PhotoViewer is a JS plugin to view images just like in windows.
If you want to support IE8, please goto Magnify.
- Modal draggable.
- Modal resizable.
- Modal maximizable.
- Image movable.
- Image zoomable.
- Image rotatable.
- Keyboard control.
- Fullscreen showing.
- Multiple instances.
You can install the plugin via npm
$ npm install photoviewer --save
<!-- Core CSS file -->
<link href="/path/to/photoviewer.css" rel="stylesheet">
<!-- JQuery file -->
<script src="/path/to/jquery.js"></script>
<!-- Core JS file -->
<script src="/path/to/photoviewer.js"></script>
The usage of photoviewer is very simple, the PhotoViewer
constructor has 2 argument.
- Array with objects of image info.
- Options
// build images array
var items = [
src: 'path/to/image1.jpg', // path to image
title: 'Image Caption 1' // If you skip it, there will display the original image name(image1)
src: 'path/to/image2.jpg',
title: 'Image Caption 2'
// define options (if needed)
var options = {
// optionName: 'option value'
// for example:
index: 0 // this option means you will start at first image
// Initialize the plugin
var viewer = new PhotoViewer(items, options);
At last, binding click event on a button element at initializing.
MIT License