Spring MVC Showcase built with JQuery-UI is a great start. It demonstrates the capabilities of the Spring MVC web framework through small, simple examples. After reviewing this showcase, you should have a good understanding of what Spring MVC can do and get a feel for how easy it is to use.
However Bootstrap is awesome.
This fork brings them together, along with other goals:
- Use only embedded servers (jetty, h2, etc.,)
- Decorate Layouts with Sitemesh
- Move page-specific js into a commmon js
- Incorporate Themes from Bootswatch
- Build the tutorial into the app?
- Extend showcase with more features, gotchas, best practices?
- Integrate Spring Social and Spring Data?
- Build
$ mvn clean install
- Run
$ mvn jetty:run
- Access the deployed web application at: http://localhost:8080/spring-mvc-showcase/
- The original blog
- A screencast showing the showcase in action
- The presentation is located in this directory (MasteringSpringMVC3.pdf)