Scripts for alternative i3blocks blocklets to be used in the i3 window manager. I wanted to modify and expand the default blocklets available with i3blocks. Additionally, I preferred them to be in ELF format and not an interpreted scripting language which is why they are implemented in Go. My final i3blocks setup looks like:
If you want to build this project from source, you need to have a working Go installation. If you do not currently have Go installed and configured, please find out your distribution's recommended way of doing so and follow it through.
As this project provides alternative blocklets for a configured i3blocks bar in an i3 window manager, both i3 and i3blocks are required to be present. Furthermore, icons are used by at least two of provided blocklets. Font Awesome is used to display such fitting and informative symbols, so please make sure to have the font installed. Fira Mono is used in later examples, so install the font on your system if you would like to configure your bar to look like the one in above screenshot.
First, retrieve this project by running:
$ go get -u
Change into the newly created directory and make install
the provided source files:
$ cd ${GOPATH}/src/
$ make install
Now, all compiled blocklets will be ready to be executed at ~/.config/i3blocks-go/
$ ls ~/.config/i3blocks-go
battery date-time internal-ip load-average public-ip temperature uptime
Provided will be a minimum needed configuration to integrate this project's blocklets into i3 and i3blocks.
The bar
section of your ~/.config/i3/config
file should at least contain the following:
bar {
status_command i3blocks
font pango:Fira Mono, FontAwesome 20
Next, consult provided i3blocks example config to select, configure, and display the blocklets you would like to use.
Reload i3 and enjoy beautiful blocklets.
public-ip: Queries in defined interval to determine your public IP address.
internal-ip: Displays the first found IP address associated with the first network interface marked as being active and not the loopback interface of your machine.
uptime: By default, shows your machine's uptime in format hh:mm
. If you would like to see the seconds value as well, change the command
value of blocklet uptime
to command=~/.config/i3blocks-go/uptime -showSeconds
. Consults your system's /proc/uptime
load-average: If enough space is available, shows your machine's load average for the last 1, 5, and 15 minutes provided by /proc/loadavg
file. If space is limited, only shows the load average of the last minute.
temperature: Reads CPU temperature from /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp1_input
and displays the value with a corresponding thermometer icon. The icon is colored according to provided -highTemp XX
and -criticalTemp YY
temperature values.
battery: Consults three files located at /sys/class/power_supply/
to simply show a conditionally colored battery icon and your machine's current charge percentage. Exclude this blocklet if your machine does not feature a battery.
volume: Executes amixer sget Master
and extracts volume level in percent as well as whether your speakers are currently muted. Outputs fitting icon and volume level.
date-time: Displays current date and time formatted as yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm
. If you would like to see seconds as well, append flag -showSeconds
to command
This project is GPLv3 licensed.