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World Wide Web Server edited this page Jul 4, 2012 · 20 revisions


Fire Ignition allows you to see log messages and special messages on the fly, using Mozilla Firefox. Developed using CI 1.5.3. Probably compatible with CI 1.5.x.


[url=]Firebug[/url] (Firefox extension) [url=]FirePHP[/url] (Firebug extension)

[h3]Included files[/h3]


/system/application/config/config.php - Config value (fireignition) to enable/disable /system/application/libraries/Firephp.php - FirePHP Library /system/application/libraries/MY_Controller.php - Controller extension /system/application/libraries/MY_Log.php - Log extension


/system/application/controllers/welcome.php - How to use


It is necesary to have Firebug + FirePHP installed on your browser. You have to enable fire_ignition on the config file

$config['fireignition'] = TRUE;

and your controllers needs to extend MY_Controller instead of Controller.

Then, you will have to load the page, open firebug, go to FirePHP console and voilà, you will be facing something like [url=]this[/url].

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