This document shall give and outlook of what we have planned for the next releases and what we have already implemented.
- Object Type
- Interface Type
- Union Type
- Enum Type
- Input Object Type
- Int
- Float
- String
- Boolean
- ID
- Skip
- Continue
- Deprecated
- Locations
- Query
- Mutation
- Subscription
- Field
- FragmentDefinition
- FragmentSpread
- InlineFragment
- Schema
- Scalar (in development - 9.0.0)
- Object
- FieldDefinition
- ArgumentDefinition
- Interface
- Union
- Enum
- EnumValue
- InputObject
- InputFieldDefinition
- VariableDefinition
- Query
- Mutation
- Subscription
- __typename
- __type
- __schema
- types
- queryType
- mutationType
- subscriptionType
- directives
- kind
- name
- fields
- interfaces
- possibleTypes
- enumValues
- inputFields
- ofType
We are currently working on the following features that are proposed for the next GraphQL specification.
- Limit directive uniqueness to explicitly marked directives
- "Directive order is significant" section
- Add rules for how circular references in Input Objects are handled (in development - 9.1.0)
- Add description to Schema
- DateTime
- Date
- Decimal
- Short (Int16)
- Long (Int64)
- Custom Scalars
- Schema Stitching
- HTTP Directives (in development - 10.0.0)
- Custom Schema Directives
- Custom Query Directives
- Data Loader Integration
- Batched Operations
- Schema-First approach
- Code-First approach
- Schema Builder
ASP.NET Classic
- Get
- Post
- WebSockets (in development - 12.0.0)
- .net Framework 4.7
- .net Framework 4.6.1
- Get
- Post
- WebSockets
We are now investing to implement the GraphQL Compatibility Acceptance Tests for Hot Chocolate. We should have the first test running with Version 0.8.0 and should have this finished until Version 0.11.0.
More about GraphQL compatibility acceptance tests can be read here.