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Numeric Modern Fortran

The goal of this project is to create a Fortran library similar to Numpy/Scipy for scientific computing.

This library consists (or rather will eventually consist) of several modules to ease the scientific work. It aims to provide user-friendly utilities and relatively-efficient routines for scientific computing, numerical and related work.


Documentation may be found in

Further information on the capabilities of the library may be learned by exploring the different modules.

It provides:

  • A "submodule" Utils with basic, non-specific, functionality used in many (most?) scientific programs.
  • A "submodule" Array_utils with basic functionality to work with arrays, including generation of grids, search of elements and sorting.
  • A "submodule" Interpolate with routines to perform interpolation, fitting of data, and some work on polynomials.
  • A "submodule" Integrate with routines to perform integration of real and complex functions, and of sampled data.


Firstly, download the library:

  • git clone

The installation follow the usual steps. The simpler procedure is:

  • cd numfor

  • make Builds the module information file and static library

  • make tests (optional, not yet fully implemented) Run tests on submodules

  • make install Installs the library, modules and documentation into <prefix> path


Simply compile your program with flags indicating where to find libnumfor.mod and link to libnumfor.a There are different ways to accomplish this:

  1. Manually adding the information when compiling. For instance, when using gfortran
$> gfortran -c -o myprog.o -I <prefix>/include/numfor myprog.f90
$> gfortran -o myprog -L <prefix>/lib -lnumfor myprog.o
  1. Using pkg-config
$> gfortran [your FFLAGS] -c -o myprog.o $(pkg-config --cflags numfor) myprog.f90
$> gfortran -o myprog myprog.o $(pkg-config --libs numfor)

or, simply in one step:

$> gfortran [your FFLAGS] -o myprog $(pkg-config --cflags numfor) myprog.f90 $(pkg-config --libs numfor)

Note that the library options must be, in both cases, at the end of the command.

In order to work, first the environment variable PKG_CONFIG_PATH must be set. For instance, in linux you have to add to $HOME/.bashrc (or site /etc/bashrc if you install for all users) the folowing line:

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="<prefix>/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"

You will need to open a new terminal or source the bashrc file before compiling your program.