Poc to work with pdf in python
- Create virtual env with
- Enable virtual env
- Install dev dependencies
- Create .env file
- Migrate the database
- Run the server
virtualenv .poc_python_pdf -p python3
source .poc_python_pdf/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
cp ./contrib/.env.sample ./.env
./manage.py migrate
./manage.py runserver
View docs
Generate pdf
flake8 .
coverage run manage.py test -v 2 --noinput --failfast --parallel
coverage report -m
coverage html
To publis on heroku The Heroku CLI
- Create an instance
- Send configurations to Heroku
- Defines a secret key to instance
- Set DEBUG=False
- Configure email send service
- Send the code
heroku create my-new-instance
heroku config:push
heroku config:set SECRET_KEY='python contrib/secret_gen.py'
heroku config:set DEBU=False
# email configurations
git push heroku master --force