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added bytecode compilation
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jvanburen committed Jan 23, 2025
1 parent d64f310 commit 1eed0a1
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Showing 3 changed files with 153 additions and 13 deletions.
26 changes: 13 additions & 13 deletions bytecomp/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -626,18 +626,12 @@ let comp_primitive stack_info p sz args =
| Plslbint(bi,_) -> comp_bint_primitive bi "shift_left" args
| Plsrbint(bi,_) -> comp_bint_primitive bi "shift_right_unsigned" args
| Pasrbint(bi,_) -> comp_bint_primitive bi "shift_right" args
| Pbintcomp(_, Ceq) | Pnaked_int_cmp {size = _; op = Ceq }
-> Kccall("caml_equal", 2)
| Pbintcomp(_, Cne) | Pnaked_int_cmp {size = _; op = Cne }
-> Kccall("caml_notequal", 2)
| Pbintcomp(_, Clt) | Pnaked_int_cmp {size = _; op = Clt }
-> Kccall("caml_lessthan", 2)
| Pbintcomp(_, Cgt) | Pnaked_int_cmp {size = _; op = Cgt }
-> Kccall("caml_greaterthan", 2)
| Pbintcomp(_, Cle) | Pnaked_int_cmp {size = _; op = Cle }
-> Kccall("caml_lessequal", 2)
| Pbintcomp(_, Cge) | Pnaked_int_cmp {size = _; op = Cge }
-> Kccall("caml_greaterequal", 2)
| Pbintcomp(_, Ceq) -> Kccall("caml_equal", 2)
| Pbintcomp(_, Cne) -> Kccall("caml_notequal", 2)
| Pbintcomp(_, Clt) -> Kccall("caml_lessthan", 2)
| Pbintcomp(_, Cgt) -> Kccall("caml_greaterthan", 2)
| Pbintcomp(_, Cle) -> Kccall("caml_lessequal", 2)
| Pbintcomp(_, Cge) -> Kccall("caml_greaterequal", 2)
| Pbigarrayref(_, n, Pbigarray_float32_t, _) -> Kccall("caml_ba_float32_get_" ^ Int.to_string n, n + 1)
| Pbigarrayset(_, n, Pbigarray_float32_t, _) -> Kccall("caml_ba_float32_set_" ^ Int.to_string n, n + 2)
| Pbigarrayref(_, n, _, _) -> Kccall("caml_ba_get_" ^ Int.to_string n, n + 1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -755,7 +749,7 @@ let comp_primitive stack_info p sz args =
| Pprobe_is_enabled _
| Punbox_float _ | Pbox_float (_, _) | Punbox_int _ | Pbox_int _
| Ptag_int _ | Puntag_int _
| Pnaked_int_cast _ | Pnaked_int_binop _
| Pnaked_int_cast _ | Pnaked_int_binop _ | Pnaked_int_cmp _
fatal_error "Bytegen.comp_primitive"
| Ppeek _ | Ppoke _ ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1155,6 +1149,12 @@ and comp_expr stack_info env exp sz cont =
| Lprim(Pfloatfield (n, _, _), args, loc) ->
let cont = add_pseudo_event loc !compunit_name cont in
comp_args stack_info env args sz (Kgetfloatfield n :: cont)
| Lprim(Pnaked_int_cmp { op; size }, args, loc) ->
comp_expr stack_info env (Lambda.naked_int_cmp ~op ~size args loc) sz cont
| Lprim(Pnaked_int_cast {src;dst}, args, loc) ->
comp_expr stack_info env (Lambda.naked_int_cast ~src ~dst args loc) sz cont
| Lprim(Pnaked_int_binop {op; size}, args, loc) ->
comp_expr stack_info env (Lambda.naked_int_binop ~op ~size args loc) sz cont
| Lprim(p, args, _) ->
let nargs = List.length args - 1 in
comp_args stack_info env args sz
Expand Down
122 changes: 122 additions & 0 deletions lambda/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2655,3 +2655,125 @@ let rec ignorable_product_element_kind_involves_int
| Punboxedfloat_ignorable _ | Punboxedint_ignorable _ -> false
| Pproduct_ignorable kinds ->
List.exists ignorable_product_element_kind_involves_int kinds

(* Functions for simulating naked int primitives. This is used for bytecode
compilation which doesn't support naked int primitives directly *)

module Bytecode_repr = struct
(* naked integers are boxed or tagged as appropriate in bytecode *)
type t =
| Tagged of unboxed_integer
| Boxed of boxed_integer

let bits = function
| Unboxed_int8 -> 8
| Unboxed_int16 -> 16
| Unboxed_int32 -> 32
| Unboxed_nativeint -> Targetint.size
| Unboxed_int64 -> 64

let of_size = function
| (Unboxed_int8 | Unboxed_int16) as size -> Tagged size
| Unboxed_int32 -> Boxed Boxed_int32
| Unboxed_nativeint -> Boxed Boxed_nativeint
| Unboxed_int64 -> Boxed Boxed_int64

let wrap = function
| Tagged size -> Ptag_int size
| Boxed boxed -> Pbox_int (boxed, alloc_heap)

let unwrap = function
| Tagged size -> Puntag_int size
| Boxed boxed -> Punbox_int boxed

let naked_int_cast ~src ~dst args loc =
let sign_extend arg ~bits =
let int_size = Targetint.size - 1 in
let unused_bits = int_size - bits in
if unused_bits = 0 then arg
let unused_bits = Lconst (const_int unused_bits) in
let left_aligned = Lprim (Plslint, [arg; unused_bits], loc) in
Lprim (Pasrint, [left_aligned; unused_bits], loc)
let src = Bytecode_repr.of_size src in
let dst = Bytecode_repr.of_size dst in
let arg = Lprim (Bytecode_repr.wrap src, args, loc) in
let converted =
match src, dst with
| Tagged src, Tagged dst ->
if Bytecode_repr.bits src <= Bytecode_repr.bits dst
then arg
else sign_extend arg ~bits:(Bytecode_repr.bits dst)
| Boxed src, Tagged dst ->
~bits:(Bytecode_repr.bits dst)
(Lprim (Pintofbint src, args, loc))
| Tagged (_ : unboxed_integer), Boxed dst ->
Lprim (Pbox_int (dst, alloc_local), [arg], loc)
| Boxed src, Boxed dst ->
Lprim (Pcvtbint (src, dst, alloc_local), [ arg ], loc)
Lprim (Bytecode_repr.unwrap dst, [converted], loc)

let naked_int_cmp ~op ~size args loc =
let repr = Bytecode_repr.of_size size in
let wrap = Bytecode_repr.wrap repr in
let args = args ~f:(fun arg ->
Lprim(wrap, [arg], loc))
let prim =
match repr with
| Tagged (_ : unboxed_integer) -> Pintcomp op
| Boxed boxed -> Pbintcomp (boxed, op)
Lprim (prim, args, loc)

let naked_int_binop ~op ~size args loc =
let repr = Bytecode_repr.of_size size in
let wrap = Bytecode_repr.wrap repr in
let args = args ~f:(fun arg ->
Lprim (wrap, [arg], loc))
let go ?unbox_second_argument prim =
match args with
| [] | [_] | _::_::_::_ ->
Misc.fatal_error "naked_int_binop expected two arguments"
| [l; r] ->
let args =
match unbox_second_argument with
| None -> [l; r]
| Some boxed -> [l; Lprim (Pintofbint boxed, [r], loc)]
Lprim (Bytecode_repr.unwrap repr, [Lprim (prim, args, loc)], loc)

match op, repr with
| Add , Tagged (_ : unboxed_integer) -> go Paddint
| Sub , Tagged (_ : unboxed_integer) -> go Psubint
| Mul , Tagged (_ : unboxed_integer) -> go Pmulint
| Div , Tagged (_ : unboxed_integer) -> go (Pdivint Safe)
| Rem , Tagged (_ : unboxed_integer) -> go (Pmodint Safe)
| And , Tagged (_ : unboxed_integer) -> go Pandint
| Or , Tagged (_ : unboxed_integer) -> go Porint
| Xor , Tagged (_ : unboxed_integer) -> go Pxorint
| Shl , Tagged (_ : unboxed_integer) -> go Plslint
| Lshr, Tagged (_ : unboxed_integer) -> go Plsrint
| Ashr, Tagged (_ : unboxed_integer) -> go Pasrint
| Add , Boxed boxed -> go (Paddbint (boxed, alloc_heap))
| Sub , Boxed boxed -> go (Psubbint (boxed, alloc_heap))
| Mul , Boxed boxed -> go (Pmulbint (boxed, alloc_heap))
| Div , Boxed boxed -> go (Pdivbint {size=boxed; is_safe=Safe; mode=alloc_heap})
| Rem , Boxed boxed -> go (Pmodbint {size=boxed; is_safe=Safe; mode=alloc_heap})
| And , Boxed boxed -> go (Pandbint (boxed, alloc_heap))
| Or , Boxed boxed -> go (Porbint (boxed, alloc_heap))
| Xor , Boxed boxed -> go (Pxorbint (boxed, alloc_heap))
(* boxed integer shifts take a tagged integer as the second argument *)
| Shl , Boxed boxed ->
go (Plslbint (boxed, alloc_heap)) ~unbox_second_argument:boxed
| Lshr, Boxed boxed ->
go (Plsrbint (boxed, alloc_heap)) ~unbox_second_argument:boxed
| Ashr, Boxed boxed ->
go (Pasrbint (boxed, alloc_heap)) ~unbox_second_argument:boxed
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions lambda/lambda.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1245,3 +1245,21 @@ val primitive_can_raise : primitive -> bool
val count_initializers_array_kind : array_kind -> int
val ignorable_product_element_kind_involves_int :
ignorable_product_element_kind -> bool

(** Equivalent to applying [Pnaked_int_cast] without actually using the
primitive. This is used for bytecode compilation which doesn't support
naked integer primitives. *)
val naked_int_cast : src:unboxed_integer ->
dst:unboxed_integer -> lambda list -> scoped_location -> lambda

(** Equivalent to applying [Pnaked_int_cmp] without actually using the
primitive. This is used for bytecode compilation which doesn't support
naked integer primitives. *)
val naked_int_cmp : op:integer_comparison ->
size:unboxed_integer -> lambda list -> scoped_location -> lambda

(** Equivalent to applying [Pnaked_int_binop] without actually using the
primitive. This is used for bytecode compilation which doesn't support
naked integer primitives. *)
val naked_int_binop : op:naked_integer_binop ->
size:unboxed_integer -> lambda list -> scoped_location -> lambda

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