PR's, ideas and discussions are welcome.
Always run pnpm format
before doing a push!
Also, before committing, it's always a good idea to run:
pnpm nx affected:lint
pnpm nx affected:test
This project uses the Nx CLI with pnpm.
This project is built with Nx and follows the OSS project structure. The Getting Started guide shows how to work with Nx workspaces.
After cloning the project, to install the dependencies, run:
pnpm install
To build a plugin, run:
pnpm build [plugin]
Run unit tests for a specific plugin with:
pnpm test [plugin]
Run e2e tests for a specific plugin with:
pnpm e2e [plugin]
Create a playground Nx repository:
pnpm create-playground
This will create a playground repository inside the Nxext repository directory. You'll find it here:
It is a regular Nx repository and you're able to do everything like create projects and libraries.
To update the playground with changes on the plugins without rebuilding a new playground, run:
pnpm update-playground
Happy coding :-)