A Neos CMS package that integrates Cookie Consent.
Require it through composer:
$ composer require obisconcept/neos-cookieconsent
You only need to configure the plugin through your local Settings.yaml
The following options are available:
enable: true # Wether to enable the notice.
includeJavaScript: true # Auto-include cookieconsent's javascript file.
includeCss: true # Auto-include cookieconsent's stylesheet file.
policyPageNode: '' # The page identifier of your privacy statement.
translations: # Change the translation source for custom texts.
package: 'ObisConcept.CookieConsent'
source: 'Main'
position: 'bottom' # The position of the notice. Possible Values:
# "bottom", "bottom-left", "bottom-right", "top"
theme: 'block' # The theme of the notice. Possible Values:
# "block", "classic", "edgeless", "wire"
background: '#000' # The background color and
text: '#fff' # the text color of the notice box
background: '#f1d600' # The background color and
text: '#000' # the text color of the dismiss-button