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32 lines (21 loc) · 882 Bytes

File metadata and controls

32 lines (21 loc) · 882 Bytes

## Time-stamp: <2011-09-20 16:12:41 vk> ## This file is best viewed with GNU Emacs Org-mode:


Current status

feel free to implement

Data Source

J-Pilot is a software that were used by many Palm OS users on GNU/Linux. It contains your Palm OS agenda, todos, contact informations, and memos.

Since many users still appreciate the mature software to organize their life, this module generates Org-mode entries from J-Pilot export data.

Example Invocation

to be done

Example Orgmode entries

Such an todo entry might look like this:

** TODO buy new shoes                              :errands:jpilot:Memacs:
  DEADLINE: <2011-07-29 Fri>
  :CREATED: <2011-07-23 Sat 16:16>