A Simple and Strong Baseline for End-to-End Neural RST-style Discourse Parsing
Paper: URL for arXiv
Abstract: To promote and further develop RST-style discourse parsing models, we need a strong baseline that can be regarded as a reference for reporting reliable experimental results. This paper explores a strong baseline by integrating existing simple parsing strategies, top-down and bottom-up, with various transformer-based pre-trained language models. The experimental results obtained from two benchmark datasets demonstrate that the parsing performance strongly relies on the pre-trained language models rather than the parsing strategies. In particular, the bottom-up parser achieves large performance gains compared to the current best parser when employing DeBERTa. We further reveal that language models with a span-masking scheme especially boost the parsing performance through our analysis within intra- and multi-sentential parsing, and nuclearity prediction.
- prepare python environment with conda
- clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/nttcslab-nlp/RSTParser_EMNLP22 cd RSTParser_EMNLP22
- manually install pytorch to enable GPU support
conda install pytorch cudatoolkit=XXX -c pytorch conda install torchtext -c pytorch
- install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you have the RSTDT dataset that has been preprocessed by Heilman's script, you can use it without doing anything.
Each data of Heilman's has following elements.
- doc_id
- edu_start_indices
- edu_starts_paragraph
- edu_strings
- path_basename # not necessary
- pos_tags # not necessary
- rst_tree
- syntax_trees # not necessary
- token_tree_positions # not necessary
- tokens
There is a sample at data/rstdt/sample.json
The instr-DT dataset contains data that has multiple trees for one document. We treat those data by combining the multiple trees into single tree with the "Nucleus-Nucleus" and "topic-change?" labels.
cd data/instrdt
git clone https://github.com/EducationalTestingService/rstfinder.git
rm rstfinder/rstfinder/__init__.py # this requires zpar package
ln -nfs $PWD/rstfinder/rstfinder/ tools/
python tools/preprocess.py \
--input-dir PATH/TO/instr-discourse-data/discourse_annotation/ \
--output-file all.json \
for tgt in train valid test; do
python tools/extract.py \
--src all.json \
--tgt ${tgt}.json \
--ids ${tgt}_ids.txt
bash scripts/run_shift_reduce_v1.deberta-base.1e-5.sh
This script was genereated by scripts/generator_rstdt.sh
Some enviroment variables (CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES
) are hard codede in the script.
Although the maximum is 20 epochs, it converges in about 5 epochs. (Training time is about 1h/epoch with GeForce RTX 3090)
Models are saved into ./models/rstdt/shift_reduce_v1.deberta-base.1e-5/version_?/checkpoints/
Saved models are followings
- epoch=3-step=?????.ckpt # saved in training process
- epoch=3-step=?????.ckpt # saved in training process
- epoch=4-step=?????.ckpt # saved in training process
- last.ckpt # saved at the end of training process
- best.ctpt # selected the best model by validation score in evaluation process
- average.ckpt # output of checkpoint weight averaging (CPA) at evaluation process
python src/test.py --ckpt-path PATH/TO/CKPT --save-dir PATH/TO/TREES/ --metrics OriginalParseval
These are results evaluated by OriginalParseval. (scores are a bit different from the paper due to model retraining.)
Model | LM | CPA | Span | Nuc. | Rel. | Ful. | ckpt |
Shift-Reduce | DeBERTa | 77.0 | 67.2 | 57.5 | 55.5 | Google Drive | |
Shift-Reduce | DeBERTa | x | 78.3 | 69.0 | 58.2 | 56.2 | Google Drive |
This software is released under the NTT License, see LICENSE.txt
According to the license, it is not allowed to create pull requests. Please feel free to send issues.