title |
24 Days of Hackage: heist |
Last year we looked at the
Snap web framework, focusing specifically on Snap
itself - how to do routing, how to assemble snaplets, and so on - while
overlooking the arguably more important details about how to generate the HTML
in responses. The Snap team are also responsible for a templating engine that
can do this HTML generation, and this library is called
is a template engine that presents a usage pattern that is likely
familiar to most web developers. Templates are written in separate files outside
the Haskell source code, and then we render these templates using a specific
context, which defines how to "fill in the blanks", so to speak. heist
away from the crowd in the finer details of how it achieves this.
templates themselves are simply HTML documents; they don't have a single
root element (they can have many), but other than that they are valid
HTML5. On top of HTML templates heist
has three main abstractions: <bind>
and splices.
is very straight forward to understand - it just acts like a let
binding in Haskell. However, instead of introducing a new identifier as we would
expect in Haskell, <bind>
introduces a new HTML element. For example, we can
bind some text to an element:
<bind tag="kiddo">Billy</bind>
Merry Christmas, <kiddo/>!
<!-- Merry Christmas, Billy! -->
Or we could bind a more complex HTML tree:
<bind tag="kiddo"><em>Billy</em></bind>
Merry Christmas, <kiddo />!
<!-- Merry Christmas, <em>Billy</em>! -->
A binding can also be used in element attributes, like so:
<bind tag="kiddo">Dorothy</bind>
That's a <a href="/list/${kiddo}">big wish list</a>, <kiddo />!
<!-- That's a <a href="/list/Dorothy">big wish list</a>, Dorothy! -->
Already, we're seeing the ability to create abstractions in our templates, and we have the added bonus that we didn't have to learn a new syntax - we got to reuse our knowledge of HTML, and only had to learn a few new semantics.
The next part of heist
is the <apply>
tag, which can be used to insert the
contents of one template into another template. Furthermore, this wrapper
template can refer to bindings that the caller defines. For example, Santa might
have a standard letter template, which can be sent to any <kiddo />
<!-- letter.tpl -->
Dear <kiddo />,
<apply-content />
The following letter was sent on behalf of Santa. The contents of this letter
represent potential thoughts of Santa and must be interpreted as fiction. Santa
is a entity of Christmas & Christmas Ltd (c) 2013.
Now we can write letters that use this letter as a template:
<!-- billy.tpl -->
<bind tag="wanted">Playstation 4</bind>
<bind tag="got">Monopoly board game</bind>
<apply template="letter">
<bind tag="kiddo">Billy</bind>
I regret to inform you the "<wanted />" you have requested is currently
unavailable. I have substituted this with "<got />". I hope this does not
disappoint you.
The special <apply-content>
tag in the letter template is bound with the
contents of the call to <apply>
. As you can see, we can also introduce
bindings inside <apply>
- the kiddo
binding - which propagate down into the
template we are including.
While we've introduced some abstraction, at Christmas & Christmas Ltd. we'd really like to go further, and automate the whole process of sending letters according to our database. We already have some Haskell code to interface with the database, so what we'd like to do is fill in those bindings from code. Before we get to there, lets have a look at how we call a template from Haskell:
billy :: IO ()
billy = eitherT (putStrLn . unlines) return $ do
heist <- initHeist mempty
{ hcTemplateLocations = [ loadTemplates "templates" ]
, hcInterpretedSplices = defaultInterpretedSplices
Just (output, _) <- renderTemplate heist "billy"
liftIO . BS.putStrLn . toByteString $ output
First of all we define Heist's configuration, by starting with the default
configuration (available by mempty
) and augmenting this configuration to load
some templates from the disk. Next, we initialize heist
with this
configuration using initHeist
. Finally, we use renderTemplate
to perform the
actual rendering. renderTemplate
looks up a template by name in the list of
templates that were loaded when we called initHeist
, and also takes our heist
If we run this with templates/billy.tpl
existing as defined above you'll see:
Dear Billy,
I regret to inform you the "Playstation 4" you have requested is currently
unavailable. I have substituted this with "Monopoly board game". I hope this
does not disappoint you.
The following letter was sent on behalf of Santa. The contents of this letter
represent potential thoughts of Santa and must be interpreted as fiction. Santa
is a entity of Christmas & Christmas Ltd (c) 2013.
The final concept that we need to understand is that of splices. Splices are a
powerful part of Heist, and in general allow us to bind arbitrary Haskell code
to elements - a lot like the <bind>
logic we saw earlier. To get started,
we'll look at binding Haskell values as text. Assume we have a getNames :: IO [Text]
action. Now we can produce a letter to every name:
names :: IO ()
names = eitherT (putStrLn . unlines) return $ do
heist <- initHeist mempty
{ hcTemplateLocations = [ loadTemplates "templates" ]
, hcInterpretedSplices = defaultInterpretedSplices
names <- liftIO getNames
forM_ names $ \name -> do
Just (output, _) <- renderTemplate
(bindSplice "kiddo" (textSplice name) heist)
liftIO . BS.putStrLn . toByteString $ output
Here we called the getNames
action, and then enumerated all of the names it
returned and printed a letter to each name. We bound text to splices by using
to create a splice that contains the lucky child's name, and then
gave this splice a name.
However, you're not limited to binding pure values to splices, you can also bind monadic actions, or even implement more complex control flow.
As another example, Santa might want a daily list of all children who we've sent
greetings to. That is, Santa would like to see a list of all the names that
returns. We could perform this IO action and combine all the names
into a single string, but this isn't very flexible and it's certainly not very
reusable. An alternative is to introduce a <names>
element that runs its
content for each name in the list. This is exactly the type of stuff we can do
with custom splices. Here's how it looks:
namesSplice =
liftIO getNames >>=
mapSplices (\name -> runChildrenWithText ("name" ## name))
We use liftIO getNames
again to get the list of names, but then we use
to run sub-bindings for each element in the list. In this case,
for each element getNames
returns, we bind the <name>
appropriately. We have to wire this into the rendering of our template, which is
just another call to bindSplice
as we've seen before:
Just (output, _) <- renderTemplate
(bindSplice "names" namesSplice heist)
liftIO . BS.putStrLn . toByteString $ output
If we run this against the following template:
<apply template="letter">
<bind tag="kiddo">Santa</bind>
The following children were greeted:
* <name />
Then we get the following summary output, just as we'd expect:
Dear Santa,
The following children were greeted:
* Tom
* Dick
* Harry
The following letter was sent on behalf of Santa. The contents of this letter
represent potential thoughts of Santa and must be interpreted as fiction. Santa
is a entity of Christmas & Christmas Ltd (c) 2013.
is a really powerful templating system that is a great fit for teams
with have separate developers, who can't be assumed to know Haskell. heist
also doesn't compromise on functionality - we've barely scratched the surface of
what's possible with splices, including recursion and more involved flow
control. What I really like about heist
though, is the templating language
doesn't try and pretend to be a programming language. Instead, it's up to you to
define what is essential to go into a template, and have your templates reflect
the structure of that data. I think this goes a long way to avoiding the mess
that other templating languages can result in.
Doug Beardsley has let me know about some blog posts that will help point people in the right direction, if you want to learn more about Heist:
uses heist to build highly dynamic forms. -
Soostone's Charade project shows a good example of idiomatic Heist, and also demonstrates dynamic reloading in Snap.
User's should also note that a fairly recent addition to Heist is the new "compiled templates" functionality. These give a 3000x performance increase over interpreted templates (which is what we've been using so far). It's well worth checking out if you want to do more serious work with heist - check out the official documentation on this topic for more information.
Also, I want to say a big thank you to Doug for helping me go through today's
post with a fine comb and get these examples to be much closer to idiomatic
- thanks!
The code for today's post is available on Github as always, so have a play!