Game programming is often seen as a challenging problem in Haskell, and it puzzled me for a long time too. It is a problem that seems to lend itself to very imperative solutions and while this is of course doable in Haskell, it can be become unweildly to manage. However, state is not the only difficulty. Even in programming languages that do have mutable state, game programming is tricky because there is a lot of code required to manage state transitions, deal with interpolation and other gritty details that are not specific to the game you are building.
Functional reactive programming is one possible programming paradigm that aims to eliminate some of these problems. Pioneered by Conal Elliott, Paul Hudak and others in the late 90's, functional reactive programming builds itself on the notions of behaviours and events. Behaviours are time varying values, and events are aribtrarily complex conditions that can be used to influence behaviours.
There are a few different libraries available for functional reactive programming in Haskell, and in this post we will focus on Netwire. The documentation states:
Netwire is a library for functional reactive programming, that is for time-varying values. It allows you to express various reactive systems elegantly and concisely by using an embedded domain-specific language.
For a long time I've had "learn Netwire" in my list of ideas for free time, and
I'm happy to say that while I'm still a long shot from having developed full
intuition with Netwire, I've made enough progress to get some mildly interesting
results. The source code for the three challenges in this post are all available
on Github. See the
file for instructions on how to build
and run the project (don't worry, it's only a cabal configure && cabal build
Before we begin looking at Netwire, it's worth covering a little bit of
background material. The fundamental building block in Netwire is the automaton
arrow, which is not nearly as scary as it sounds! While we will be using
Netwire's Wire
type, it's useful to first consider what an automaton arrow
looks like:
data Auto a b = Auto (a -> (b, Auto a b))
So an automaton arrow is simply a function that takes an a
and produces a b
along with a new automaton arrow. For example we could have a basic automaton
arrow that acts like a counter:
counter :: Auto () Int
counter = go 0
where go n = Auto $ \() -> (n + 1, go $ n + 1)
We can step the automaton by providing a little helper:
step :: Auto a b -> a -> (b, Auto a b)
step (Auto f) a = f a
And so stepping through our counter
, we might do:
let (_, a1) = step counter ()
(_, a2) = step a1 ()
(n, _) = step a2 ()
in n
Which produces the value 3, as we expect.
Netwire builds on top of these automaton arrows in few ways. The first enhancement is simply the addition of a time delta - the difference between now and when the automaton was last stepped. We will see further differences as we progress through the article. Thus, for now we can think of Netwire as being:
data Wire a b = Wire (TimeDelta -> a -> (b, Wire a b))
Now that we have a rough idea of the underlying concept behind Netwire, we're ready to begin working on our first application. Here's our first goal:
Build an application that displays a square that moves with constant velocity from left to right.
We can solve this challenge with a single time varying value - the x-coordinate of the square. This x-coordinate should increase over time. Thus we need to implement:
challenge1 :: Wire e m a Double
The important parameters to note are a
and Double
. The a
parameter is the
input to our wire, which is completely polymorphic as our wire will not respond
to input. The wire will output Double
s at every instance .Don't worry about
the e
and m
parameters for now, though we will understand what they are
To solve this challenge, we will use the integral_
wire. The integral_
integrates its input with respect to time, and adds some constant (the constant
of integration) to give us a definite integral:
integral_ :: Double -> Wire e m Double Double
You may remember from calculus that integrating velocity gives us distance, so
all we need to do is supply integral_
the constant velocity, which we can do
so by composing a constant wire (velocity) with integral_
challenge1 :: Monad m => Wire e m a Double
challenge1 = integral_ 0 . pure 20
I create the velocity wire with pure 20
- this wire ignores its
input and always produces 20. Then I integrate this value, and supply 0 as the
initial position. The Monad m
constraint is required by composition, and
may be a bit of a spoiler as to what that m
(I should note that you don't even need to write pure 20
, as Wire
is an
instance of Num
. However, I find that when teaching this it's a little clearer
to use pure 20
Now that we have written our first Wire
, it would be lovely to see the result!
Here's the final code for the first challenge:
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
import Control.Wire
import qualified Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL
main :: IO ()
main = SDL.withInit [SDL.InitEverything] $ do
screen <- SDL.setVideoMode 200 200 32 [SDL.SWSurface]
go screen clockSession challenge1
go screen s w = do
(x, w', s') <- stepSession_ w s ()
(SDL.mapRGB . SDL.surfaceGetPixelFormat) screen 255 255 255 >>=
SDL.fillRect screen Nothing
(SDL.mapRGB . SDL.surfaceGetPixelFormat) screen 0 50 200 >>=
SDL.fillRect screen (Just $ SDL.Rect (round x) 0 50 50)
SDL.flip screen
go screen s' w'
challenge1 :: Monad m => Wire e m a Double
challenge1 = integral_ 0 . pure 20
contains a few calls to get SDL running, and then we begin the main game
loop by calling go
. go
is passed challenge1
, which is the wire we wish to
run, and is also passed a clockSession
, which is a small helper that Netwire
provides to take care of calculating the clock delta between frames for you.
In go
, we use stepSession_
to step the whole simulation forwards based on the
delta that clockSession
calculates. stepSession_
produces the output of the
wire (a Double
, as specified by challenge1
), a new wire (remember step
from Auto
above), and finally a new Session
. We then clear the screen by
filling it white, and then render a square at the x
coordinate produced by
. Finally, we make a recursive call to go
, and continue the
simulation. And that's it!
Now that we have the ability to move our square, lets see if we can do this with the arrow keys. So the challenge is:
The square will rest with 0 velocity. User's can interact with the square by changing its velocity to -20 if the left arrow is pressed, and +20 if the right arrow is pressed.
Before even implementing this, lets consider the type of our game wire. To react to key presses, we need to know which keys have been pressed. We can represent this via a set of keys that changes depending on which keys are up or down. Thus we are aiming for a wire of the type:
challenge2 :: Wire e m (Set SDL.Keysym) Double
We now have a few options to implement this. We could build a wire ourselves
that returns a velocity depending on the contents of Set Key
. This single wire
would have to be built out of one large function which is not particularly
idiomatic Haskell - where we strive to build bigger programs out of small
programs and combinators. There is a more idiomatic solution in Netwire, but to
get there we will need to understand the concepts of event and wire inhibition.
Earlier, I said that we could think of Netwire as being a lot like Auto
However, Auto
has a limitation in that it has to always produce a value. We
can lift this restriction, if we give the function the ability to not produce
output. This is called inhibition, and it provides the basics of events in
data Wire e a b = Wire (Time -> a -> (Either e b, Wire e a b)
A Wire
can now produce either a value of type b
, or it can inhibit with
type e
. This notion of inhibition allows us to build a system of events. If a
wire inhibits, then wires that are composed later will not be called - if one
part of a wire inhibits, the whole composition inhibits.
Events in Netwire are wires that act as the identity wire - the wire that passes
input through unmodified - if certain conditions are met. For example, the
event is a Wire
from a
to a
, but it only produces a
s if the input
satifies a given boolean predicate. If not, the Wire
inhibits, and no value is
produced until the predicate is satisfied.
Now that we have wires that can inhibit, we can begin to think of what it means to run multiple wires. We simply try the first wire, and if it inhibits we try the next wire, and so on. So we can now build a velocity wire that is one of three alternatives:
- The user is pressing the "left arrow" key, so we produce -20
- The user is pressing the "right arrow" key, so we produce 20
- The user is not pressing either of these keys, so we produce 0
The Haskell translation is simply a formalisation of the above bullet points:
challenge2_velocity = pure (-20) . when (keyDown SDL.SDLK_LEFT)
<|> pure 20 . when (keyDown SDL.SDLK_RIGHT)
<|> pure 0
Now we are able to write challenge2
, which is only a minor variation on
challenge2 :: (Monad m, Monoid e) => Wire e m (Set SDL.Keysym) Double
challenge2 = integral_ 0 . challenge2_velocity
We still need a way to provide input to this wire, and to do so we will use
SDL's event system. First, we have parseEvents
which takes a Set
of key
presses, and returns a modified Set
parseEvents :: Set SDL.Keysym -> IO (Set SDL.Keysym)
parseEvents keysDown = do
event <- SDL.pollEvent
case event of
SDL.NoEvent -> return keysDown
SDL.KeyDown k -> parseEvents (insert k keysDown)
SDL.KeyUp k -> parseEvents (delete k keysDown)
_ -> parseEvents keysDown
Then I pass the empty set into the initial call to go
, and go
to update the set. The set is then passed to stepSession_
passed back to go
in the recursive call. keyDown
is a little helper to check
the set of key presses for a key, ignoring modifiers:
keyDown :: SDL.SDLKey -> Set SDL.Keysym -> Bool
keyDown k = not . null . filter ((== k) . SDL.symKey)
The full code for this challenge can be found here.
Take a deep breath, because this challenge is going to be a step up from the rest!
Challenge 3: Allow the user to move a square around with the arrow keys. Arrow key presses should apply acceleration to the square. If the square attempts to move out of the bounds of the window, the velocity in that direction should be negated, causing the square to bounce off the wall.
Phew, quite a bit to do here! Firstly, lets briefly cover acceleration. To get
position from acceleration, we have to integrate twice - we integrate
acceleration to get velocity, and we integrate velocity to get position.
Unfortunately, we can't just use integral_
anymore, as we need to encode more
The extra logic is required for both the velocity and the position wires. For the velocity wire, we need to change the velocity depending on whether or not a collision has occured. For the position wire, we need to clamp to the world bounds.
Again, it's helpful to think by starting with the types, so lets sketch those out:
acceleration :: Wire e m (Set SDL.Keysym) Double
velocity :: Wire e m (Double, Bool) Double
position :: Wire e m Double (Double, Bool)
That got quite a bit more complicated! acceleration
is now a Wire
transform the set of key presses into an acceleration. velocity
acceleration and a boolean representing whether a collision has occured, and
produces a velocity. Finally, position
takes a velocity, and returns a pair of
position, and whether collisions occured - that is, whether the position had to be
adjusted to stay within the bounds of our world.
The acceleration
wire is easy, that's just the same as challenge2_velocity
except we are repurposing it. Let's next move on to implementing the velocity
is a function that Netwire provides us that is the same as integral_
, except we
also get a post-update function. This post-update function takes three values as
input - the old and new values, and also some extra state that we can choose.
This post update function thus determines the new value of the integration, and
integration will continue from whatever value is returned (we can think of this
as giving us the ability to vary the constant of integration). Thus we can
either flip the velocity or leave it unchanged, depending on whether collisions
velocity :: Wire e m (Double, Bool) Double
velocity = integralLim_ bounce 0
where bounce collisions _ v | collisions = -v
| otherwise = v
Now we only have to write position
. position
is again too much for
to handle, but we also can't use integralLim_
as we need to return
some extra information out of the wire (whether collisions occured), which
cannot do. Thus we will implement position
using accumT
, which
is the underlying accumulator that the integral
family of functions build on.
We accumulate starting at position 0 and assuming no collisions have happened. At every instant, we move the square by the incoming velocity, scaled by the amount of time that has elapsed. If this position falls outside the world bounds, we adjust the square (with a small epsilon to stop it getting stuck in the wall) and return the collision information:
position :: Wire e m Double (Double, Bool)
position = accumT clamp (0, False)
where clamp dt (x, _) v =
let x' = x + dt * v
coll = x < 0 || x > 150
bounded = if coll then max 1 (min 149 x') else x'
in (bounded, coll)
We have all the Wire
s we need now, and the last piece of the puzzle is to put
them together. But there's a catch - lets look at the types of velocity
velocity :: Wire e m (Double, Bool) Double
position :: Wire e m Double (Double, Bool)
To run velocity
, we have to supply (Double, Bool)
, but to get the (Double, Bool)
tuple we have to run the position
wire. And to run position
we have to
run velocity
, which needs position
... uh oh!
The solution here is to use the ArrowLoop
instance of Wire
, which allows us
to create recursive bindings. ArrowLoop
is far too magical for me to
understand and write by hand, but thankfully we have arrow notation in Haskell
to allow us to easily create loops. The final game wire is:
challenge3 :: (MonadFix m, Monoid e) => Wire e m (Set SDL.Keysym) Double
challenge3 = proc keysDown -> do
accel <- acceleration -< keysDown
rec (position, collisions) <- position -< velocity
velocity <- velocity -< (accel, collisions)
returnA -< position
The complete listing for challenge 3 can be found here.
More exercises that you might like to consider are:
Moving vertically as well as horizontally.
(which Netwire depends on) makes this a breeze - it's mostly a case of changing acceleration, velocity and position to take a pair rather than aDouble
. -
Adding friction. Try and "absorb" some of the energy when collisions happen, or when no acceleration is applied.
Limiting the velocity. Currently the velocity has no limit, but most things don't move with a limitless velocity!
Learning Netwire has been a challenging experience, but quite possibly some of the most rewarding learning I've done all year. I haven't experienced excitement and amazement this strong since I originally began my programming hobby writing games in BASIC many moons ago. I imagine this is partly because building real-time interactive applications is very personal and imersive, but also because it's been so challenging to get simple things done which has made me much more appreciative when I get results.
But you didn't come here for me to get all nostalgic about the good ol' days. In my opinion, Netwire (and FRP in general) embodies a fundamental shift in thinking, and so far it's feeling like one that is a shift in the right direction. That said, this stuff requires a lot of mental rewiring, and thus it can be pretty tough at times. I can't say for sure if FRP is the future of game programming, but it's certainly the immediate future for my hobby projects.
There's more to Netwire that I haven't even covered, too. We haven't looked at
actually using the inhibition value (the e
parameter), nor have we made use of
the Monad m
parameter. For example, you can use the latter to carry static
information across wires via a Reader
monad which may be easier than plumbing
it through all the wires.
There are also a lot more prefabricated Wire
s and Wire
transformers - just
have a look at Control.Wire.Prefab
and Control.Wire.Trans
to get a taste of
what you get straight out of the box.
I highly recommend giving Netwire a try. The Haskell game programming community is under-represented, and hopefully will encourage you to give it a shot - I look forward to seeing what people come up with!