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Hash Bash Backend Go

rainbow tables page

This project is a rewrite of the hashbash-backend-java project I wrote a couple years ago. That project was itself a rewrite of a C++ implementation of rainbow tables that I wrote in college.

The goal in writing the java version was both to implement a web interface around rainbow tables, providing a frontend for viewing/searching them, and to implement the generation of rainbow tables using spring batch. The company I worked for at that time heavily used spring batch, java, and react and so writing that project was my way of getting a deep-dive into all of those technologies.

This version of the project is a complete rewrite of the java version of the project in go. When I wrote this, I was just learning go, and was really impressed by the performance and resource utilization of the language. Rewriting the project in go gave me a way to do an apples to apples comparison of performance between identical projects implemented in java and go respectively. As expected, the go version used a small fraction of the memory used by the java version. I compiled the complete results of my test into a blog post.

Aside from running this experiment, this rewrite was an excellent opportunity to get more familiarity with writing complicated applications in go, as well as gaining experience using the following libraries:

Building and Developing Locally

There is a docker-compose setup for running locally. To start run the following, then navigate to http://localhost:23280 in your browser.

make run

To build the go binaries:


To build the docker images

make images

To run the application on your host machine, with rabbitmq and mysql in docker:

make run-deps

And finally, to publish the docker images to a docker registry:

make push