Just want to jump into CD solo? Here's how:
Subscribe to the Steam Workshop item.
Start KF2. If KF2 was running when you subscribed, then restart KF2.
Open the console. On US-style keyboards, the backtick/tilde key (` or ~) opens the console.
Type or paste this line into the console:
open KF-Outpost?game=ControlledDifficulty.CD_Survival
Change the map "KF-Outpost" to anything you like. For example, if you've subscribed to the popular solo challenge map KF-Hillside by Skell, you could type or paste this instead instead:
open KF-Hillside-B4?game=ControlledDifficulty.CD_Survival
You can add options to customize CD. Options key-value pairs separated from one another by "?" signs. For example:
open KF-Hillside-B4?game=ControlledDifficulty.CD_Survival?CohortSize=8?SpawnPoll=2.0?WaveSizeFakes=2