. ![Top git contributors](screenshots/git-stats.png) @@ -19,8 +19,7 @@ of `master` as of Tue, 5 Oct 2021 after deduplication with `.mailmap`. As exported from [CrowdIn Top Members Report]( -(by # of translated words) for all languages as of Thu, 16 Sep 2021 -after +(by # of translated words) for all languages as of Thu, 16 Sep 2021 after [conversion into Markdown]( | Name | Languages | Translated | @@ -48,19 +47,51 @@ after **Additional translations by:** -Alexander Nissen (Nissen96),fabrizio1979,OrNol (TRNSRL),Jorge Estigarribia (jorgestiga),Pablo Barrera (pablo.barrera),Coink (CoinkWang),Phakphum Visetnut (phakphum_visetnut),Kamil Vavra (vavkamil),Abdo Farwan (abdofarwan),AviD (avidouglen),Stella Dineva (stella.dineva),Stavros M. (msstavros),Fredrik Bore (Boren),GiorgiSharia,Songrit Kitisriworapan (songritk),Oussama Bouthouri (Boussama),sergio.kubota,Ender Çulha (ecu),Claudio Snidero (cla7997),Marc Rüttler (MarcRler),r0n1am,Davis Freimanis (davisfreimanis),fieldhill13,thinbashane,rToxic,stejkenzie,adeyosemanputra,Kylian Runembert (FunnHydra),Andrew Pio (siranen),Henry Hu (ninedter),zvargun,timexlord,ztzxt,Daniel Paniagua (danielgpm),Mehyar Shammas (mashkuov),asifnm,Estevam Arantes (Es7evam),REMOVED_USER,FoteiniAthina,orjen,vientspam,Allan Kimmer Jensen (Saturate),Idomin Ninja (Idomin),BostonLow,Abdullah alshowaiey (Abdullah201),にのせき (ninoseki),Egert Aia (aiaegert),Nico Ådahl (nigotiator),Lars Grini (lars.grini),Pär Svedberg (grebdevs),rakzcs,Tomas Rosenqvist (Muamaidbengt),Karl (spruur),MrNinhoJr a (mrninhojr),Albert Camps (campsupc),Zenmaster212,jasinski_tomasz,Daan Sprenkels (dsprenkels),Aleksandra Niemyska (niemyskaa),atteism,Diego Andreé Porras Rivas (andree.rivas),mateomartinez,Rasmus Bidstrup (rasmusbidstrup),Koji O (marlboro20light),Bruno Rodrigues (bmvr),Riotaro OKADA (riotaro),talisainen,OliverkeHU,Kitisak Jirawannakool (jkitisak),Bart Decker (Decker),Mohammad Febri Ramadlan (mohammadfebrir),Manu B (Rosina),coavacoffee,bill (Hawxdu),Klas Fahlberg (FahlbergKlas),CarlCampbell,Natalia (notNao),Lenka Dubois (lenkadubois),Syahrol,Mattias Persson (mattiasbpersson),rachidbm,André Santos Duarte Fonseca (Andre_Duarte),cello-anders,Store (HelaBasa),Oussama Bouthouri (oussama.bouthouri),bmoritz,GK (lollipas),landinl,mrudul,Héctor Lecuanda (hlecuanda),Michiya Tominaga (nuwaa),Ilkka Savela (ile2021),Mircea Ulmeanu (,Martin Hartl (hartlmartin),Roy Quiceno (rquiceno),Carlos Allendes (OwaspChile),redr0n19,ManuelFranz,Anthony3000,Yang Lucas (Lucas.y),REMOVED_USER,Richardson Lima (contatorichardsonlima),nilfigo,soledad aro (cristinagarciaaro),Katharina Wittkowsky (kwittkowsky),Frederik Bøgeskov Johnsen (cpfbj),kahfiehudson,motofy,Origami,dav1ds,Stefan Daugaard Poulsen (cyberzed),Ezequiel Andino (acidobinario),Isis Harris (latinadeveloper),4ourth (fourth-4),REMOVED_USER,h3nrychoi,Omer Levi Hevroni (omerlh),Sen UENO (uenosen),Mohammad Febri Ramadlan (vebryidiot),alopezhu,Abas Abas (abas70127),Umpawan Halap (umpawanhalap),xsi,Björn Palmqvist (bjornpalmqvist),Fabio Tavano (tavano.fabio),Anders Lindberg (anderslimpan),bahrunghozali,sutanci,PorPor Hai (eung.porhai),pena69,Kevin Eliezer García Peña (,vikram.tp07 +Alexander Nissen (Nissen96), fabrizio1979, OrNol (TRNSRL), Jorge Estigarribia (jorgestiga), Pablo Barrera ( +pablo.barrera) +, Coink (CoinkWang), Phakphum Visetnut (phakphum_visetnut), Kamil Vavra (vavkamil), Abdo Farwan (abdofarwan), AviD ( +avidouglen), Stella Dineva (stella.dineva), Stavros M. (msstavros), Fredrik Bore (Boren), GiorgiSharia, Songrit +Kitisriworapan (songritk), Oussama Bouthouri (Boussama), sergio.kubota, Ender Çulha (ecu), Claudio Snidero (cla7997), +Marc Rüttler (MarcRler), r0n1am, Davis Freimanis (davisfreimanis) +, fieldhill13, thinbashane, rToxic, stejkenzie, adeyosemanputra, Kylian Runembert (FunnHydra), Andrew Pio (siranen), +Henry Hu ( +ninedter), zvargun, timexlord, ztzxt, Daniel Paniagua (danielgpm), Mehyar Shammas (mashkuov), asifnm, Estevam Arantes ( +Es7evam) +, REMOVED_USER, FoteiniAthina, orjen, vientspam, Allan Kimmer Jensen (Saturate), Idomin Ninja (Idomin), BostonLow, +Abdullah alshowaiey (Abdullah201), にのせき (ninoseki), Egert Aia (aiaegert), Nico Ådahl (nigotiator), Lars Grini ( +lars.grini), Pär Svedberg (grebdevs), rakzcs, Tomas Rosenqvist (Muamaidbengt), Karl (spruur), MrNinhoJr a (mrninhojr), +Albert Camps (campsupc) +, Zenmaster212, jasinski_tomasz, Daan Sprenkels (dsprenkels), Aleksandra Niemyska (niemyskaa), atteism, Diego Andreé +Porras Rivas (andree.rivas), mateomartinez, Rasmus Bidstrup (rasmusbidstrup), Koji O (marlboro20light), Bruno +Rodrigues (bmvr) +, Riotaro OKADA (riotaro), talisainen, OliverkeHU, Kitisak Jirawannakool (jkitisak), Bart Decker (Decker), Mohammad +Febri Ramadlan (mohammadfebrir), Manu B (Rosina), coavacoffee, bill (Hawxdu), Klas Fahlberg (FahlbergKlas), +CarlCampbell, Natalia ( +notNao), Lenka Dubois (lenkadubois), Syahrol, Mattias Persson (mattiasbpersson), rachidbm, André Santos Duarte Fonseca ( +Andre_Duarte), cello-anders, Store (HelaBasa), Oussama Bouthouri (oussama.bouthouri), bmoritz, GK (lollipas) +, landinl, mrudul, Héctor Lecuanda (hlecuanda), Michiya Tominaga (nuwaa), Ilkka Savela (ile2021), Mircea Ulmeanu (, Martin Hartl (hartlmartin), Roy Quiceno (rquiceno), Carlos Allendes (OwaspChile) +, redr0n19, ManuelFranz, Anthony3000, Yang Lucas (Lucas.y), REMOVED_USER, Richardson Lima (contatorichardsonlima) +, nilfigo, soledad aro (cristinagarciaaro), Katharina Wittkowsky (kwittkowsky), Frederik Bøgeskov Johnsen (cpfbj) +, kahfiehudson, motofy, Origami, dav1ds, Stefan Daugaard Poulsen (cyberzed), Ezequiel Andino (acidobinario), Isis +Harris ( +latinadeveloper), 4ourth (fourth-4), REMOVED_USER, h3nrychoi, Omer Levi Hevroni (omerlh), Sen UENO (uenosen), Mohammad +Febri Ramadlan (vebryidiot), alopezhu, Abas Abas (abas70127), Umpawan Halap (umpawanhalap), xsi, Björn Palmqvist ( +bjornpalmqvist) +, Fabio Tavano (tavano.fabio), Anders Lindberg (anderslimpan), bahrunghozali, sutanci, PorPor Hai (eung.porhai), pena69, +Kevin Eliezer García Peña (, vikram.tp07 ## Special Thanks * Inspired by the "classic" [BodgeIt Store]( by [@psiinon]( -* Revised OWASP Juice Shop and Juice Shop CTF logo artworks by Emily - Gundry (courtesy of [@SecureState]( +* Revised OWASP Juice Shop and Juice Shop CTF logo artworks by Emily Gundry (courtesy + of [@SecureState]( * Wallpaper artworks by Mike Branscum (courtesy of [@daylightstudio]( -* [Pwning OWASP Juice Shop]( cover - artwork by [Patch Kroll]( +* [Pwning OWASP Juice Shop]( cover artwork + by [Patch Kroll]( * [Banner]( and [flyer]( diff --git a/ b/ index baaa5b39379..6f6ab1bc186 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ [![Twitter Follow](]( [![Subreddit subscribers](]( - ![CI/CD Pipeline]( [![Test Coverage](]( [![Maintainability](]( @@ -25,35 +24,33 @@ > [But this doesn't have anything to do with juice.]( > ([@coderPatros' wife]( -OWASP Juice Shop is probably the most modern and sophisticated insecure -web application! It can be used in security trainings, awareness demos, -CTFs and as a guinea pig for security tools! Juice Shop encompasses -vulnerabilities from the entire -[OWASP Top Ten]( along with many -other security flaws found in real-world applications! +OWASP Juice Shop is probably the most modern and sophisticated insecure web application! It can be used in security +trainings, awareness demos, CTFs and as a guinea pig for security tools! Juice Shop encompasses vulnerabilities from the +entire +[OWASP Top Ten]( along with many other security flaws found in real-world +applications! ![Juice Shop Screenshot Slideshow](screenshots/slideshow.gif) -For a detailed introduction, full list of features and architecture -overview please visit the official project page: +For a detailed introduction, full list of features and architecture overview please visit the official project page: ## Table of contents - [Setup](#setup) - - [Deploy on Heroku (free ($0/month) dyno)](#deploy-on-heroku-free-0month-dyno) - - [From Sources](#from-sources) - - [Packaged Distributions](#packaged-distributions) - - [Docker Container](#docker-container) - - [Vagrant](#vagrant) - - [Amazon EC2 Instance](#amazon-ec2-instance) - - [Azure Container Instance](#azure-container-instance) - - [Google Compute Engine Instance](#google-compute-engine-instance) + - [Deploy on Heroku (free ($0/month) dyno)](#deploy-on-heroku-free-0month-dyno) + - [From Sources](#from-sources) + - [Packaged Distributions](#packaged-distributions) + - [Docker Container](#docker-container) + - [Vagrant](#vagrant) + - [Amazon EC2 Instance](#amazon-ec2-instance) + - [Azure Container Instance](#azure-container-instance) + - [Google Compute Engine Instance](#google-compute-engine-instance) - [Demo](#demo) - [Documentation](#documentation) - - [Node.js version compatibility](#nodejs-version-compatibility) - - [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting) - - [Official companion guide](#official-companion-guide) + - [Node.js version compatibility](#nodejs-version-compatibility) + - [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting) + - [Official companion guide](#official-companion-guide) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [References](#references) - [Merchandise](#merchandise) @@ -89,8 +86,7 @@ overview please visit the official project page: clone [your own fork]( of the repository) 3. Go into the cloned folder with `cd juice-shop` -4. Run `npm install` (only has to be done before first start or when you - change the source code) +4. Run `npm install` (only has to be done before first start or when you change the source code) 5. Run `npm start` 6. Browse to @@ -100,8 +96,7 @@ overview please visit the official project page: [![SourceForge](]( [![SourceForge](]( -1. Install a 64bit [node.js](#nodejs-version-compatibility) on your - Windows, MacOS or Linux machine +1. Install a 64bit [node.js](#nodejs-version-compatibility) on your Windows, MacOS or Linux machine 2. Download `` (or `.tgz`) attached to [latest release]( @@ -126,8 +121,7 @@ overview please visit the official project page: 2. Run `docker pull bkimminich/juice-shop` 3. Run `docker run --rm -p 3000:3000 bkimminich/juice-shop` 4. Browse to (on macOS and Windows browse to - if you are using docker-machine instead - of the native docker installation) + if you are using docker-machine instead of the native docker installation) ### Vagrant @@ -142,12 +136,9 @@ overview please visit the official project page: ### Amazon EC2 Instance 1. In the _EC2_ sidenav select _Instances_ and click _Launch Instance_ -2. In _Step 1: Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)_ choose an _Amazon - Linux AMI_ or _Amazon Linux 2 AMI_ -3. In _Step 3: Configure Instance Details_ unfold _Advanced Details_ and - copy the script below into _User Data_ -4. In _Step 6: Configure Security Group_ add a _Rule_ that opens port 80 - for HTTP +2. In _Step 1: Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)_ choose an _Amazon Linux AMI_ or _Amazon Linux 2 AMI_ +3. In _Step 3: Configure Instance Details_ unfold _Advanced Details_ and copy the script below into _User Data_ +4. In _Step 6: Configure Security Group_ add a _Rule_ that opens port 80 for HTTP 5. Launch your instance 6. Browse to your instance's public DNS @@ -163,24 +154,19 @@ docker run -d -p 80:3000 bkimminich/juice-shop ### Azure Container Instance 1. Open and login (via `az login`) to your - [Azure CLI]( **or** login to - the [Azure Portal](, open the _CloudShell_ + [Azure CLI]( **or** login to the [Azure Portal](, + open the _CloudShell_ and then choose _Bash_ (not PowerShell). -2. Create a resource group by running `az group create --name --location ` -3. Create a new container by running `az container create - --resource-group --name --image - bkimminich/juice-shop --dns-name-label --ports 3000 - --ip-address public` -4. Your container will be available at `` +2. Create a resource group by running `az group create --name --location ` +3. Create a new container by + running `az container create --resource-group --name --image bkimminich/juice-shop --dns-name-label --ports 3000 --ip-address public` +4. Your container will be available at `` ### Google Compute Engine Instance 1. Login to the Google Cloud Console and [open Cloud Shell]( -2. Launch a new GCE instance based on the juice-shop container. Take - note of the `EXTERNAL_IP` provided in the output. +2. Launch a new GCE instance based on the juice-shop container. Take note of the `EXTERNAL_IP` provided in the output. ``` gcloud compute instances create-with-container owasp-juice-shop-app --container-image bkimminich/juice-shop @@ -213,9 +199,8 @@ Feel free to have a look at the latest version of OWASP Juice Shop: OWASP Juice Shop officially supports the following versions of [node.js]( in line with the official -[node.js LTS schedule]( as close as -possible. Docker images and packaged distributions are offered -accordingly. +[node.js LTS schedule]( as close as possible. Docker images and packaged distributions are +offered accordingly. | node.js | Supported | Tested | [Packaged Distributions](#packaged-distributions) | [Docker images](#docker-container) from `master` | [Docker images](#docker-container) from `develop` | |:--------|:---------------------|:-------------------|:--------------------------------------------------|:--------------------------------------------------------|:----------------------------------------------------------| @@ -227,9 +212,8 @@ accordingly. | 12.x | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | Windows (`x64`), MacOS (`x64`), Linux (`x64`) | `latest` (`linux/amd64`, `linux/arm/v7`, `linux/arm64`) | `snapshot` (`linux/amd64`, `linux/arm/v7`, `linux/arm64`) | | <12.x | :x: | :x: | | | | -Juice Shop is automatically tested _only on the latest `.x` minor -version_ of each node.js version mentioned above! There is no guarantee -that older minor node.js releases will always work with Juice Shop! +Juice Shop is automatically tested _only on the latest `.x` minor version_ of each node.js version mentioned above! +There is no guarantee that older minor node.js releases will always work with Juice Shop! Please make sure you stay up to date with your chosen version. ### Troubleshooting @@ -238,33 +222,26 @@ Please make sure you stay up to date with your chosen version. If you need help with the application setup please check our [our existing _Troubleshooting_]( -guide. If this does not solve your issue please post your specific -problem or question in the -[Gitter Chat]( where community -members can best try to help you. +guide. If this does not solve your issue please post your specific problem or question in the +[Gitter Chat]( where community members can best try to help you. -:stop_sign: **Please avoid opening GitHub issues for support requests or -questions!** +:stop_sign: **Please avoid opening GitHub issues for support requests or questions!** ### Official companion guide [![Write Goodreads Review](]( -OWASP Juice Shop comes with an official companion guide eBook. It will -give you a complete overview of all vulnerabilities found in the -application including hints how to spot and exploit them. In the -appendix you will even find complete step-by-step solutions to every -challenge. Extensive documentation of +OWASP Juice Shop comes with an official companion guide eBook. It will give you a complete overview of all +vulnerabilities found in the application including hints how to spot and exploit them. In the appendix you will even +find complete step-by-step solutions to every challenge. Extensive documentation of [custom re-branding](, [CTF-support](, [trainer's guide]( and much more is also included. -[Pwning OWASP Juice Shop]( is published -under +[Pwning OWASP Juice Shop]( is published under [CC BY-NC-ND 4.0]( -and is available **for free** in PDF, Kindle and ePub format on LeanPub. -You can also +and is available **for free** in PDF, Kindle and ePub format on LeanPub. You can also [browse the full content online](! [![Pwning OWASP Juice Shop Cover](]( @@ -284,48 +261,38 @@ We are always happy to get new contributors on board! Please check ## References -Did you write a blog post, magazine article or do a podcast about or -mentioning OWASP Juice Shop? Or maybe you held or joined a conference -talk or meetup session, a hacking workshop or public training where this -project was mentioned? +Did you write a blog post, magazine article or do a podcast about or mentioning OWASP Juice Shop? Or maybe you held or +joined a conference talk or meetup session, a hacking workshop or public training where this project was mentioned? -Add it to our ever-growing list of []( by -forking and opening a Pull Request! +Add it to our ever-growing list of []( by forking and opening a Pull Request! ## Merchandise * On []( and - []( you can get - some swag (Shirts, Hoodies, Mugs) with the official OWASP Juice Shop - logo + []( you can get some swag (Shirts, Hoodies, Mugs) with the official + OWASP Juice Shop logo * On []( - you can get variants of the OWASP Juice Shop logo as single stickers - to decorate your laptop with. They can also print magnets, iron-ons, - sticker sheets and temporary tattoos. + you can get variants of the OWASP Juice Shop logo as single stickers to decorate your laptop with. They can also print + magnets, iron-ons, sticker sheets and temporary tattoos. The most honorable way to get some stickers is to [contribute to the project]( -by fixing an issue, finding a serious bug or submitting a good idea for -a new challenge! +by fixing an issue, finding a serious bug or submitting a good idea for a new challenge! -We're also happy to supply you with stickers if you organize a meetup or -conference talk where you use or talk about or hack the OWASP Juice -Shop! Just +We're also happy to supply you with stickers if you organize a meetup or conference talk where you use or talk about or +hack the OWASP Juice Shop! Just [contact the mailing list]( -or [the project leader]( to discuss -your plans! +or [the project leader]( to discuss your plans! ## Donations [![](]( -The OWASP Foundation gratefully accepts donations via Stripe. Projects -such as Juice Shop can then request reimbursement for expenses from the -Foundation. If you'd like to express your support of the Juice Shop -project, please make sure to tick the "Publicly list me as a supporter -of OWASP Juice Shop" checkbox on the donation form. You can find our -more about donations and how they are used here: +The OWASP Foundation gratefully accepts donations via Stripe. Projects such as Juice Shop can then request reimbursement +for expenses from the Foundation. If you'd like to express your support of the Juice Shop project, please make sure to +tick the "Publicly list me as a supporter of OWASP Juice Shop" checkbox on the donation form. You can find our more +about donations and how they are used here: @@ -346,8 +313,8 @@ For a list of all contributors to the OWASP Juice Shop please visit our [![license](](LICENSE) -This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it -under the terms of the [MIT license](LICENSE). OWASP Juice Shop and any -contributions are Copyright © by Bjoern Kimminich & the OWASP Juice Shop contributors 2014-2021. +This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the [MIT license](LICENSE). +OWASP Juice Shop and any contributions are Copyright © by Bjoern Kimminich & the OWASP Juice Shop contributors +2014-2021. ![Juice Shop Logo]( diff --git a/ b/ index 9e4aa7665c9..19e12167d6b 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ # References [![Mentioned in Awesome AppSec](]( -Did you write a blog post, magazine article or do a podcast about or -mentioning OWASP Juice Shop? Add it to this file and open a PR! The same -goes for conference or meetup talks, workshops or trainings you did -where this project was mentioned or used! +Did you write a blog post, magazine article or do a podcast about or mentioning OWASP Juice Shop? Add it to this file +and open a PR! The same goes for conference or meetup talks, workshops or trainings you did where this project was +mentioned or used! > :bulb: indicates resources that contain _hints for solving challenges_ > of the OWASP Juice Shop. These are supposed to be helpful whenever you @@ -25,11 +24,12 @@ where this project was mentioned or used! ### Pod- & Webcasts -* [OWASP Spotlight - Project 20 - OWASP Security Pin]( by Vandana Verma with Timo Pagel :mega: +* [OWASP Spotlight - Project 20 - OWASP Security Pin]( by Vandana Verma with + Timo Pagel :mega: * [People | Process | Technology Podcast]( (fka "OWASP 24/7 Podcast"): - * [OWASP Flagship Projects - Episode 02]( - * [Less than 10 Minutes Series: The Juice Shop Project]( + * [OWASP Flagship Projects - Episode 02]( + * [Less than 10 Minutes Series: The Juice Shop Project]( * [Learn Web App Security Penetration Testing with Juice Shop \[Free\]]( by [Gerald Auger - Simply Cyber]( @@ -37,74 +37,73 @@ where this project was mentioned or used! with [Eddie Jaoude]( :mega: -* [ZAP in Ten]( with Simon - Bennetts - * [ZAP in Ten: ADDO Workshop Section 1 - Introduction]( - :mega: - * [ZAP in Ten: ADDO Workshop Section 3 - Packaged Scans]( - :mega: - * [ZAP in Ten: ADDO Workshop Section 4 - Intro to Authentication]( - :mega: - * [ZAP in Ten: ADDO Workshop Section 6 - Standard Auth with JuiceShop]( - * [ZAP in Ten: ADDO Workshop Section 8 - JuiceShop SSO Authentication]( +* [ZAP in Ten]( with Simon Bennetts + * [ZAP in Ten: ADDO Workshop Section 1 - Introduction]( + :mega: + * [ZAP in Ten: ADDO Workshop Section 3 - Packaged Scans]( + :mega: + * [ZAP in Ten: ADDO Workshop Section 4 - Intro to Authentication]( + :mega: + * [ZAP in Ten: ADDO Workshop Section 6 - Standard Auth with JuiceShop]( + * [ZAP in Ten: ADDO Workshop Section 8 - JuiceShop SSO Authentication]( * 15min video tutorial by [Nick Malcolm]( [OWASP Juice Shop 101]( :godmode: * [Application Security Podcast]( - * Episode 7.2: - [Jannik Hollenbach — Multijuicer: JuiceShop with a side of Kubernetes]( - ([YouTube]( - * Episode 5.21: - [Season 5 Finale — A cross section of #AppSec (S05E21)]( - (contains - [5 minute AppSec: Björn Kimminich — JuiceShop]( - entirely) - * Episode 5.20: - [Ronnie Flathers - Security programs big and small]( - :mega: - * Episode 5.9: - [The new JuiceShop, GSOC, and Open Security Summit]( - * 5 minute AppSec: - [Björn Kimminich — JuiceShop]( - * Episode 4.27: - [Season 4 Finale (S04E27)]( - (snippet from - [4.17]( - * Episode 4.20: - [Security Culture Hacking: Disrupting the Security Status Quo (S04E20)]( - :mega: - * Episode 4.17: - [The Joy of the Vulnerable Web: JuiceShop (S04E17)]( + * Episode 7.2: + [Jannik Hollenbach — Multijuicer: JuiceShop with a side of Kubernetes]( + ([YouTube]( + * Episode 5.21: + [Season 5 Finale — A cross section of #AppSec (S05E21)]( + (contains + [5 minute AppSec: Björn Kimminich — JuiceShop]( + entirely) + * Episode 5.20: + [Ronnie Flathers - Security programs big and small]( + :mega: + * Episode 5.9: + [The new JuiceShop, GSOC, and Open Security Summit]( + * 5 minute AppSec: + [Björn Kimminich — JuiceShop]( + * Episode 4.27: + [Season 4 Finale (S04E27)]( + (snippet from + [4.17]( + * Episode 4.20: + [Security Culture Hacking: Disrupting the Security Status Quo (S04E20)]( + :mega: + * Episode 4.17: + [The Joy of the Vulnerable Web: JuiceShop (S04E17)]( * Webcast recording on [7 Minute Security]( [DIY $500 Pentest Lab - Part 1]( :mega: * Recorded live streams from the [Twitch]([Mixer]( [OWASP DevSlop]( Show: - * [OWASP DevSlop E12 - Juice Shop with Björn Kimminich]( - ([YouTube]( :godmode: + * [OWASP DevSlop E12 - Juice Shop with Björn Kimminich]( + ([YouTube]( :godmode: * Webcast recording on [Signal Sciences]( [Secure Development Lessons from Purposely Insecure Applications]( * [7 Minute Security]( Podcast: - * Episode #403: - [7MOOMAMA - Juice Shop Song + Backdoors and Breaches Jingle]( - * Episode #318: - [Interview with Bjorn Kimminich of OWASP Juice Shop]( - * Shout outs in various episodes: - [#347](, - [#342](, - [#310](, - [#309](, - [#306]( - and [#282]( - :mega: + * Episode #403: + [7MOOMAMA - Juice Shop Song + Backdoors and Breaches Jingle]( + * Episode #318: + [Interview with Bjorn Kimminich of OWASP Juice Shop]( + * Shout outs in various episodes: + [#347](, + [#342](, + [#310](, + [#309](, + [#306]( + and [#282]( + :mega: * Video tutorial about automating web application security scans with [OWASP ZAP]( using Juice Shop as the tested app: [All you need is Zaproxy - Security Testing for WebApps Made Easy]( - * [Example integration as a Docker Compose script]( - * [Scan results of the example integration]( + * [Example integration as a Docker Compose script]( + * [Scan results of the example integration]( ### Blogs & Articles @@ -138,17 +137,17 @@ where this project was mentioned or used! :godmode: * Blog posts on [DevelopSec - Developing Better Security]( - * [Installing OWASP JuiceShop with Docker]( - ([YouTube]( - * [Installing OWASP JuiceShop with Heroku]( - ([YouTube]( - * [Burp Extension – Juice Shop Routes]( - ([YouTube]( :godmode: + * [Installing OWASP JuiceShop with Docker]( + ([YouTube]( + * [Installing OWASP JuiceShop with Heroku]( + ([YouTube]( + * [Burp Extension – Juice Shop Routes]( + ([YouTube]( :godmode: * Blog posts on [Jason Haley - Ramblings from an Independent Consultant]( - * [How to Setup OWASP Juice Shop on Azure (Part 1 of 3)]( - * [Setup OWASP Juice Shop in Web App for Containers (Part 2 of 3)]( - * [Setup OWASP Juice Shop in Azure Container Instances (Part 3 of 3)]( + * [How to Setup OWASP Juice Shop on Azure (Part 1 of 3)]( + * [Setup OWASP Juice Shop in Web App for Containers (Part 2 of 3)]( + * [Setup OWASP Juice Shop in Azure Container Instances (Part 3 of 3)]( * Blog post on [Josh Grossman's blog]( [Setting up an OWASP Juice Shop CTF]( * Blog post on [Mozilla Hacks]( @@ -161,8 +160,8 @@ where this project was mentioned or used! [OWASP Juice Shop Vulnerable Webapp]( ([Peerlyst cross-post]( * Blog posts on [OWASP Summit 2017]( - * [Juice Shop v4.0.0 Live Release]( - * [Juice Shop's call to pre-summit action]( + * [Juice Shop v4.0.0 Live Release]( + * [Juice Shop's call to pre-summit action]( * Vulnerable website collection on [Bonkers About Tech]( [40+ Intentionally Vulnerable Websites To (Legally) Practice Your Hacking Skills]( @@ -206,27 +205,27 @@ where this project was mentioned or used! * [Juice Shop Track]( at [Open Security Summit 2020]( - * [OWASP Juice Shop Cocktail Party: Ask us anything!]( - with Björn Kimminich, Jannik Hollenbach & Timo Pagel 15.06.2020 - ([YouTube]( - * [OWASP Juice Shop Deep Dive: MultiJuicer]( - with Jannik Hollenbach & Robert Seedorf, 15.06.2020 - ([YouTube]( - * [OWASP Juice Shop Deep Dive: Integration]( - with Björn Kimminich, 15.06.2020 - ([YouTube]( - * [OWASP Juice Shop Deep Dive: Theming]( - with Björn Kimminich, 15.06.2020 - ([YouTube]( - * [OWASP Juice Shop Introduction]( - with Björn Kimminich, 11.06.2020 - ([YouTube]( - * [MultiJuicer Introduction]( - with Jannik Hollenbach and Robert Seedorf, 02.06.2020 - ([YouTube]( - * [OWASP Juice Shop Introduction]( - with Björn Kimminich, 02.06.2020 - ([YouTube]( + * [OWASP Juice Shop Cocktail Party: Ask us anything!]( + with Björn Kimminich, Jannik Hollenbach & Timo Pagel 15.06.2020 + ([YouTube]( + * [OWASP Juice Shop Deep Dive: MultiJuicer]( + with Jannik Hollenbach & Robert Seedorf, 15.06.2020 + ([YouTube]( + * [OWASP Juice Shop Deep Dive: Integration]( + with Björn Kimminich, 15.06.2020 + ([YouTube]( + * [OWASP Juice Shop Deep Dive: Theming]( + with Björn Kimminich, 15.06.2020 + ([YouTube]( + * [OWASP Juice Shop Introduction]( + with Björn Kimminich, 11.06.2020 + ([YouTube]( + * [MultiJuicer Introduction]( + with Jannik Hollenbach and Robert Seedorf, 02.06.2020 + ([YouTube]( + * [OWASP Juice Shop Introduction]( + with Björn Kimminich, 02.06.2020 + ([YouTube]( * [Drinks with Adversaries: Creating Adversary Trading Cards]( with Mark Miller at [Open Security Summit 2020](, @@ -234,70 +233,62 @@ where this project was mentioned or used! :mega: * Selected Project at [OWASP Projects Summit - Winter 2020]( - with Björn Kimminich, Jannik Hollenbach and Marc Rüttler collaborating - on + with Björn Kimminich, Jannik Hollenbach and Marc Rüttler collaborating on [prepared working packages]( and - [the `v10.0.0` release](, - 27.-29.02.2020 + [the `v10.0.0` release](, 27.-29.02.2020 * [OWASP Juice Shop track]( and related working sessions organized by Björn Kimminich, - [Open Security Summit 2019](, - 03.-07.06.2019 -* Juice Shop related working sessions organized by Jannik Hollenbach and - Timo Pagel in + [Open Security Summit 2019](, 03.-07.06.2019 +* Juice Shop related working sessions organized by Jannik Hollenbach and Timo Pagel in [OWASP Projects track](, - [Open Security Summit 2018](, - 04.-08.06.2018 + [Open Security Summit 2018](, 04.-08.06.2018 * [Outcome of the Juice Shop track]( - and related working sessions organized by Björn Kimminich and Timo - Pagel, - [OWASP Summit 2017](, - 12.-16.06.2017 + and related working sessions organized by Björn Kimminich and Timo Pagel, + [OWASP Summit 2017](, 12.-16.06.2017 ### [Google Summer of Code]( * Student project from [Google Summer of Code 2021]( - * [Extending the features of the vulnerable code snippets]( - by Ayas Behera (mentored by Jannik Hollenbach and Björn Kimminich) + * [Extending the features of the vulnerable code snippets]( + by Ayas Behera (mentored by Jannik Hollenbach and Björn Kimminich) * Student project from [Google Summer of Code 2020]( - * [Juice-Shop ChatBot and general fixes]( - by Mohit Sharma (mentored by Jannik Hollenbach, Björn Kimminich and - Timo Pagel) + * [Juice-Shop ChatBot and general fixes]( + by Mohit Sharma (mentored by Jannik Hollenbach, Björn Kimminich and Timo Pagel) * Student project from [Google Summer of Code 2019]( - * [OWASP Juice Shop: Feature Pack 2019]( - by Arpit Agrawal (mentored by Jannik Hollenbach, Björn Kimminich and - Shoeb Patel) + * [OWASP Juice Shop: Feature Pack 2019]( + by Arpit Agrawal (mentored by Jannik Hollenbach, Björn Kimminich and Shoeb Patel) * Student projects from [Google Summer of Code 2018]( - * [OWASP Juice Shop : Challenge Pack 2018]( - by Shoeb Patel (mentored by Jannik Hollenbach and Timo Pagel) - * [OWASP Juice Shop : Frontend Technology Update]( - by Aashish Singh (mentored by Björn Kimminich) + * [OWASP Juice Shop : Challenge Pack 2018]( + by Shoeb Patel (mentored by Jannik Hollenbach and Timo Pagel) + * [OWASP Juice Shop : Frontend Technology Update]( + by Aashish Singh (mentored by Björn Kimminich) ## Conference and Meetup Appearances #### 2021 -* [OWASP Juice Shop Flagship Project]( by Björn Kimminich, [OWASP 20th Anniversary Event](, 24.09.2021 ([YouTube]() :godmode:) +* [OWASP Juice Shop Flagship Project]( + by Björn Kimminich, [OWASP 20th Anniversary Event](, 24.09.2021 ([YouTube]() : + godmode:) * [SDLC con OWASP y laboratorio con OWASP Juice Shop]( (:uruguay:) with Martín Marsicano and Pablo Alzuri, [OWASP Uruguay Chapter](, 19.08.2021 [YouTube]( :godmode: -* [Talking Juice Shop and Maintaining a Flagship OWASP Project with Björn Kimminich](, +* [Talking Juice Shop and Maintaining a Flagship OWASP Project with Björn Kimminich]( + , [OWASP Northern Virginia Chapter](, 07.07.2021 ([YouTube]( * [OWASP Aarhus Chapter Worskhop and CTF]( with Björn Kimminich, - [OWASP Aarhus Chapter](, - 06.05.2021 + [OWASP Aarhus Chapter](, 06.05.2021 * [Modern Web Application Hacking for Beginners](, virtual 4h diversity training by Björn Kimminich, - [OWASP Training Events 2021 - 2020 SOS Re-run](, - 26.01.2021 + [OWASP Training Events 2021 - 2020 SOS Re-run](, 26.01.2021 #### 2020 @@ -310,12 +301,10 @@ where this project was mentioned or used! 24.11.2020 ([YouTube]( * [Modern Web Application Hacking for Beginners](, virtual 4h diversity training by Björn Kimminich, - [AppSec Days - Summer of Security 2020](, - 25.08.2020 + [AppSec Days - Summer of Security 2020](, 25.08.2020 * [OWASP Projects Panel]( - hosted by [OWASP WIA]( moderated - by Zoe Braiterman with panelists Bjoern Kimminich, Glenn & Riccardo - ten Cate and Spyros Gasteratos, 25.07.2020 + hosted by [OWASP WIA]( moderated by Zoe Braiterman with panelists Bjoern + Kimminich, Glenn & Riccardo ten Cate and Spyros Gasteratos, 25.07.2020 ([YouTube]( * [OWASP ZAP Intro (Online)]( by Simon Bennetts, @@ -323,8 +312,7 @@ where this project was mentioned or used! 23.04.2020 ([YouTube]( :mega: * [ZAP in Ten, Extended Edition: Automation Deepdive]( by Simon Bennetts, - [All Day DevOps Spring Break Edition](, - 17.04.2020 :bulb: + [All Day DevOps Spring Break Edition](, 17.04.2020 :bulb: #### 2019 @@ -335,17 +323,15 @@ where this project was mentioned or used! :bulb:) * [S' OWASP Saft-Lädeli / The OWASP Juice Shop]( by Björn Kimminich, - [OWASP Switzerland Chapter Meeting](, - 18.11.2019 + [OWASP Switzerland Chapter Meeting](, 18.11.2019 * [OWASP Juice Shop: The ultimate All Vuln WebApp]( - by Björn Kimminich, [All Day DevOps](, - 06.11.2019 + by Björn Kimminich, [All Day DevOps](, 06.11.2019 ([YouTube]( :bulb:) * [Juice Shop]( by Björn Kimminich, Project Showcase track of the - [Global AppSec Amsterdam 2019](, - 26.09.2019 ([YouTube]( :bulb:) + [Global AppSec Amsterdam 2019](, 26.09.2019 ([YouTube]( : + bulb:) * [Elbsides vs. Juice Shop]( workshop with Björn Kimminich, [Elbsides 2019](, 16.09.2019 @@ -358,8 +344,7 @@ where this project was mentioned or used! [enterJS 2019](, 25.06.2019 * [Web Application Hacking with Burp Suite and OWASP ZAP]( training with Vandana Verma, - [Global Appsec Tel Aviv 2019](, - 28.05.2019 + [Global Appsec Tel Aviv 2019](, 28.05.2019 * [A good first impression can work wonders: creating AppSec training that developers <3]( by Leif Dreizler, [LocoMocoSec 2019](, 18.04.2019 @@ -367,16 +352,14 @@ where this project was mentioned or used! workshop with Björn Kimminich, [Pixels Camp v3.0](, 21.03.2019 * [OWASP Juice Shop - First you :-D :-D then you :,-(]( - by Björn Kimminich, [Pixels Camp v3.0](, - 21.03.2019 ([YouTube]( :bulb:) + by Björn Kimminich, [Pixels Camp v3.0](, 21.03.2019 ([YouTube]( : + bulb:) * [News from the fruit press: Juice Shop 8]( by Björn Kimminich, - [39. OWASP Stammtisch Hamburg](, - 27.02.2019 + [39. OWASP Stammtisch Hamburg](, 27.02.2019 * [Back to Basics: Hacking OWASP JuiceShop]( by Jeremy Kelso, - [OWASP Knoxville Chapter Meeting](, - 24.01.2019 + [OWASP Knoxville Chapter Meeting](, 24.01.2019 #### 2018 @@ -397,12 +380,10 @@ where this project was mentioned or used! 20.11.2018 ([YouTube]( * [Workshop: OWASP Juice Shop]( by Björn Kimminich, - [German OWASP Day 2018](, - 19.11.2018 + [German OWASP Day 2018](, 19.11.2018 * [OWASP Portland Chapter Meeting - OWASP Juice Shop!]( facilitated by David Quisenberry, - [OWASP Portland Chapter](, - 08.11.2018 + [OWASP Portland Chapter](, 08.11.2018 * [OWASP Juice Shop - Public Lecture]( by Björn Kimminich, [TalTech Infotehnoloogia Kolledž](, @@ -410,16 +391,13 @@ where this project was mentioned or used! _starting 14:55_) * [JUGHH: Security Hackathon]( by [iteratec](, - [Java User Group Hamburg](, - 11.10.2018 + [Java User Group Hamburg](, 11.10.2018 * [Playing with OWASP Juice Shop]( - by Mohammad Febri R, [Mozilla Indonesia](, - 05.08.2018 + by Mohammad Febri R, [Mozilla Indonesia](, 05.08.2018 ([Slides]( * [OWASP Juice Shop どうでしょう]( by Manabu Niseki, - [OWASP Night 2018/7](, - 30.07.2018 + [OWASP Night 2018/7](, 30.07.2018 * [Usable Security Tooling - Creating Accessible Security Testing with ZAP]( by David Scrobonia, [OWASP Meetup - SF July 2018](, @@ -430,39 +408,30 @@ where this project was mentioned or used! :mega: * [OWASP Juice Shop: Betreutes Hacken]( with - [OWASP Stammtisch Karlsruhe](, - 04.06.2018 + [OWASP Stammtisch Karlsruhe](, 04.06.2018 * [Hacking Workshop - Twin Cities vs. OWASP Juice Shop]( with Björn Kimminich, - [Secure360 Twin Cities](, - 17.05.2018 + [Secure360 Twin Cities](, 17.05.2018 * [OWASP Juice Shop - The Ultimate Vulnerable WebApp]( by Björn Kimminich, - [Secure360 Twin Cities](, - 16.05.2018 + [Secure360 Twin Cities](, 16.05.2018 * [OWASP MSP Chapter May Meeting]( with Björn Kimminich, - [OWASP MSP Meetup]( St Paul, - 14.05.2018 + [OWASP MSP Meetup]( St Paul, 14.05.2018 * [OWASP Juice Shop - The next chapter ...]( with Jaan Janesmae, - [CyberHackathon]( Tallinn, - 30.04.2018 + [CyberHackathon]( Tallinn, 30.04.2018 * OWASP Juice Shop Introduction at [ChaosTreff Tallinn Weekly Meetup]( with Björn Kimminich, - [ChaosTreff Tallinn](, - 26.04.2018 + [ChaosTreff Tallinn](, 26.04.2018 * [OWASP Juice Shop Intro and Getting Started]( with Jaan Janesmae, - [CyberHackathon]( Tallinn, - 09.04.2018 + [CyberHackathon]( Tallinn, 09.04.2018 * [Web Application Security: A Hands-on Testing Challenge]( by Dan Billing, - [TestBash Brighton 2018](, - 15.03.2018 -* [OWASP Top 10]( by - Andrew van der Stock, + [TestBash Brighton 2018](, 15.03.2018 +* [OWASP Top 10]( by Andrew van der Stock, [OWASP AppSec California 2018](, 30.01.2018 ([YouTube]( :godmode: _starting 25:40_) @@ -471,8 +440,7 @@ where this project was mentioned or used! * [OWASP Juice Shop 5.x and beyond]( by Björn Kimminich, - [German OWASP Day 2017](, - 14.11.2017 + [German OWASP Day 2017](, 14.11.2017 * [OWASP Juice Shop Introduction]( talk and [AppSec Bucharest vs. OWASP Juice Shop]( @@ -481,63 +449,54 @@ where this project was mentioned or used! 13.10.2017 * [2 Hour Hacking: Juice Shop]( by Timo Pagel, - [OWASP Los Angeles](, - 10.10.2017 + [OWASP Los Angeles](, 10.10.2017 * [Hacking the OWASP Juice Shop]( with Björn Kimminich, - [OWASP North Sweden Chapter](, - 19.09.2017 + [OWASP North Sweden Chapter](, 19.09.2017 * [OWASP Juice Shop Workshop]( with Björn Kimminich, - [OWASP Stockholm Chapter](, - 18.09.2017 + [OWASP Stockholm Chapter](, 18.09.2017 * Hacking session at [Angular Talk & Code]( with Björn Kimminich, - [Angular Meetup Hamburg](, - 13.09.2017 -* Capture The Flag - Security Game by Benjamin Brunzel, Jöran Tesse, - Rüdiger Heins & Sven Strittmatter, + [Angular Meetup Hamburg](, 13.09.2017 +* Capture The Flag - Security Game by Benjamin Brunzel, Jöran Tesse, Rüdiger Heins & Sven Strittmatter, [](, 08.09.2017 * OWASP Juice Shop - Einmal quer durch den Security-Saftladen by Björn Kimminich, [](, 08.09.2017 * [Black Box Threat Modeling]( - by Avi Douglen, [BSides Tel Aviv 2017](, - Underground Track, 28.06.2017 + by Avi Douglen, [BSides Tel Aviv 2017](, Underground Track, 28.06.2017 * [OWASP update]( by Katy Anton, - [OWASP Bristol (UK) Chapter](, - 22.06.2017 + [OWASP Bristol (UK) Chapter](, 22.06.2017 * [Update on OWASP Projects & Conferences]( by Sam Stepanyan, [OWASP London Chapter]( Meeting, 18.05.2017 -* [OWASP Juice Shop: Achieving sustainability for open source projects](, +* [OWASP Juice Shop: Achieving sustainability for open source projects]( + , [AppSec Europe 2017]( by Björn Kimminich, 11.05.2017 ([YouTube]( * [OWASP Juice Shop: Stammtisch-Lightning-Update]( by Björn Kimminich, - [27. OWASP Stammtisch Hamburg](, - 25.04.2017 + [27. OWASP Stammtisch Hamburg](, 25.04.2017 * [Juice Shop Hacking Session]( by Jens Hausherr, - [Software-Test User Group Hamburg](, - 21.03.2017 + [Software-Test User Group Hamburg]( + , 21.03.2017 * [Hands on = Juice Shop Hacking Session]( by Björn Kimminich, [Software Tester Group Hamburg (English-speaking)](, 16.03.2017 * [Kurzvortrag: Hack the Juice Shop]( by Timo Pagel, - [PHP-Usergroup Hamburg](, - 14.02.2017 + [PHP-Usergroup Hamburg](, 14.02.2017 #### 2016 * [Lightning Talk: What's new in OWASP Juice Shop]( by Björn Kimminich, - [German OWASP Day 2016](, - 29.11.2016 + [German OWASP Day 2016](, 29.11.2016 * [Gothenburg pwns the OWASP Juice Shop]( by Björn Kimminich, [OWASP Gothenburg Day 2016](, 24.11.2016 @@ -548,34 +507,28 @@ where this project was mentioned or used! :godmode: _in last 10min_) * [Hacking-Session für Developer (und Pentester)]( by Timo Pagel, - [Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage](, - 16.09.2016 + [Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage](, 16.09.2016 * [Security-Auditing aus der Cloud – Softwareentwicklung kontinuierlich auf dem Prüfstand]( by Robert Seedorff & Benjamin Pfänder, [SeaCon 2016](, 12.05.2016 * [Hacking the Juice Shop ("So ein Saftladen!")]( - by Björn Kimminich, [JavaLand 2016](, - 08.03.2016 + by Björn Kimminich, [JavaLand 2016](, 08.03.2016 * [Hacking the JuiceShop! ("Hackt den Saftladen!")]( by Björn Kimminich, - [node.HH Meetup: Security!](, - 03.02.2016 + [node.HH Meetup: Security!](, 03.02.2016 * [OWASP Top 5 Web-Risiken]( by Timo Pagel, - [node.HH Meetup: Security!](, - 03.02.2016 + [node.HH Meetup: Security!](, 03.02.2016 #### 2015 * [Lightning Talk: Hacking the Juice Shop ("So ein Saftladen!")]( by Björn Kimminich, - [German OWASP Day 2015](, - 01.12.2015 + [German OWASP Day 2015](, 01.12.2015 * [Juice Shop - Hacking an intentionally insecure JavaScript Web Application]( by Björn Kimminich, [JS Unconf 2015](, 25.04.2015 * [So ein Saftladen! - Hacking Session für Developer (und Pentester)]( by Björn Kimminich, - [17. OWASP Stammtisch Hamburg](, - 27.01.2015 + [17. OWASP Stammtisch Hamburg](, 27.01.2015 diff --git a/ b/ index 3229ac3001b..2695a591218 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,13 +1,10 @@ # Security Policy -OWASP Juice Shop is an _intentionally vulnerable_ web application, but -we still do not want to be suprised by zero day vulnerabilities which -are not part of our hacking challenges. We are following the proposed -Internet standard so you can find our -"security" policy in any running instance of the application at the -expected location described in -. Finding it is -actually one of our hacking challenges! +OWASP Juice Shop is an _intentionally vulnerable_ web application, but we still do not want to be suprised by zero day +vulnerabilities which are not part of our hacking challenges. We are following the proposed Internet +standard so you can find our +"security" policy in any running instance of the application at the expected location described in +. Finding it is actually one of our hacking challenges! ## Supported Versions @@ -20,9 +17,8 @@ We provide security patches for the latest released minor version. ## Reporting a Vulnerability -For vulnerabilities which are **not** part of any hacking challenge -please contact . In all other cases please -contact our shop's "security team" at the address mentioned in the +For vulnerabilities which are **not** part of any hacking challenge please contact . In all +other cases please contact our shop's "security team" at the address mentioned in the `security.txt` accessible through the running application. > Instead of fixing reported vulnerabilities we might turn them into diff --git a/ b/ index 146f4669e5a..847f4736bde 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,9 +1,7 @@ # Solutions -Did you write a guide specifically on hacking OWASP Juice Shop or record -a hacking session of your own? Add it to this file and open a PR! The -same goes for any scripts or automated tools you made for making Juice -Shop easier to hack! +Did you write a guide specifically on hacking OWASP Juice Shop or record a hacking session of your own? Add it to this +file and open a PR! The same goes for any scripts or automated tools you made for making Juice Shop easier to hack! > :godmode: **Everything** mentioned on this specific page is considered > to contain _spoilers for entire challenge solutions_ so the entries @@ -23,69 +21,68 @@ Shop easier to hack! playlist of [Hacksplained]( (🧃`v10.x` - `v11.x`) - * [★ Zero Stars]( - * [★ Confidential Document]( - * [★ DOM XSS]( - * [★ Error Handling]( - * [★ Missing Encoding]( - * [★ Outdated Allowlist]( - * [★ Privacy Policy]( - * [★ Repetitive Registration]( - * [★★ Login Admin]( - * [★★ Admin Section]( - * [★★ Classic Stored XSS]( - * [★★ Deprecated Interface]( - * [★★ Five Star Feedback]( - * [★★ Login MC SafeSearch]( - * [★★ Password Strength]( - * [★★ Security Policy]( - * [★★ View Basket]( - * [★★ Weird Crypto]( - * [★★★ API-Only XSS]( - * [★★★ Admin Registration]( - * [★★★ Björn's Favorite Pet]( - * [★★★ Captcha Bypass]( - * [★★★ Client-side XSS Protection]( - * [★★★ Database Schema]( - * [★★★ Forged Feedback]( - * [★★★ Forged Review]( - * [★★★ GDPR Data Erasure]( - * [★★★ Login Amy]( - * [★★★ Login Bender]( - * [★★★ Login Jim]( - * [★★★ Manipluate Basket]( - * [★★★ Payback Time]( - * [★★★ Privacy Policy Inspection]( - * [★★★ Product Tampering]( - * [★★★ Reset Jim's Password]( - * [★★★ Upload Size]( - * [★★★ Upload Type]( - * [★★★★ Access Log (Sensitive Data Exposure)]( - * [★★★★ Ephemeral Accountant (SQL-Injection)]( - * [★★★★ Expired Coupon (Improper Input Validation)]( - * [★★★★ Forgotten Developer Backup (Sensitive Data Exposure)]( - * [★★★★ Forgotten Sales Backup (Sensitive Data Exposure)]( - * [★★★★ GDPR Data Theft (Sensitive Data Exposure)]( - * [★★★★ Legacy Typosquatting (Vulnerable Components)]( - * [★★★★ Login Bjoern (Broken Authentication)]( - * [★★★★ Misplaced Signature File (Sensitive Data Exposure)]( - * [★★★★ Nested Easter Egg (Cryptographic Issues)]( - * [★★★★ NoSql Manipulation (Injection)]( - :broken_heart: - * [★★★★★ Change Benders Password (Broken Authentication)]( - * [★★★★★ Extra Language (Broken Anti Automation)]( + * [★ Zero Stars]( + * [★ Confidential Document]( + * [★ DOM XSS]( + * [★ Error Handling]( + * [★ Missing Encoding]( + * [★ Outdated Allowlist]( + * [★ Privacy Policy]( + * [★ Repetitive Registration]( + * [★★ Login Admin]( + * [★★ Admin Section]( + * [★★ Classic Stored XSS]( + * [★★ Deprecated Interface]( + * [★★ Five Star Feedback]( + * [★★ Login MC SafeSearch]( + * [★★ Password Strength]( + * [★★ Security Policy]( + * [★★ View Basket]( + * [★★ Weird Crypto]( + * [★★★ API-Only XSS]( + * [★★★ Admin Registration]( + * [★★★ Björn's Favorite Pet]( + * [★★★ Captcha Bypass]( + * [★★★ Client-side XSS Protection]( + * [★★★ Database Schema]( + * [★★★ Forged Feedback]( + * [★★★ Forged Review]( + * [★★★ GDPR Data Erasure]( + * [★★★ Login Amy]( + * [★★★ Login Bender]( + * [★★★ Login Jim]( + * [★★★ Manipluate Basket]( + * [★★★ Payback Time]( + * [★★★ Privacy Policy Inspection]( + * [★★★ Product Tampering]( + * [★★★ Reset Jim's Password]( + * [★★★ Upload Size]( + * [★★★ Upload Type]( + * [★★★★ Access Log (Sensitive Data Exposure)]( + * [★★★★ Ephemeral Accountant (SQL-Injection)]( + * [★★★★ Expired Coupon (Improper Input Validation)]( + * [★★★★ Forgotten Developer Backup (Sensitive Data Exposure)]( + * [★★★★ Forgotten Sales Backup (Sensitive Data Exposure)]( + * [★★★★ GDPR Data Theft (Sensitive Data Exposure)]( + * [★★★★ Legacy Typosquatting (Vulnerable Components)]( + * [★★★★ Login Bjoern (Broken Authentication)]( + * [★★★★ Misplaced Signature File (Sensitive Data Exposure)]( + * [★★★★ Nested Easter Egg (Cryptographic Issues)]( + * [★★★★ NoSql Manipulation (Injection)]( + :broken_heart: + * [★★★★★ Change Benders Password (Broken Authentication)]( + * [★★★★★ Extra Language (Broken Anti Automation)]( * [Broken Authentication and SQL Injection - OWASP Juice Shop TryHackMe]( by [Motasem Hamdan - CyberSecurity Trainer]( * Live Hacking von Online-Shop „Juice Shop” (:de:) - [Twitch live stream]( recordings - by + [Twitch live stream]( recordings by [Gregor Biswanger]( (🧃`v11.x`) - * [Level 1]( - * [Level 2]( - * [Level 3]( - * [Level 4]( + * [Level 1]( + * [Level 2]( + * [Level 3]( + * [Level 4]( * [HackerOne #h1-2004 Community Day: Intro to Web Hacking - OWASP Juice Shop]( by [Nahamsec]( including the creation of a (fake) bugbounty report for all findings (🧃`v10.x`) @@ -98,30 +95,30 @@ Shop easier to hack! by Arthur Kay (🧃`v8.x`) * [HackerSploit]( Youtube channel (🧃`v7.x`) - * [OWASP Juice Shop - SQL Injection]( - * [Web App Penetration Testing - #15 - HTTP Attributes (Cookie Stealing)]( - * [Web App Penetration Testing - #14 - Cookie Collection & Reverse Engineering]( - * [Web App Penetration Testing - #13 - CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery)]( - * [How To Install OWASP Juice Shop]( + * [OWASP Juice Shop - SQL Injection]( + * [Web App Penetration Testing - #15 - HTTP Attributes (Cookie Stealing)]( + * [Web App Penetration Testing - #14 - Cookie Collection & Reverse Engineering]( + * [Web App Penetration Testing - #13 - CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery)]( + * [How To Install OWASP Juice Shop]( * [7 Minute Security]( Podcast (🧃`v2.x`) - * Episode #234: - [7MS #234: Pentesting OWASP Juice Shop - Part 5]( - ([Youtube]( - * Episode #233: - [7MS #233: Pentesting OWASP Juice Shop - Part 4]( - ([Youtube]( - * Episode #232: - [7MS #232: Pentesting OWASP Juice Shop - Part 3]( - ([Youtube]( - * Episode #231: - [7MS #231: Pentesting OWASP Juice Shop - Part 2]( - ([Youtube]( - * Episode #230: - [7MS #230: Pentesting OWASP Juice Shop - Part 1]( - ([Youtube]( - * Episode #229: - [7MS #229: Intro to Docker for Pentesters]( - ([Youtube]( + * Episode #234: + [7MS #234: Pentesting OWASP Juice Shop - Part 5]( + ([Youtube]( + * Episode #233: + [7MS #233: Pentesting OWASP Juice Shop - Part 4]( + ([Youtube]( + * Episode #232: + [7MS #232: Pentesting OWASP Juice Shop - Part 3]( + ([Youtube]( + * Episode #231: + [7MS #231: Pentesting OWASP Juice Shop - Part 2]( + ([Youtube]( + * Episode #230: + [7MS #230: Pentesting OWASP Juice Shop - Part 1]( + ([Youtube]( + * Episode #229: + [7MS #229: Intro to Docker for Pentesters]( + ([Youtube]( ### Walkthroughs