Check that this is really a bug
- I confirm
Reproduction link
Bug description
- Initialize the swiper with virtual=true
- now pass changed options like slidesPerView and slidesPerGroup along with previous options (just click the change slides button)
- see that the pagination and number of slides have reduced when virtual=true is passed again with other changed options
Expected Behavior
Swiper should show the correct number of slides even if the same params are passed again
Actual Behavior
number of slides/ pagination is not correct if virtual=true passed again with changed slidesPerView and slidesPerGroup
Swiper version
Platform/Target and Browser Versions
Chrome is up to date Version 115.0.5790.110 (Official Build) (64-bit)
- Follow our Code of Conduct
- Read the docs.
- Check that there isn't already an issue that request the same feature to avoid creating a duplicate.
- Make sure this is a Swiper issue and not a framework-specific issue
Would you like to open a PR for this bug?
- I'm willing to open a PR
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