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File metadata and controls

145 lines (101 loc) · 4.2 KB


This folder contains the scripts necessary to build the repository documentation. You can view the documentation at

Contributing to Docs

You build the documentation with the tox command and specify the docs environment. The following steps are one way of many to build the documentation before opening a merge request.

  1. Create a virtual environment:

    python -m venv .venv
  2. Activate the virtual environment:

    source .venv/bin/activate
  3. Install tox in the virtual environment:

    python -m pip install --upgrade pip
    python -m pip install tox
  4. Build the documentation with tox:

    tox -e docs

These steps run Sphinx in your shell and create HTML in the docs/build/html/ directory.

The build for Merlin is unique because the support matrix is generated during the build. The build reads the docs/data.json file and creates several RST snippet files in docs/source/generated. The docs/data.json file is updated by the docs-smx-data job that runs in Blossom.

Preview the Changes

View the docs web page by opening the HTML in your browser. First, navigate to the build/html/ directory and then run the following command:

python -m http.server

Afterward, open a web browser and access https://localhost:8000.

Check that yours edits formatted correctly and read well.

Tests for the smx2rst program

  1. Start Python in a container:
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/workspace -w /workspace --network=host \
  python:3.8-buster@sha256:ccc66c06817c2e5b7ecd40db1c4305dea3cd9e48ec29151a593e0dbd76af365e bash
  1. Install dependencies in the container:
python -m pip install pip==22.0.4 setuptools==59.4.0 wheel
python -m pip install -r docs/requirements-doc.txt

Pip is frozen at 22.0.4 because that version is specified in Update the test if you update the version here and in requirements-doc.txt.

  1. Run the tests:
coverage run -m pytest -v docs && coverage report -m

Handy notes

Remove a field from the JSON

In the following case, the cuparse key is a mistake and should have been cusparse. The following command removes the mistake from the JSON:

jq 'walk(if type == "object" then del(.cuparse) else . end)' < data.json > x

Add a field for all releases

jq --sort-keys 'walk(if type == "object" and has("base_container") then
    . += {"distributed_embeddings":"Not applicable"}
  else .
  end)' < docs/data.json > x

# Always check your work.
diff x docs/data.json

View a container for a release

jq '.[""]["22.03"]' < ../docs/source/data.json

List the containers and releases

jq '. | map_values(keys) ' < docs/source/data.json

About the support matrix

Documenting the support matrix is a three part process:

  • Extract the data from the containers.
  • Convert the data into RST.
  • Build the docs, as normal.

The first part is handled by the docs/ script. Unless you have all the containers downloaded, it's best to run this script on a machine with high bandwidth and with automation, such as Blossom. Check in the team's Blossom instance for a docs-smx-data job.

By default, the script pulls each container (the containers are listed in the script itself) and uses the YY.MM label based on the current data. The script attempts to extract information from Pip, the environment for the container, environment variables in the container, and so on. After the data is extracted, the script updates the data.json file.

At the start of the documentation build, Sphinx runs the docs/ script. This script reads the data.json file and creates an RST file in docs/source/generated for each container. Each file includes tables, by year, that are based on the data in the JSON file.

The docs/source/support_matrix directory has an RST that corresponds to one of the generated files. You can add text into those files to indicate information like TensorFlow is not installed in the inference container for TensorFlow models.