Dual-view adaptive optics selected plane illumination microscope makes multiview light-sheet microscopy compatible with microfluidic devices, by correcting optical aberrations with a deformable mirror (DM). Its unique optical design allows correcting aberrations in two arms with a single DM simultaneously.
The Wiki page provides a high-level system overview.
The /wiki folder contains implementation details:
The microscope is controlled via GUI program which links together:
- camera (Hamamatsu Orca Flash4.3)
- stage (ASI MS-2000)
- light-sheet generator (based on NI PCIe-6321 DAQ board and arm switcher)
- deformable mirror (ImagineOptics Mirao52e)
- electro-tunable lens (Optotune EL-16-40-TC-VIS-5D-C)
DM is optimized in a separate Jupyter notebook using a fluorescent bead image. The resulting DM command can be loaded in the GUI program and used thereafter.
If you use any code or materials from this repo in your work, please cite our work as
Dual-view light-sheet imaging through tilted glass interface using a deformable mirror
Nikita Vladimirov, Friedrich Preusser, Jan Wisniewski, Ziv Yaniv, Ravi Anand Desai, Andrew Woehler, Stephan Preibisch. Biomedical Optics Express, 2021.
To cite the code specifically, please use the following DOI: