xls2csv is a program which converts XLS files to CSV files. It's based on xls2csv.c
of libxls.
- Specify sheet by given sheet ID.
- Convert CSV in the same way as Excel's "Save as CSV".
- Use ',' as separator.
- No "" for string.
- Keep data if rowspan > 1(original xls2csv.c will stop and return).
xls2csv requires libxls to be installed.
Install libxls
wget https://github.com/libxls/libxls/releases/download/v1.6.2/libxls-1.6.2.tar.gz tar -xzvf libxls-1.6.2.tar.gz cd libxls-1.6.2 ./configure make sudo make install
Add libxls lib path to
Create a new
sudo vi /etc/ld.so.conf.d/libxls.conf // Add path of libxls to this file /usr/local/libxls/lib
sudo ldconfig // Check libxlsreader.so sudo ldconfig -p | grep libxls
Build xls2csv
git clone https://github.com/northbright/xls2csv.git cd xls2csv/src gcc -o xls2csv *.c -I/usr/local/libxls/include -L/usr/local/libxls/lib -lxlsreader
xls2csv [XLS file] [-s sheet ID(0-based)] [-o CSV File]
-s sheet ID. It's 0-based. Default is 0 if no sheet id specifed.
-o CSV file to output. If no CSV file is specified, it'll output CSV string to stdout.
xls2csv my.xls
xls2csv my.xls -s 2 -o my.csv
- Thanks powerful libxls to give it a chance that we can still operate on XLS file.