title |
A Batch Querying Applicative Functor Without IORefs |
Regular readers of my blog will remember that I recently blogged about a
applicative functor,
which is able to "watch" for queries to a data store and batch multiple queries
into one. It's able to do all of this while allowing us to write code in a
declarative manner, using traversals and other techniques we're already familiar
with. To refresh your memory, here's an example what we can write with
withQuery getUsersById $ \usersById ->
withQuery getTagsByPostId $ \tagsByPostId ->
for blogPosts $ \post ->
BlogPost <$> pure post
<*> usersById @? postAuthor post
<*> tagsByPostId @? postId post
In this example, we have a list of blogPosts
that we want to load more
information for. We loop over each post, and load the author and tags each
post. Despite using a loop, by using Querying
we only perform two queries, as
batches the queries together.
Even though we reached a viable solution, it left me unsatisfied. The solution
relied on mutability (twice!) - once to record which keys were looked up (here
we used an IORef
), and again to create a suspended computation containing the
result (an initially empty MVar
). There's no reason we should have to require
mutability, so I've been searching for a pure solution - and I'm happy to say
I've found it.
To start understanding the problem, let's look at a pure Querying
that works with a single query. A lot of people on Reddit immediately
suggested this as an alternative solution to my IORef
solution, but didn't
realise it only works for a single query. Nonetheless, it's a good starting
data Querying k v a = Querying [k] ([(k, v)] -> a)
This applicative functor can be thought of as the product of two smaller
applicative functors - the Const [k]
functor collects a list of keys, and
the ([(k, v)] ->)
functor allows us to create a suspended computation
awaiting results. If we write out the applicative instance by hand, we can see
what it means to combine two Querying
s together:
instance Applicative (Querying k v) where
pure x = Querying mempty (pure x)
(Querying ks f) <*> (Querying ks' x) =
Querying (ks <> ks') (\result -> f result <*> x result)
The pure computation asks no questions and thus doesn't care what the results of
the query are. We can combine two Querying
s together by collecting the keys of
both values, and creating a new computation suspend on the result that combine
the underlying values.
The problem is that this applicative is now parameterized on a single key/value
pair. If we have a Querying Int String
and a Querying Int Bool
, the two are
different types and thus we can't use <*>
to combine them.
What we need to do is be able to store lists of key value pairs of potentially different types. If we could do this, then we can have a list of keys for every key value pair. Likewise, we want a similar construction for our suspended computation, one that would depend on the results of all queries. If we ask 3 queries, then we would like a function of three arguments.
First of all, let's see how we can have a list of keys of different types. Since GHC learned how to promote data types to the type level, things have become a lot easier here. First, we'll introduce a useful type of key value pairs - this will help us stay organised and principled at the type level:
data KV k v = KV k v
We won't actually be constructing any terms of type KV
, but we need a
constructor to promote to be a type. Next, we introduce a GADT KeyList
is a list of lists of keys:
data KeyList :: [KV * *] -> * where
Nil :: KeyList '[]
Cons :: [k] -> KeyList kvs -> KeyList ('KV k v ': kvs)
The empty key list contains no information, and by constructing a term with
, we learn that there are no keys at all - as we can see by the empty list
in the type of Nil
. However, we also have a Cons
constructor which takes a
list of keys (of type k
), and appends this list onto another list of
potentially different types. So here we can see that we combine terms with cons,
and we mirror this structure at the type level - we are consining a new KV
type in the final type of Cons
To emphasise the list-like nature of this data type, we can make it an instance
of Monoid
, which will be useful later. However, there are actually infinitely
many monoid instances - one for every possible list of KV
s. Fortunately,
Haskell's type classes are able to deal with this, by generating Monoid
instances out of smaller ones:
instance Monoid (KeyList '[]) where
mempty = Nil
mappend _ _ = Nil
instance (Monoid (KeyList kvs)) => Monoid (KeyList ('KV k v ': kvs)) where
mempty = Cons mempty mempty
mappend (Cons l ls) (Cons r rs) = Cons (l ++ r) (mappend ls rs)
These monoid instances are somewhat reminiscent of an inductive proof - our base case is the empty list, and a monoid instance for a non-empty list relies on the monoid instance for a one-element-smaller list, which is a lot like making use of an inductive hypothesis.
Now that we know that we can work with lists of keys of different types, we should next spend some time to work out how we're going to create the suspended computation for multiple questions. Let's look at a few examples to get a feel for things. For a single query, we want:
[(k, v)] -> a
For two queries, we want:
[(k1, v1)] -> [(k, v)] -> a
Hmm, what about zero queries? Well, logically this would just be a term of
type a
- no function at all. Well hey, this again looks a lot like a list! We
can use a very similar technique to building KeyList
- but instead of storing
lists, we would store functions. The constant value moves to be part of our base
data ResultF :: [KV * *] -> * -> * where
ResultConst :: a -> ResultF '[] a
ResultFunc :: ([(k, v)] -> ResultF kvs a) -> ResultF ('KV k v ': kvs) a
Because the base case carries a term, we need a way to mention the type of this
term, so ResultF kvs
actually constitutes a Functor
instance Functor (ResultF kvs) where
fmap f (ResultConst x) = ResultConst (f x)
fmap f (ResultFunc g) = ResultFunc (fmap f . g)
This is a fairly natural definition - we just pattern match and either apply our
function to the constant value, or we fmap
inside the function, which builds
up a new function.
In fact, ResultF
actually creates a full applicative functor - a hint that
we're on the right track to building a larger applicative functor out of
it. Applicative functors have the pure
method as part of their type class,
which is a producer of data. As such, we'll have to make sure we have instances
for any possible type of ResultF
, as we did with our KeyList
instance Applicative (ResultF '[]) where
pure = ResultConst
(ResultConst f) <*> (ResultConst x) = ResultConst (f x)
instance Applicative (ResultF kvs) => Applicative (ResultF ('KV k v ': kvs)) where
pure x = ResultFunc (const (pure x))
(ResultFunc f) <*> (ResultFunc x) = ResultFunc (\args -> f args <*> x args)
These aren't particularly pretty, but fortunately they aren't particularly surprising either.
Believe it or not, we're now ready to build our Querying
data Querying :: (* -> *) -> [KV * *] -> * -> * where
Querying :: KeyList kvs -> Compose m (ResultF kvs) a -> Querying m kvs a
instance Functor m => Functor (Querying m kvs) where
fmap f (Querying kvs x) = Querying kvs (fmap f x)
instance (Applicative m, Applicative (ResultF kvs), Monoid (KeyList kvs)) =>
Applicative (Querying m kvs) where
pure a = Querying mempty (pure a)
(Querying kvs f) <*> (Querying kvs' x) = Querying (kvs <> kvs') (f <*> x)
itself is just a combination of a key list and a monadic action
producing a ResultF
that eventually produces an a
(I use Compose
to help
me write the Applicative
instances). The Functor
instance leaves the key
list un-changed, and just uses the Functor
instance for ResultF
to do the
heavy lifting.
The applicative instance may look a little bit more intricate, but look at the definitions... They are exactly the same as what we had before! This shouldn't be surprising, but somehow... I can't help but be surprised :)
Now that we have the ability to build up KeyList
and ResultF
terms we're
making good progress. I have a loose plan - I want withQuery
to introduce
another level of scope in our Querying
applicative. This corresponds to Cons
for KeyList
and adding a new ResultFunc
layer for ResultF
. Introducing a
new level of scope will provide the user with a pointer to this scope, which
gives them a way to demand results from the query.
But how do we represent these pointers? For usual lists, we can use natural numbers, but if we used numbers here we'd throw an awful lot of useful information away. A better description would be to describe the operations that someone has to do to the current scope to get to the data they seek. There are two possibilities: either the data you seek is at the outermost level of scope, or you have a pointer that is valid under that scope. You can think of this as "stripping away" one level of scoping and then carrying on a lookup. It may be easier to understand this by seeing the data type and some examples:
data Where :: [KV * *] -> (KV * *) -> * where
Here :: Where (kv ': tail) kv
There :: Where kvs kv -> Where ('KV k v ': kvs) kv
carries a list of scopes that it's valid in as its first parameter, and
its second parameter indicates exactly which key-value pair we're pointing
to. Either we're pointing to the outermost scope with Here
, or we want to
strip off one layer of scope and then carry on.
For example, we could construct the following queries:
Here :: '['KV Int Int] ('KV Int Int)
There Here :: '['KV Int String, 'KV Int Int] ('KV Int Int)
There Here :: '['KV String Char, 'KV Int String, 'KV Int Int] ('KV Int String)
The Where
data type will provide us with a way to introduce a pointer to a
query which is useful for withQuery
. If I tease you with the type of
, it will be easier to see what the plan is:
:: ([k] -> m [(k, v)])
-> (Where ('KV k v ': kvs) ('KV k v) -> Querying m ('KV k v ': kvs) a)
-> Querying m kvs a
will take a query in some monad m
, and a function to operate in a
larger scope. We can see that we extend an existing Querying
of kvs
with a
new level of scope for KV k v
. The pointer that we pass in only has to
reference the outermost scope, and we know that we can do that with Here
. When
we call the continuation with Here, we get back a Querying
that contains some
keys and a ResultF
. withQuery
then performs the query, and removes this
outer scope to get us back to where we were:
withQuery query k =
case k Here of
Querying (keys `Cons` kvs) (Compose m) ->
Querying kvs $ Compose $ do
ResultFunc f <- m
results <- query keys
return (f results)
Once we have a query, how do we actually ask questions? A first approach might look like this:
ask :: (Eq k, Monad m) => Where kvs ('KV k v) -> k -> Querying m kvs (Maybe v)
ask q k = Querying (mkKeyList q k) (Compose $ return (mkResultF q k))
mkKeyList :: Where kvs ('KV k v) -> k -> KeyList kvs
mkKeyList Here k = Cons [k] (mempty)
mkKeyList (There path) k = Cons [] (mkKeyList path k)
mkResultF :: (Eq k) => Where kvs ('KV k v) -> k -> ResultF kvs (Maybe v)
mkResultF Here k = ResultFunc (identityResultF . lookup k)
mkResultF (There path) k = ResultFunc (const (mkResultF path k))
This is a reasonable amount of code, so lets walk through it. When we ask a
query for the value under a specific key, we need to do two things. First we
have to record that we are looking up a specific key, and secondly we have to
create a suspended computation to lookup the result. Both of these are built by
looking at the Where
value for the query, which tells us how the index into
the KeyList
for keys for this query, and the corresponding position in the
functor to extract the results.
and mkResultF
simply iterate on a Where
value until they find
. Once they do, they simply return a KeyList
or ResultF
from that
point all the way to the bottom. For KeyList
that's easy - we use the Monoid
instance to create empty cells for all subsequent nodes. For ResultF
it's a
little more complex - but the idea is we simply ignore any subsequent parameters
and just return our result. Check out the full code listing for a definition of
If we write a way to actually run a Querying
, then what we have is already
runQuerying :: Monad m => Querying m '[] a -> m a
runQuerying (Querying Nil (Compose m)) = liftM (\(ResultConst a) -> a) m
example :: IO [(Maybe String)]
example =
runQuerying $
withQuery getUserNameById $ \userNameById ->
for [1..10] $ \userId ->
ask userNameById userId
getUserNameById ids =
print ids
return [(1, "Alice"), (2, "Bob")]
> example >>= print
However, things fall apart pretty quickly if we try two queries at once:
example :: IO [(Maybe String, Maybe Int)]
example =
runQuerying $
withQuery getUserNameById $ \userNameById ->
withQuery getUserAgeById $ \userAgeById ->
for [1..10] $ \userId ->
(,) <$> ask userNameById userId
<*> ask userAgeById userId
So, what's gone wrong? The problem is that when we call withQuery
we are given
a path into a specific list of key-values. However, withQuery
modifies this
very list. Thus if we open two queries, then the first query is no longer
valid - because the second query is now operating in a larger environment. What
we need to do is extend our old references to work with larger scopes. How would
we do that?
When we extend the scope of a query, we grow the list of keys and the list of
arguments in ResultF
by one. Thus to make an existing query valid in this
environment, we need to prepend There
onto the query. Remember that There
simply skips one layer - in this case stripping off a layer of scope and getting
back to where we were.
It's completely mechanical how many times we need to add There
, and we want to
exploit this and have GHC figure it out for us. This means we need to infer
the amount of There
s to add, and this is a perfect job for type classes. I'm
going to add a new type class, Somewhere
, which will take a Where
term in
one environment, and give you an equivalent path in a larger environment.
class Somewhere (kvs :: [KV * *]) (kvs' :: [KV * *]) (kv :: (KV * *)) where
somewhere :: Where kvs kv -> Where kvs' kv
All that's left is to write the instances. The trivial case is that you are you
trying to use a query in an environment where the query is already at the
outer-most scope. In this case, the path is simply Here
instance Somewhere ('KV k v ': kvs') ('KV k v ': kvs') ('KV k v) where
somewhere _ = Here
Notice how we are referring to the same k
and v
at every place in the
context for this type class instance.
The other scenario is that we have an environment that's too big. In this case
we use There
, and try again with the smaller environment:
instance Somewhere kvs kvs' kv => Somewhere kvs ('KV k v ': kvs') kv where
somewhere = There . somewhere
These instances overlap, so we'll need -XOverlappingInstances
, but it seems to
be safe here.
Armed with this type class, we just need to modify ask
to call somewhere
which now makes it more polymorphic in the environment type:
ask :: (Eq k, Monad m, Somewhere kvs kvs' ('KV k v)) => Where kvs ('KV k v) -> k -> Querying m kvs' (Maybe v)
ask q k = Querying (mkKeyList (somewhere q) k) (Compose $ return (mkResultF (somewhere q) k))
Again, notice that the query kvs
is not necessarily the same as Querying
. We require that the two environments are compatible though by
to the context of this function.
With this last change, we're done - our example now compiles:
When I first attempted to work on the batching Querying
applicative functor, I
felt like it could obviously be done with a pure solution. However, after a day
of dead ends, I moved over to the IORef
solution. However, as this post
shows - the solution is very much possible and doesn't require a particularly
different formulation. What the solution does require is the ability to really
understand how various different techniques (such as GADTs and type class) can
be used, and how to retain information within the type system. The moment you
lose information, problems of this nature become very complicated.
While I've provided a (hopefully!) coherent solution above, by no means was it as simple as I may have made out! Infact, this problem is a perfect case study of my favourite type of problems - the class of problems that are just outside my current capabilities. I highly encourage everyone to hold on to these problems - they don't come up often, but the rewards if you follow it all the way to the solution are substantial. Don't give up, but don't be afraid to ask questions either.