Release of 3.0
With version 3.0 files are served by default above the document root, the key changes are as follows:
Routing images / js / css files
From within Templates your css/js and images must be in a Assets folder to be routed correctly.
This applies to Modules as well, to have a css file from a Module the css file would be placed inside nova/app/Modules/ModuleName/Assets/css/file.css.
Additionally there is an Assets folder in the root of nova this is for storing resources outside of templates that can still be routed from above the document root.
##Optional parameters
New to 3.0 is allowing filters to be optional
Filters written like (:any) are required to match the route but writing a filter as (/(:any)) makes it optional.
This route supplied with Nova has one filter that is required then a further 3 optional filters. Multiple filters should be inside the first parenthesis.
Router::any('admin/(:any)(/(:any)(/(:any)(/(:any))))', 'App\Controllers\Demo@test');
new to 3.0 is groups routes can now placed in a group, this allows all routes within the group to inherit the group name
Router::group('admin', function() {
Router::any('add', 'App\Controllers\Demo@cool');
Router::any('settings', 'App\Controllers\Demo@nice');
Is the equivalent to
Router::any('admin/add', 'App\Controllers\Admin@add');
Router::any('admin/settings', 'App\Controllers\Admin@settings');
Error Log
The error log is no longer a .html file but rather a log file. On a production server it should be outside the document root, in order to see the any errors there are a few options:
- Open app/logs/error.log
- OR open system/Core/Logger.php set $display to true to print errors to the screen
- set $emailError to true and setup the siteEmail const in app/Config.php this relies on an email server (not provided by the framework)
##Namespace change
classes in app/Controller app/Model and app/Modules now have a namespace starting with App:
- App\Controllers
- App\Models
- App\Modules
That is only for classes within app, this is not needed for classes within system.
Aliases for helpers within views
Helpers can now be used without using a use statement, inside system/Core/Alias contains an array of helpers with their alias allowing helpers to be used directly.
Instead of doing:
use Helpers\Session;
Session::set('item', 'value');
it can become:
Session::set('item', 'value');
New / Updated Helpers/Methods
The basic idea is to provide a lowercase version of the resource path for the resources located in Modules and the base assets folder. Then the following call:
$path = Url::resourcePath('FileManager');
will result into:
With no parameters will return:
Which correspond with the generic Assets directory.
Returns the current url.
templatePath() and relativeTemplatePath()
Now accepts 2 parameters:
- $custom - default to TEMPLATE which is the template being used
- $folder - folder to return from within the template defaults to Assets
The assets helper loads css and js files both methods have the following parameters:
- $files - a single file or array of file paths
- $cache - cache the output default to false, a minified file will be generated in the theme css/js folder.
- $refresh - update the cache default to false
- $cachedMins - time in seconds to keep the cache for defaults to 14400
Updated makeToken() and isTokenValid() to require a name parameter, this allows using multiple times on a single page with unique names.
create_key() has been renamed to createKey()
Form::open by default created a hidden input with a token to be used for cross site request forgery checks (CSRF) if a name is passed to Form::open it's used as part of the token name.
Inflector is a doctrine class to allow transforming file paths used within the Url helper.
Minifies supplied js code
get() method added.
This class has a method getList which returns an array of reserved words include PHP 7's reserved words.
This helper is primary used for routing, see the Response page for more details.