diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 876036e..adcdd4b 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -17,18 +17,20 @@ Please star⭐ the repo if you like what you see😉. * Any IDE with Flutter SDK installed (ie. IntelliJ, Android Studio, VSCode etc) * A little knowledge of Dart and Flutter -## 💻 Setup +## 🛠 Setup - Create a secrets.dart file under services folder and add the following - const String kTag0 = 'azlyrics'; - const String kTag1 = 'absolutelyrics'; - const String kLyricsLink0 = 'www.azlyrics.com'; - const String kLyricsLink1 = 'www.absolutelyrics.com'; -- To fetch song info you'll need an API key from deezer - - const String kApiKey = ''; -- For song recognition feature, sign up on acecloud and create a project - - const String kHost = ''; - - const String kAccessKey = ''; - - const String kAccessSecret = ''; + +- To fetch song info you'll need an API key from deezer + - const String kApiKey = 'DEEZER API KEY'; + +- For song recognition feature, sign up on acrcloud and create a project + - const String kHost = 'ACRCLOUD PROJECT HOST'; + - const String kAccessKey = 'ACRCLOUD ACCESS KEY'; + - const String kAccessSecret = 'ACRCLOUD SECRET KEY'; ## ✨ Features - [x] Play.