From df10ad706dfcf382a5ef85e3dcc1208b3727162f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Keryan Didier
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2021 10:58:04 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Fully substitute simple let-binding in closure conversion
.../flambda/from_lambda/ | 75 ++++++++++++-------
.../from_lambda/ | 4 +-
2 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
diff --git a/middle_end/flambda/from_lambda/ b/middle_end/flambda/from_lambda/
index 6bf80bee6db3..d611709bcc8f 100644
--- a/middle_end/flambda/from_lambda/
+++ b/middle_end/flambda/from_lambda/
@@ -146,15 +146,15 @@ let close_const acc const =
acc, named, name
let find_simple_from_id env id =
- match Env.find_var_exn env id with
+ match Env.find_simple_to_substitute_exn env id with
+ | simple -> simple
| exception Not_found ->
- Misc.fatal_errorf
- "find_simple_from_id: Cannot find [Ident] %a in environment"
- Ident.print id
- | var ->
- match Env.find_simple_to_substitute_exn env id with
- | exception Not_found -> Simple.var var
- | simple -> simple
+ match Env.find_var_exn env id with
+ | exception Not_found ->
+ Misc.fatal_errorf
+ "find_simple_from_id: Cannot find [Ident] %a in environment"
+ Ident.print id
+ | var -> Simple.var var
(* CR mshinwell: Avoid the double lookup *)
let find_simple acc env (simple : IR.simple) =
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ let close_named acc env ~let_bound_var (named : IR.named)
match named with
| Simple (Var id) ->
let acc, simple =
- if not (Ident.is_predef id) then acc, Simple.var (Env.find_var env id)
+ if not (Ident.is_predef id) then find_simple acc env (Var id)
else symbol_for_ident acc env id
let named = Named.create_simple simple in
@@ -494,21 +494,20 @@ let close_let acc env id user_visible defining_expr
: Acc.t * Expr_with_acc.t =
let body_env, var = Env.add_var_like env id user_visible in
let cont acc (defining_expr : Named.t option) =
- let body_env =
- match defining_expr with
- | Some (Simple simple) ->
- Env.add_simple_to_substitute body_env id simple
- | Some _ | None -> body_env
- in
- (* CR pchambart: Not tail ! *)
- let acc, body = body acc body_env in
match defining_expr with
- | None -> acc, body
- | Some defining_expr ->
- let var = VB.create var Name_mode.normal in
- Let_with_acc.create acc (Bindable_let_bound.singleton var) defining_expr
- ~body ~free_names_of_body:Unknown
- |> Expr_with_acc.create_let
+ | Some (Simple simple) ->
+ let body_env = Env.add_simple_to_substitute env id simple in
+ body acc body_env
+ | Some _ | None ->
+ (* CR pchambart: Not tail ! *)
+ let acc, body = body acc body_env in
+ match defining_expr with
+ | None -> acc, body
+ | Some defining_expr ->
+ let var = VB.create var Name_mode.normal in
+ Let_with_acc.create acc (Bindable_let_bound.singleton var) defining_expr
+ ~body ~free_names_of_body:Unknown
+ |> Expr_with_acc.create_let
close_named acc env ~let_bound_var:var defining_expr cont
@@ -596,7 +595,12 @@ let close_apply_cont acc env cont trap_action args
let close_switch acc env scrutinee (sw : IR.switch)
: Acc.t * Expr_with_acc.t =
- let scrutinee = (Env.find_name env scrutinee) in
+ let scrutinee =
+ match Env.find_simple_to_substitute_exn env scrutinee with
+ | simple -> simple
+ | exception Not_found ->
+ (Env.find_name env scrutinee)
+ in
let untagged_scrutinee = Variable.create "untagged" in
let untagged_scrutinee' =
VB.create untagged_scrutinee Name_mode.normal
@@ -910,11 +914,26 @@ let close_functions acc external_env function_declarations =
let compilation_unit = Compilation_unit.get_current_exn () in
let var_within_closures_from_idents =
Ident.Set.fold (fun id map ->
- (* Filter out predefined exception identifiers, since they will be
- turned into symbols when we closure-convert the body. *)
- if Ident.is_predef id then map
+ (* Filter out predefined exception identifiers and simple substitutions.
+ The former will be turned into symbols, and the latter substituted
+ when we closure-convert the body *)
+ let has_non_var_subst, subst_var =
+ match Env.find_simple_to_substitute_exn external_env id with
+ | exception Not_found -> false, None
+ | simple ->
+ Simple.pattern_match simple
+ ~const:(fun _ -> true, None)
+ ~name:(fun name ~coercion:_ ->
+ Name.pattern_match name
+ ~var:(fun var -> false, Some var)
+ ~symbol:(fun _ -> true, None))
+ in
+ if has_non_var_subst || Ident.is_predef id then map
- let var = Variable.create_with_same_name_as_ident id in
+ let var = match subst_var with
+ | None -> Variable.create_with_same_name_as_ident id
+ | Some var -> Variable.rename var
+ in
Ident.Map.add id (Var_within_closure.wrap compilation_unit var) map)
(Function_decls.all_free_idents function_declarations)
diff --git a/middle_end/flambda/from_lambda/ b/middle_end/flambda/from_lambda/
index ea1c02f5e0e3..52a8ffa18ff6 100644
--- a/middle_end/flambda/from_lambda/
+++ b/middle_end/flambda/from_lambda/
@@ -110,11 +110,11 @@ module Env = struct
let clear_local_bindings
- { variables = _; globals; simples_to_substitute = _; backend;
+ { variables = _; globals; simples_to_substitute; backend;
current_unit_id; symbol_for_global'; } =
{ variables = Ident.Map.empty;
- simples_to_substitute = Ident.Map.empty;
+ simples_to_substitute;