Pull-based GitOps-Kubernetes (fluxcd/flux2-managed) on top of Proxmox VE cluster + Unraid VMs @Home
A highly opinionated setup on deploying HA k3s cluster with Ansible and Terraform backed by Flux and SOPS.
- cert-manager - SSL certificates - with Cloudflare DNS challenge
- calico - CNI (container network interface)
- echo-server - REST Server Tests (Echo-Server) API (useful for debugging HTTP issues)
- flux - GitOps tool for deploying manifests from the
directory - hajimari - start page with ingress discovery
- kube-vip - layer 2 load balancer for the Kubernetes control plane
- local-path-provisioner - default storage class provided by k3s
- metallb - bare metal load balancer
- reloader - restart pods when Kubernetes
changes - reflector - mirror
s orsecret
s to other Kubernetes namespaces - system-upgrade-controller - automate upgrading k3s
- traefik - ingress controller
For provisioning:
- Ubuntu - this is a pretty universal operating system that supports running all kinds of home related workloads in Kubernetes
- Ansible - this will be used to provision the Ubuntu operating system to be ready for Kubernetes and also to install k3s
- Terraform - in order to help with the DNS settings this will be used to provision an already existing Cloudflare domain and DNS settings
Tool | Purpose |
ansible | Preparing Ubuntu for Kubernetes and installing k3s |
direnv | Exports env vars based on present working directory |
flux | Operator that manages your k8s cluster based on your Git repository |
age | A simple, modern and secure encryption tool (and Go library) with small explicit keys, no config options, and UNIX-style composability. |
go-task | A task runner / simpler Make alternative written in Go |
ipcalc | Used to verify settings in the configure script |
jq | Used to verify settings in the configure script |
kubectl | Allows you to run commands against Kubernetes clusters |
sops | Encrypts k8s secrets with Age |
terraform | Prepare a Cloudflare domain to be used with the cluster |
Tool | Purpose |
helm | Manage Kubernetes applications |
kustomize | Template-free way to customize application configuration |
pre-commit | Runs checks pre git commit |
gitleaks | Scan git repos (or files) for secrets |
prettier | Prettier is an opinionated code formatter. |
The Git repository contains the following directories under cluster
and are ordered below by how Flux will apply them.
- base directory is the entrypoint to Flux
- crds directory contains custom resource definitions (CRDs) that need to exist globally in your cluster before anything else exists
- core directory (depends on crds) are important infrastructure applications (grouped by namespace) that should never be pruned by Flux
- apps directory (depends on core) is where your common applications (grouped by namespace) could be placed, Flux will prune resources here if they are not tracked by Git anymore
├── apps
│ ├── default
│ ├── networking
│ └── system-upgrade
├── base
│ └── flux-system
├── core
│ ├── cert-manager
│ ├── metallb-system
│ ├── namespaces
│ └── system-upgrade
└── crds
└── cert-manager
Big shout out to all the authors and contributors to the projects awesome-home-kubernetes