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These are a series of conventions (to follow) and anti-patterns (to avoid) for writing Python application code. They are intended to be an aid to code-review in that common comments can reference a single detailed explanation.

Make function signatures explicit

Specify all the parameters you expect your function to take whenever possible. Avoid *args and **kwargs (otherwise known as var-positional and var-keyword parameters) without good reason. Code with loosely defined function signatures can be difficult to work with, as it's unclear what variables are entering the function.

def do_something(**kwargs):  # Don't do this

Be explicit instead:

def do_something(foo: int, bar: str):

This includes functions that wrap lower level functionality, such as model creation methods:

class MyModel(models.Model):

    def new(cls, **kwargs):  # Don't do this.
        return cls.objects.create(**kwargs)

Instead, do this:

class MyModel(models.Model):

    def new(cls, foo: int, bar: str):
        return cls.objects.create(foo=foo, bar=bar)

Of course, there are plenty of good use cases for **kwargs, such as making Celery tasks backward compatible, or in class based views, but they come with a cost, so use them sparingly.

Using **kwargs in functions with many parameters

A particularly tempting use of **kwargs is when a function is passing a large number of parameters around, for example:

def main():
        one=1, two=2, three=3, four=4, five=5, six=6, seven=7, eight=8, nine=9, ten=10

def do_something(**kwargs):  # Don't do this.

This isn't a good use of dynamic parameters, as it makes the code even harder to work with.

At a minimum, specify the parameters explicitly. However, many parameterized functions are a smell, so you could also consider fixing the underlying problem through refactoring. One option is the Introduce Parameter Object technique, which introduces a dedicated class to pass the data.

Import modules, not objects

Usually, you should import modules rather than their objects. Instead of:

from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponseBadRequest
from django.shortcuts import render, get_object_or_404


from django import http, shortcuts

This keeps the module namespace cleaner and less likely to have accidental collisions. It also usually makes the module more concise and readable.

Further, it fosters writing simpler isolated unit tests in that import modules works well with mock.patch.object to fake/stub/mock direct collaborators of the system-under-test. Using the more general mock.patch often leads to accidental integration tests as an indirect collaborator (several calls away) is patched.


import mock
from somepackage import somemodule

@mock.patch.object(somemodule, "collaborator")
def test_a_single_unit(collaborator):

Remember, in the long term, slow integration tests will rot your test suite. Fast isolated unit tests keep things healthy.

When to import objects directly

Avoiding object imports isn't a hard and fast rule. Sometimes it can significantly impair readability. This is particularly the case with commonly used objects in the standard library. Some examples where you should import the object instead:

from decimal import Decimal
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Dict
from collections import defaultdict

Favour singular nouns for class names

Try to use singular nouns as the names of Python classes. This tends to result in more readable code, especially when dealing with collections of instances.

This applies to enums, too: for example, favour Weekday over Weekdays, as it's grammatically correct to say 'this object is a weekday', not 'this object is a weekdays'.


Consider a class named with a plural noun: UserDetails. Naming a list of these is awkward:

user_details_list: list[UserDetails] = get_user_details_list(account)

A singular noun such as UserProfile is better, as we can just use the plural form for the collection:

user_profiles: list[UserProfile] = get_user_profiles(account)

Tips for finding a singular noun when you have a plural

  • As an alternative to Options, Details or Preferences, you can use Profile or Specification instead.
  • An easy tweak is to add a noun that describes a collection (such as Set or Batch) to the end of a class name. For example, EventBatch is better than Events.
  • Look at a thesaurus - maybe there is already a singular form that you can use.

Name private things with a leading underscore

When a function, class, method, module or module-level-variable should be treated as private, prefix its name with an underscore. For example:

  • A function or variable named _foo should not be used outside the module it's declared in.
  • A class named _Foo should not be used outside the module it's declared in.
  • A method named _foo should not be used except in the class it's declared on, or its subclasses.
  • A module named should not be imported directly except by its siblings or direct parent package (although see the guidance on convenience imports for some restrictions on this).

Avoid name collisions by using a trailing underscore

Sometimes we really want to use a variable name that's already taken by built-in or a library import.

An example is the word "property", which can mean at least two things:

  • An instance of the Property class representing a real estate property in Kraken.
  • A Python property, with the decorator @property squatting most namespaces.

A trailing underscore prevents the name collision:

property_ = account.default_current_property()
if not property_:
    raise payments_comms.UnableToNotifyCustomer("No property found for account")
for transaction_ in invoice_queries.transactions(invoice):
    # We only need to record VAT lines for charges and credits.
    if not isinstance(transaction_, models.BillableItem):

Note that asking function callers to use underscore-suffixed kwargs might be a bit too much. Better to find a different argument name. That is, instead of:

def date_to_string(date_: Optional[date]) -> str:
    return date_.isoformat() if date_ else ""


def date_to_string(date_to_format: Optional[date]) -> str:
    return date_to_format.isoformat() if date_to_format else ""

Convenience imports

A useful pattern is to import the "public" objects from a package into its module to make life easier for calling code. This does need to be done with care though - here's a few guidelines:

Establish a canonical import path by prefixing private module names with underscores

One danger of a convenience import is that it can present two different ways to access an object, e.g.: mypackage.something versus

To avoid this, prefix modules that are accessible from a convenience import with an underscore, to indicate that they are private and shouldn't be imported directly by callers external to the parent package, e.g.:

mypackage/  # Public API

Note: you should only use this if all the modules in the package are private (see below).

Don't use convenience imports in packages with public children

Avoid using convenience imports in the of any package containing publicly-importable modules or subpackages (i.e. ones that aren't prefixed with an underscore). This results in unnecessary imports when the public children are imported, increasing bootstrap times and the chance of circular import problems.

For example, don't do this:

mypackage/  # imports from

This is because when we import, we are forced to import from too.

Don't use wildcard imports

Don't use wildcard imports (i.e. from somewhere import *), even if each imported module specifies an __all__ variable.

Instead of:

# hallandoates/
from ._problems import *
from ._features import *


# hallandoates/
from ._problems import ICantGoForThat, NoCanDo
from ._features import man_eater, rich_girl, shes_gone


  • Wildcard imports can make it harder for maintainers to find where functionality lives.
  • Wildcard imports can confuse static analysis tools like mypy.
  • If submodules don't specify an __all__ variable, a large number of objects can be inadvertently imported into the module, leading to a danger of name collisions.

Fundamentally, it's better to be explicit (even if it is more verbose).

Don't expose modules as public objects in

If your package structure looks like:


don't do this:

# foo/bar/
import bar, qux

where the modules bar and qux have been imported.

It's better for callers to import modules using their explicit path rather than this kind of trickery.

Application logic in interface layer

Interface code like view modules and management command classes should contain no application logic. It should all be extracted into other modules so other "interfaces" can call it if they need to.

The role of interface layers is simply to translate transport-layer requests (like HTTP requests) into domain requests. And similarly, translate domain responses into transport responses (e.g. convert an application exception into a HTTP error response).

A useful thought exercise to go through when adding code to a view is to imagine needing to expose the same functionality via a REST API or a management command. Would anything need duplicating from the view code? If so, then this tells you that there's logic in the view layer that needs extracting.

Catching exceptions

Don't use bare except: clauses; always specify the exception types that should be caught.

Don't catch BaseException (as this can block keyboard interrupts and system exits).

Further, only catch the Exception type in these cases:

  1. If you are re-raising the exception. This is appropriate when you want to log the exception (to Sentry normally) but allow somewhere further up the call chain to handle it.

    def do_the_thing():
        except Exception:
            # This is unexpected so let's log to Sentry.
            logger.exception("Unable to do the subthing")
            # Re-raise the exception so somewhere higher up in the call chain can
            # handle it.
  2. If you are re-raising a different exception. This is appropriate if you want to ensure all errors from some component are converted into an UnableTo-style domain exception so callers don't have to worry about other types. Since we have a convention to distinguish between anticipated and unanticipated exceptions, this would normally indicate something unanticipated has happened in your component and should be logged to Sentry for further investigation.

    def do_the_thing():
        except Exception as e:
            # This is unexpected so let's log to Sentry.
            logger.exception("Unable to do the subthing")
            # Convert into a specific exception so callers of this function don't
            # have to worry about catching Exception.
            raise UnableToDoTheThing(...) from e

    Remember to chain the exceptions (using raise ... from ...) so it's clear the one exception lead to the other. This can be thought of as an "isolation point".

  1. If you want to provide a better experience for the end user than the default exception handler. E.g. it often makes sense to catch Exception in HTTP views so you can show a more meaningful error to the end user (than "Internal server error"). When doing this, the exception should always be logged to Sentry for further investigation. E.g

    class MyView(generic.FormView):
        def form_valid(self, form):
            except Exception:
                # This is unanticipated so let's log to Sentry...
                logger.exception("Unable to perform action")
                # ...and show a friendly message to the end user.
                msg = (
                    "Something went wrong when processing your submission. "
                    "We're going to look into it."
                form.add_error(None, msg)
                return self.form_invalid(form)

Don't do nothing silently

Avoid this pattern:

def do_something(*args, **kwargs):
    if thing_done_already():
    if preconditions_not_met():

where the function makes some defensive checks and returns without doing anything if these fail. From the caller's point of view, it can't tell whether the action was successful or not. This leads to subtle bugs.

It's much better to be explicit and use exceptions to indicate that an action couldn't be taken. E.g.:

def do_something(*args, **kwargs):
    if thing_done_already():
        raise ThingAlreadyDone
    if thing_not_ready():
        raise ThingNotReady

Let the calling code decide how to handle cases where the action has already happened or the pre-conditions aren't met. The calling code is usually in the best place to decide if doing nothing is the right action.

If it really doesn't matter if the action succeeds or fails from the caller's point-of-view (a "fire-and-forget" action), then use a wrapper function that delegates to the main function but swallows all exceptions:

def do_something(*args, **kwargs):
        _do_something(*args, **kwargs)
    except (ThingsAlreadyDone, ThingNotReady):
        # Ignore these cases

def _do_something(*args, **kwargs):
    if thing_done_already():
        raise ThingAlreadyDone
    if thing_not_ready():
        raise ThingNotReady

This practice does mean using lots of custom exception classes (which some people are afraid of) - but that is okay.


The first sentence of a function's docstring should complete this sentence:

This function will ...

which helps enforce an imperative mood.

It's conventional (but not mandatory) to start docstrings with "test" for predicates (boolean-returning) functions and "return" for query functions.


  • Use a newline character after the initial """ and before the final """ and ensure the sentence ends with a period.

  • In general, prefer type annotations to documenting parameter and return-value types in the docstring as this gives mypy a chance to catch possible type errors.

  • But do document exceptions that a function can raise (as these can't be indicated using type annotations). Use this format (that PyCharm recognises):

  Do something with foo.

  :raises FooError: if the foo is bad

For example:

def is_meal_tasty(meal: Meal) -> bool:
    Test if the passed meal is tasty or not.

Related: PEP 257 - Docstring Conventions

Docstrings vs. comments

There is a difference:

  • Docstrings are written between triple quotes within the function/class block. They explain what the function does and are written for people who might want to use that function/class but are not interested in the implementation details.

  • In contrast, comments are written # like this and are written for people who want to understand the implementation so they can change or extend it. They will commonly explain why something has been implemented the way it has.

It sometimes makes sense to use both next to each other, e.g.:

def do_that_thing():
    Perform some action and return some thing.
    # This has been implemented this way because of these crazy reasons.

Related reading:

Prefer American English for naming things

When naming objects like modules, classes, functions and variables, prefer American English. For example, use (US spelling) instead of (UK spelling). This ensures the names in our codebase match those in the wider Python ecosystem.

Timeouts for HTTP Requests

Use the requests library for making HTTP calls.

Consider using one of our helper classes like HTTPClient or JSONClient from octoenergy/services/ These classes wrap requests.

When communicating with an external dependency, include a timeout unless you have a very good reason not to.

An example for HTTP requests:


If you don't include a timeout, you risking leaving an end user waiting for an unacceptable length of time, or having a worker process blocked doing nothing useful.

The requests library documentation has this to say about timeouts:

Nearly all production code should use this parameter in nearly all requests. Failure to do so can cause your program to hang indefinitely.

Use immutable types when modification is not required

If you don't expect your data to be changed, consider making them immutable.

For example, this might mean:

  • Instead of @attrs.define use @attrs.frozen.
  • Instead of set use frozenset.
  • Instead of list[object] use tuple[object, ...] or[object].

By reducing what data may vary, this approach can:

  • Make code easier for developers to reason about.
  • Let Mypy trust that data doesn't change, and better enable polymorphism. (Immutable collections are covariant, where most mutable containers are invariant.)

Immutable types also have the advantage of being hashable, so it's possible to store them in sets or use them as keys in dictionaries.

Immutable containers with mutable data

Be cautious when immutable containers (tuples, frozen dataclasses etc) contain mutable data. You will not gain the full advantages of immutability. For example, the outer container will not be hashable because it will still be possible to modify the inner data.

It is recommended to use immutable structures all the way down.

So, when you see something like this:

class Example:
    things: list[str]

It might be safer to change it to something like this:

class Example:
    things: tuple[str, ...]

Favour attrs over dataclasses

When faced with a choice between using attrs and dataclasses, choose attrs.

There are a number of advantages:

  • The attrs library has a mostly-compatible superset of the functionality in dataclasses.
  • It calls super in the generated __init__ method: dataclasses lack of this has caused outages in the past!
  • It uses less memory because it uses __slots__ by default.
  • It has a faster development iteration time, as a result of not being tied to Python's release schedule.
  • Our codebase will be more consistent for only using one of these two very similar libraries.

Use the new attrs naming scheme

Old versions of attrs had a cutesy naming convention which has now been deprecated.

The quickest way to check is by the imports. The new version imports attrs, not attr.

The new API looks like this:

import attrs

@attrs.define  # Note: this is mutable, but @attrs.frozen is often preferable.
class MyClass:
    value: int

The old API looked like this:

import attr

class MyClass:
    value: int

Further reading