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Developer Installation

Tobias Megies edited this page Mar 11, 2024 · 11 revisions

This is a companion document to the contributor guidelines.

A developer installation of ObsPy will recognize any changes you make locally to the code base. For this you need to install all dependencies of ObsPy. A very easy way to do this -- and thus highly recommended in may cases -- is to first install ObsPy with Anaconda in a dedicated, new environment and then remove the ObsPy package again, leaving the dependencies installed.

Please note: When working in an editable installation and making changes to either any C source code files or making changes to the plugin system (ENTRY_POINTS in, you need to subsequently refresh the editable pip installation (do $ pip install -v -e /path/to/obspy again) for changes to take effect.

Installation from source using Anaconda

The easiest easy way to get a working developer installation of ObsPy is via Anaconda. First install the prebuilt, stable ObsPy release package in a fresh, dedicated environment and then just remove ObsPy again - this will leave all dependencies installed (see here for more details regarding an installation with conda). Example (feel free to use a different environment name):

# "git" package not needed if already installed in the system
# "c-compiler" package may not be needed if system has a proper C compiler setup
(base) $ conda create -n obspy_dev -c conda-forge python=3.7 obspy git c-compiler pytest pytest-json-report
(base) $ conda activate obspy_dev
(obspy_dev) $ conda uninstall --offline --force obspy  # Uninstall without removing dependencies

You then want to checkout ObsPy locally with git*. You also need a C compiler for the subsequent compilation (should be properly set up by the activated Anaconda environment).

*) N.b.: Making an editable install from an unpacked tarball (as opposed to a git repository clone)
is possible in the same way, but it lacks the option to output a diff of changes made locally,
so it is not advisable for a developer installation.

Install obspy in pip's "editable" mode

(obspy_dev) $ cd /directory/where/code/lives
# Clone your own ObsPy fork!
(obspy_dev) $ git clone
(obspy_dev) $ cd obspy
# Make sure you branch from the correct base branch! See the
# contributor guidelines for rules on how to choose the correct
# base branch.
(obspy_dev) $ git checkout master  # Might be different for you
# Make a new branch with your changes.
(obspy_dev) $ git checkout -b my-new-features  # Choose a sensible branch name!
# Change into the conda env created for this purpose above (if it is not yet activated):
#   "$ conda activate obspy_dev"
# The `-e` will only copy a kind of symlink to the `site-packages`
# directory of your activate Python installation. So any changes you
# make to the code base will be reflected when you actually run ObsPy.
# You'll have to rerun this command any time a C source code file or
# entry points of the plugin system in `` were changed.
(obspy_dev) $ pip install -v -e .
Install a certain branch non-editable with pip

Alternatively to the above, if there is no need to make trackable changes, there is also the option to install a certain branch of ObsPy in that environment (after the initial setup and then removal of the obspy package only shown above):

(obspy_dev) $ pip install

This example installs the branch of pull request #3412. To get that zip URL, on a pull request page on github, click on the head branch link (at the top: " wants to merge commits into from ") and on the following page of that branch click on "Code" and copy the link of the "Download Zip" button.

N.b.: The version number can not be properly resolved for obspy when installing such a zip file, so conda will show something like "0.0.0-dev" as version number for your obspy installed version.

Installation from source without Anaconda

You should consider using the Anaconda approach above, if at all feasible. Not using Anaconda is for experienced developers familiar with e.g. C compiler setup. You will need a Python 3 installation with the following in place before installing ObsPy with pip editable mode as shown in the above section:

  • pip
  • numpy
  • C compiler
  • git (optional, making an editable installation from an unpacked tar/zipball is possible but much less convenient to track changes made locally or to prepare Pull requests)
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