tag:github.com,2008:https://github.com/nvirm/K8-Gnomish-Queuing-Device/releasesTags from K8-Gnomish-Queuing-Device2021-05-20T19:28:40Ztag:github.com,2008:Repository/205727493/1.142021-05-20T19:28:40Z1.14: TBC Prepping<p>TBC Prepping</p>
<p>- Fixed one bug when Starting-Stopping-Starting from "Start GQD" button
<br />- Widened the application window a bit, seemed to work well
<br />- When queue is nearing it's end, PushOver messages are send with High priority channel (you need to enable this in Android/iOS App settings), meaning you can go to sleep and the App will Alarm you! Awesome! (High priority mode missing from Pushbullet API)
<br />- When encountered with an error, message is sent with high priority channel (PushOver only, see previous)
<br />- Application now writes a log to log.txt file in Application folder
<br />- New Appsettings parameter (you can change the threshold when High priority messages are starting to send)</p>tag:github.com,2008:Repository/205727493/v1.142021-05-20T19:50:24ZTBC Prepping, High Priority Channel<p>TBC Prepping</p>
<p>- Update appsettings descriptions, make more sense for user maybe..
<br />- Update Compiled/Release .zip file to be up to date</p>nvirmtag:github.com,2008:Repository/205727493/v1.132019-09-19T13:20:48ZNew release<p>Bugfixes, threshold adjustment, sendinterval can be adjusted... check…</p>
<p>… the commit.</p>nvirmtag:github.com,2008:Repository/205727493/v1.122019-09-11T19:52:28ZFix ETR Formatting bugnvirmtag:github.com,2008:Repository/205727493/v1.112019-09-09T20:06:05ZGeneral fixes<p>Bumping to v1.11</p>
<p>.Min() and .Max() values made obsolete, take latest values (with datetime) in account</p>nvirmtag:github.com,2008:Repository/205727493/v1.12019-09-09T20:04:57ZBumping to v1.11<p>Bumping to v1.11</p>
<p>.Min() and .Max() values made obsolete, take latest values (with datetime) in account</p>nvirmtag:github.com,2008:Repository/205727493/1.12019-09-09T20:10:09ZEstimated time remaining component addednvirmtag:github.com,2008:Repository/205727493/v1.02019-09-06T07:38:36ZFirst decent versionnvirm