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VPS Backend Dev

This README shows how to

  • Set up an Azure Ubuntu VPS (Virtual Private Server)
  • Run Barge on the VPS
  • Run sim/bots or pytest using the VPS. (In fact, one VPS per flow)

1. Locally, install pdr-backend

In local console:

# clone the repo and enter into it
cd ~/code
git clone
cd pdr-backend

# Create & activate virtualenv
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
export PATH=$PATH:.

# Install modules in the environment
pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Setup VPS

In Azure Portal, Create new VPS

Create a new Ubuntu VM via Azure portal, as follow.

First, sign in to the Azure portal

From Azure portal, create new VM. Includes:

  • your VM's username will be azureuser
  • download your ssh key as a file, eg ~/Desktop/myKey.pem
  • note your IP address, eg or

Test it: open a new console, and ssh into new VM.

ssh -i ~/Desktop/myKey.pem azureuser@
# or
ssh -i ~/Desktop/myKey.pem azureuser@

In Azure Portal, Open ports of VPS

Running Barge, the VPS exposes these urls:

  • RPC is at:
    • or
  • Subgraph is at:
    • or
    • Go there, then copy & paste in the query from

BUT you will not be able to see these yet, because the VPS' ports are not yet open enough. Here's how:

  • Go to Azure Portal for your group
  • On the bottom right, there's a table with a list of resources ("MyVm", "MyVM-ip", "MyVM-nsg", "MyVM-vnet", ..). In it, click the "-nsgs" resource.
  • Now you're in the "Network Security Group" (nsg) section
  • In the sidebar on left, click on "Inbound security rules"
  • Click the "+ Add" button in about center middle. A side window will pop up. Keep all fields default except: "Destination port ranges" = 8545, "Protocol" = TCP, "Priority" = 100. Click "Add" button on side window bottom left. Congrats! Now you've exposed port 8545 (RPC) via TCP.
  • Repeat the previous step for port 9000 (Subgraph), priority 110.

(Ref: these instructions.)

Install Docker in VPS

(Draws on these Docker install instructions.)

In VPS console:

# update ubuntu
sudo apt-get -y update

# Add Docker's official GPG key
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg
sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg

# add the repo to apt sources
echo \
  "deb [arch="$(dpkg --print-architecture)" signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] \
  "$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME")" stable" | \
  sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
sudo apt-get update

# install latest Docker version
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin docker-compose

Enable running docker as non-root user

In VPS console:

# create the docker group if it does not exist
sudo groupadd docker

# add your user to the docker group
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

# log in to the new docker group (to avoid having to log out / log in again; but if not enough, try to reboot):
newgrp docker


Install Barge In VPS

In VPS console:

# install barge remotely
mkdir code
cd code
git clone
cd barge

3. In VPS, Run Predictoor Barge

(If needed) SSH into VPS console:

ssh -i ~/Desktop/myKey.pem azureuser@
# or
ssh -i ~/Desktop/myKey.pem azureuser@

In VPS console:

# cleanup past barge
cd ~/code/barge
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
rm -rf ~/.ocean
docker system prune -a -f --volumes

# run barge...
# set ganache block time to 5 seconds, try increasing this value if barge is lagging

# pick just OPTION 1 or 2 below, depending on your goals

# OPTION 1: for predictoor bot: run barge with all bots except predictoor. (Use this your first time through)
./ --no-provider --no-dashboard --predictoor --with-thegraph --with-pdr-trueval --with-pdr-trader --with-pdr-publisher --with-pdr-dfbuyer

# OR, OPTION 2: for unit testing: run barge with just predictoor contracts, queryable, but no agents. (Use this for step 5 - unit tests)
./ --no-provider --no-dashboard --predictoor --with-thegraph

Track progress until the addresses are published:

  • open a new console
  • ssh into the VPS
  • then: docker logs -f ocean_ocean-contracts_1. Monitor until it says it's published.
  • then: Ctrl-C, and confirm via: cat .ocean/ocean-contracts/artifacts/address.json |grep dev. It should give one line.

Then, copy VPS' address.json file to local. In local console:


# OPTION 1: for predictoor bot
scp -i ~/Desktop/myKey.pem azureuser@ barge-predictoor-bot.address.json

# OR, OPTION 2: for unit testing
scp -i ~/Desktop/myKey.pem azureuser@ barge-pytest.address.json

We give the address file a unique name, vs just "address.json". This keeps it distinct from the address file for second Barge VM we run for pytest (details below).

Confirm that barge-predictoor-bot.address.json has a "development" entry. In local console:

grep development ~/barge-predictoor-bot.address.json
# or
grep development ~/barge-pytest.address.json

It should return:

  "development": {

If it returns nothing, then contracts have not yet been deployed to ganache. It's either (i) you need to wait longer (ii) Barge had an issue and you need to restart it or debug.

Further debugging:

  • List live docker processes: docker ps
  • List all docker processes: docker ps -a
  • List names of processes: docker ps -a | cut -c 347-. It lists ocean_pdr-publisher_1, ocean_ocean-contracts_1, ocean_pdr-publisher_1, ..
  • See log for publishing Ocean contracts: docker logs ocean_ocean-contracts_1. With realtime update: docker logs -f ocean_ocean-contracts_1
  • See log for publishing prediction feeds: docker logs ocean_pdr-publisher_1. With realtime update: docker logs -f ocean_pdr-publisher_1
  • Get detailed info about pdr-publisher image: docker inspect ocean_pdr-publisher_1

4. Locally, Run Predictoor Bot (OPTION 1)

Set envvars

In local console:

# set up virtualenv (if needed)
cd ~/code/pdr-backend
source venv/bin/activate
export PATH=$PATH:.

export PRIVATE_KEY="0xc594c6e5def4bab63ac29eed19a134c130388f74f019bc74b8f4389df2837a58" # addr for key=0xc594.. is 0xe2DD09d719Da89e5a3D0F2549c7E24566e947260


Let's configure the yaml file. In console:

cp ppss.yaml my_ppss.yaml

In my_ppss.yaml file, in web3_pp -> development section:

  • change the urls and addresses as needed to reflect your VPS
  • including: set the stake_token value to the output of the following: grep --after-context=10 development ~/barge-predictoor-bot.address.json|grep Ocean|sed -e 's/.*0x/export STAKE_TOKEN=0x/'| sed -e 's/",//'. (Or get the value from ~/barge-predictoor-bot.address.json, in "development" -> "Ocean" entry.)

Run pdr bot

Then, run a bot with modeling-on-the fly (approach 2). In console:

pdr predictoor my_ppss.yaml development

Or, to be fancier: (a) add nohup so that the run keeps going if the ssh session closes, and (b) output to out.txt (c) observe output

# start bot
nohup pdr predictoor my_ppss.yaml development 1>out.txt 2>&1 &

# observe output
tail -f out.txt

Your bot is running, congrats! Sit back and watch it in action. It will loop continuously.

  • It has behavior to maximize accuracy without missing submission deadlines, as follows. 60 seconds before predictions are due, it will build a model then submit a prediction. It will repeat submissions every few seconds until the deadline.
  • It does this for every 5-minute epoch.

(You can track at finer resolution by writing more logs to the code, or querying Predictoor subgraph.)

5. Locally, Run Tests (OPTION 2)

Set up a second VPS / Barge

In steps 2 & 3 above, we had set up a first VPS & Barge, for predictoor bot.

  • Assume its IP address is

Now, repeat 2 & 3 above, to up a second VPS & Barge, for local testing.

  • Give it the same key as the first barge.
  • Assume its IP address is
  • The "OR" options in sections 2 above use this second IP address. Therefore you can go through the flow with simple copy-and-pastes.

Set envvars

In local console:

# set up virtualenv (if needed)
cd ~/code/pdr-backend
source venv/bin/activate
export PATH=$PATH:.

# same private key as 'run predictoor bot'
export PRIVATE_KEY="0xc594c6e5def4bab63ac29eed19a134c130388f74f019bc74b8f4389df2837a58" # addr for key=0xc594.. is 0xe2DD09d719Da89e5a3D0F2549c7E24566e947260


Whereas most READMEs copy ppss.yaml to my_ppss.yaml, for development we typically want to operate directly on the original one.

In ppss.yaml file, in web3_pp -> barge-pytest section: (note the different barge section)

  • change the urls and addresses as needed to reflect your VPS
  • including: set the stake_token value to the output of the following: grep --after-context=10 development ~/barge-pytest.address.json|grep Ocean|sed -e 's/.*0x/stake_token: \"0x/'| sed -e 's/",//'. (Or get the value from ~/barge-pytest.address.json, in "development" -> "Ocean" entry.)

Run tests

In work console, run tests:

# (ensure PRIVATE_KEY set as above)

# run a single test. The "-s" is for more output.
# note that pytest does dynamic type-checking too:)
pytest pdr_backend/util/test_noganache/ -s

# run all tests in a file
pytest pdr_backend/util/test_noganache/ -s

# run a single test that flexes network connection
pytest pdr_backend/util/test_ganache/ -s

# run all regular tests; see details on pytest markers to select specific suites

In work console, run linting checks:

# mypy does static type-checking and more. Configure it via mypy.ini
mypy ./

# run linting on code style. Configure it via .pylintrc.
pylint *

# auto-fix some pylint complaints like whitespace
black ./

Check code coverage:

coverage run --omit="*test*" -m pytest # Run all. For subset, add eg: pdr_backend/lake
coverage report # show results