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Morpheus Devcontainer

The Morpheus devcontainer is provided as a quick-to-set-up development and exploration environment for use with Visual Studio Code (Code). The devcontainer is a lightweight container which mounts-in a conda environment with cached packages, alleviating long conda download times on subsequent launches. It provides a simple framework for adding developer-centric scripts, and incorperates some helpful Code plugins, such as clangd and cmake support.

More information about devcontainers can be found at

Getting Started

To get started, simply open the morpheus repository root folder within Code. A window should appear at the bottom-right corner of the editor asking if you would like to reopen the workspace inside of the dev container. After clicking the confirmation dialog, the container will first build, then launch, then remote-attach.

If the window does not appear, or you would like to rebuild the container, click ctrl-shift-p and search for Dev Containers: Rebuild and Reopen in Container. Hit enter, and the container will first build, then launch, then remote-attach.

Once remoted in to the devcontainer within code, the setup-morpheus-env script will begin to run and solve a morpheus conda environment (this conda environment is local to the morpheus repository and dev container and will not override any host environments). You should see the script executing in one of Code's integrated terminal. Once the script has completed, we're ready to start development or exploration of Morpheus. By default, each new integrated terminal will automatically conda activate the morpheus environment.

Development Scripts

Several convienient scripts are available in the devcontainer's PATH (.devcontainer/bin) for starting, stopping, and interacting with Triton and Kafka. More scripts can be added as needed.

Interacting with Triton

To start Triton and connect it to the devcontainer network, the dev-triton-start script can be used. The following example starts or restarts Triton with the abp-pcap-xgb model loaded.

dev-triton-start abp-pcap-xgb

Triton should now be started and DNS resolvable as triton.

ping triton

To load a different model, simply call dev-triton-start with a different model name. Multiple models can be loaded simultaneously by adding more model names to the command.

dev-triton-start model-1 model-2 ... model-n

To stop Triton, call dev-triton-stop. This may take several seconds as the Triton server shuts down gracefully.


Interacting with Kafka

To start Kafka and connect it to the devcontainer network, the dev-kafka-start script can be used. The following example starts or restarts Kafka and Zookeeper.


Kafka should now be started and DNS resolveable as kafka.

ping kafka

It can be extremely useful to interact directly with Kafka to produce test data to a specific topic. To do this, the dev-kafka-produce script can be used. This script opens a connect to the Kafka server and starts In this case with a specific topic. Once started, a prompt will appear in which new-line delimited messages can be entered in to the console.

dev-kafka-produce test-topic

It can also be useful to produce messages from a file. For this, the dev-kafka-produce script can be used with two arguments. The first argument is the topic name, and the second argument is the file to be forwarded to the console producer.

dev-kafka-produce test-topic $MORPHEUS_ROOT/examples/data/pcap_dump.jsonlines

To retrieve the logs from Kafka and Zookeeper, use the dev-kafka-logs script.


To stop Kafka and Zookeeper, use the dev-kafka-stop script.
