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Move Alloc_mode and Value_mode to Btype
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stedolan committed Dec 7, 2021
1 parent ce62e45 commit 54e4b09
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Showing 21 changed files with 562 additions and 536 deletions.
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions lambda/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -85,12 +85,12 @@ let extract_float = function
| _ -> fatal_error "Translcore.extract_float"

let transl_alloc_mode alloc_mode : Lambda.alloc_mode =
match Types.Alloc_mode.constrain_lower alloc_mode with
match Btype.Alloc_mode.constrain_lower alloc_mode with
| Global -> Alloc_heap
| Local -> Alloc_local

let transl_value_mode mode =
let alloc_mode = Types.Value_mode.regional_to_global_alloc mode in
let alloc_mode = Btype.Value_mode.regional_to_global_alloc mode in
transl_alloc_mode alloc_mode

let transl_apply_position position =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ and transl_exp0 ~in_new_scope ~scopes e =
let funct =
{ funct with
exp_desc = Texp_apply(funct, argl, Nontail);
exp_mode = Value_mode.of_alloc rmode }
exp_mode = Btype.Value_mode.of_alloc rmode }
event_after ~scopes e
(transl_apply ~scopes ~tailcall ~inlined ~specialised
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -450,8 +450,8 @@ and transl_exp0 ~in_new_scope ~scopes e =
| Texp_setfield(arg, _, lbl, newval) ->
let mode =
let arg_mode = Types.Value_mode.regional_to_local_alloc arg.exp_mode in
match Types.Alloc_mode.constrain_lower arg_mode with
let arg_mode = Btype.Value_mode.regional_to_local_alloc arg.exp_mode in
match Btype.Alloc_mode.constrain_lower arg_mode with
| Global -> Assignment
| Local -> Local_assignment
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions toplevel/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ open Types
open Cmo_format
open Trace
open Toploop
module Alloc_mode = Btype.Alloc_mode

(* The standard output formatter *)
let std_out = std_formatter
Expand Down
352 changes: 352 additions & 0 deletions typing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -820,3 +820,355 @@ let undo_compress (changes, _old) =
ty.desc <- desc; r := !next
| _ -> ())

module Alloc_mode = struct
type nonrec const = Types.alloc_mode_const = Global | Local
type t = Types.alloc_mode =
| Amode of const
| Amodevar of alloc_mode_var

let global = Amode Global
let local = Amode Local
let of_const = function
| Global -> global
| Local -> local

let min_mode = global

let max_mode = local

let le_const a b =
match a, b with
| Global, _ | _, Local -> true
| Local, Global -> false

let join_const a b =
match a, b with
| Local, _ | _, Local -> Local
| Global, Global -> Global

let meet_const a b =
match a, b with
| Global, _ | _, Global -> Global
| Local, Local -> Local

exception NotSubmode
let pp_c ppf = function
| Global -> Printf.fprintf ppf "0"
| Local -> Printf.fprintf ppf "1"
let pp_v ppf v =
let i = v.mvid in
(if i < 26 then Printf.fprintf ppf "%c" (Char.chr (Char.code 'a' + i))
else Printf.fprintf ppf "v%d" i);
Printf.fprintf ppf "[%a%a]" pp_c v.lower pp_c v.upper
let submode_cv m v =
(* Printf.printf " %a <= %a\n" pp_c m pp_v v; *)
if le_const m v.lower then ()
else if not (le_const m v.upper) then raise NotSubmode
else begin
let m = join_const v.lower m in
v.lower <- m;
if m = v.upper then v.vlower <- []

let rec submode_vc v m =
(* Printf.printf " %a <= %a\n" pp_v v pp_c m; *)
if le_const v.upper m then ()
else if not (le_const v.lower m) then raise NotSubmode
else begin
let m = meet_const v.upper m in
v.upper <- m;
v.vlower |> List.iter (fun a ->
(* a <= v <= m *)
submode_vc a m;
v.lower <- join_const v.lower a.lower;
if v.lower = m then v.vlower <- []

let submode_vv a b =
(* Printf.printf " %a <= %a\n" pp_v a pp_v b; *)
if le_const a.upper b.lower then ()
else if List.memq a b.vlower then ()
else begin
submode_vc a b.upper;
b.vlower <- a :: b.vlower;
submode_cv a.lower b;

let submode a b =
match a, b with
| Amode a, Amode b ->
if not (le_const a b) then raise NotSubmode
| Amodevar v, Amode c ->
(* Printf.printf "%a <= %a\n" pp_v v pp_c c; *)
submode_vc v c
| Amode c, Amodevar v ->
(* Printf.printf "%a <= %a\n" pp_c c pp_v v; *)
submode_cv c v
| Amodevar a, Amodevar b ->
(* Printf.printf "%a <= %a\n" pp_v a pp_v b; *)
submode_vv a b
| () -> Ok ()
| exception NotSubmode -> Error ()

let submode_exn t1 t2 =
match submode t1 t2 with
| Ok () -> ()
| Error () -> invalid_arg "submode_exn"

let equate a b =
match submode a b, submode b a with
| Ok (), Ok () -> Ok ()
| Error (), _ | _, Error () -> Error ()

let next_id = ref (-1)
let fresh () =
incr next_id;
{ upper = Local; lower = Global; vlower = []; mvid = !next_id }

let rec all_equal v = function
| [] -> true
| v' :: rest ->
if v == v' then all_equal v rest
else false

let joinvars vars =
match vars with
| [] -> global
| v :: rest ->
let v =
if all_equal v rest then v
else begin
let v = fresh () in
List.iter (fun v' -> submode_vv v' v) vars;
Amodevar v

let join ms =
let rec aux vars = function
| [] -> joinvars vars
| Amode Global :: ms -> aux vars ms
| Amode Local :: _ -> local
| Amodevar v :: ms -> aux (v :: vars) ms
in aux [] ms

let constrain_upper = function
| Amode m -> m
| Amodevar v ->
submode_cv v.upper v;

let compress_vlower v =
(* Ensure that each transitive lower bound of v
is a direct lower bound of v *)
let rec trans v' =
if le_const v'.upper v.lower then ()
else if List.memq v' v.vlower then ()
else begin
v.vlower <- v' :: v.vlower;
trans_low v'
and trans_low v' =
submode_cv v'.lower v;
List.iter trans v'.vlower
List.iter trans_low v.vlower

let constrain_lower = function
| Amode m -> m
| Amodevar v ->
compress_vlower v;
submode_vc v v.lower;

let newvar () = Amodevar (fresh ())

let check_const = function
| Amode m -> Some m
| Amodevar v when v.lower = v.upper ->
Some v.lower
| Amodevar _ -> None

let print_const ppf = function
| Global -> Format.fprintf ppf "Global"
| Local -> Format.fprintf ppf "Local"

let print_var_id ppf v =
Format.fprintf ppf "?%i" v.mvid

let print_var ppf v =
compress_vlower v;
if v.lower = v.upper then begin
print_const ppf v.lower
end else if v.vlower = [] then begin
print_var_id ppf v
end else begin
Format.fprintf ppf "%a[> %a]"
print_var_id v
(Format.pp_print_list print_var_id) v.vlower

let print ppf = function
| Amode m -> print_const ppf m
| Amodevar v -> print_var ppf v


module Value_mode = struct

type const =
| Global
| Regional
| Local

let r_as_l : const -> Alloc_mode.const = function
| Global -> Global
| Regional -> Local
| Local -> Local
[@@warning "-unused-value-declaration"]

let r_as_g : const -> Alloc_mode.const = function
| Global -> Global
| Regional -> Global
| Local -> Local
[@@warning "-unused-value-declaration"]

let of_alloc_consts
~(r_as_l : Alloc_mode.const)
~(r_as_g : Alloc_mode.const) =
match r_as_l, r_as_g with
| Global, Global -> Global
| Global, Local -> assert false
| Local, Global -> Regional
| Local, Local -> Local

type t = Types.value_mode =
{ r_as_l : Alloc_mode.t;
(* [r_as_l] is the image of the mode under the [r_as_l] function *)
r_as_g : Alloc_mode.t;
(* [r_as_g] is the image of the mode under the [r_as_g] function.
Always less than [r_as_l]. *) }

let global =
let r_as_l = in
let r_as_g = in
{ r_as_l; r_as_g }

let regional =
let r_as_l = Alloc_mode.local in
let r_as_g = in
{ r_as_l; r_as_g }

let local =
let r_as_l = Alloc_mode.local in
let r_as_g = Alloc_mode.local in
{ r_as_l; r_as_g }

let of_const = function
| Global -> global
| Regional -> regional
| Local -> local

let max_mode =
let r_as_l = Alloc_mode.max_mode in
let r_as_g = Alloc_mode.max_mode in
{ r_as_l; r_as_g }

let min_mode =
let r_as_l = Alloc_mode.min_mode in
let r_as_g = Alloc_mode.min_mode in
{ r_as_l; r_as_g }

let of_alloc mode =
let r_as_l = mode in
let r_as_g = mode in
{ r_as_l; r_as_g }

let local_to_regional t = { t with r_as_g = }

let regional_to_global t = { t with r_as_l = t.r_as_g }

let regional_to_local t = { t with r_as_g = t.r_as_l }

let global_to_regional t = { t with r_as_l = Alloc_mode.local }

let regional_to_global_alloc t = t.r_as_g

let regional_to_local_alloc t = t.r_as_l

type error = [`Regionality | `Locality]

let submode t1 t2 =
match Alloc_mode.submode t1.r_as_l t2.r_as_l with
| Error () -> Error `Regionality
| Ok () as ok -> begin
match Alloc_mode.submode t1.r_as_g t2.r_as_g with
| Ok () -> ok
| Error () -> Error `Locality

let submode_exn t1 t2 =
match submode t1 t2 with
| Ok () -> ()
| Error _ -> invalid_arg "submode_exn"

let rec submode_meet t = function
| [] -> Ok ()
| t' :: rest ->
match submode t t' with
| Ok () -> submode_meet t rest
| Error _ as err -> err

let join ts =
let r_as_l = Alloc_mode.join ( (fun t -> t.r_as_l) ts) in
let r_as_g = Alloc_mode.join ( (fun t -> t.r_as_g) ts) in
{ r_as_l; r_as_g }

let constrain_upper t =
let r_as_l = Alloc_mode.constrain_upper t.r_as_l in
let r_as_g = Alloc_mode.constrain_upper t.r_as_g in
of_alloc_consts ~r_as_l ~r_as_g

let constrain_lower t =
let r_as_l = Alloc_mode.constrain_lower t.r_as_l in
let r_as_g = Alloc_mode.constrain_lower t.r_as_g in
of_alloc_consts ~r_as_l ~r_as_g

let newvar () =
let r_as_l = Alloc_mode.newvar () in
let r_as_g = Alloc_mode.newvar () in
Alloc_mode.submode_exn r_as_g r_as_l;
{ r_as_l; r_as_g }

let check_const t =
match Alloc_mode.check_const t.r_as_l with
| None -> None
| Some r_as_l ->
match Alloc_mode.check_const t.r_as_g with
| None -> None
| Some r_as_g ->
Some (of_alloc_consts ~r_as_l ~r_as_g)

let print_const ppf = function
| Global -> Format.fprintf ppf "Global"
| Regional -> Format.fprintf ppf "Regional"
| Local -> Format.fprintf ppf "Local"

let print ppf t =
match check_const t with
| Some const -> print_const ppf const
| None ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<2>r_as_l: %a@ r_as_g: %a@]"
Alloc_mode.print t.r_as_l
Alloc_mode.print t.r_as_g


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