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Setting up the Database

As WorldScope relies on MySQL, it is required to set up a MySQL database. Download a copy from based on your Operating System. It will be good to keep MySQL version at least v5.5

  • Note the MySQL username and password
  • Create database named 'worldscope_db' or other names but do update the name field in the next step
mysql> CREATE DATABASE worldscope_db;


To install dependencies, run npm install

To start the database, run

## on Linux
shell> service mysql start 
## on Windows
shell> "path/to/mysql" -u root -p start

To start the application server, run npm start.


To start the tests suit, run npm test. Test reports will be generated int he report directory.

To execute code analyzer and code style checker, run npm run linter.

To generate documentation, run npm run doc. Documentations will be generated in the doc directory.