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456 lines (369 loc) · 18.8 KB

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456 lines (369 loc) · 18.8 KB

Miscellaneous Commands

Set Line Endings to Prevent conflicts between platforms:

  • Unix/Mac Users
$ git config --global core.autocrlf input
$ git config --global core.safecrlf true
  • Windows Users
$ git config --global core.autocrlf true
$ git config --global core.safecrlf true

List global configs:

$ git config --global --list

Install Sublime:

$ brew install subl

Source Code Pro Download:

$ brew caskroom/fonts && brew cask install

Take screenshots of a site as its assets are loading (chrome):

Inspect -> Network Tab -> Camera Icon

Paste text without formatting:

cmd + shift + option + v

Fix for Chrome Apps.localized issue in termial

$ cd /Applications

Update Homebrew Casks & Formulae

$ brew update                   # Fetch latest version of homebrew and formula.
$ brew tap caskroom/cask        # Tap the Caskroom/Cask GitHub repo. using HTTPS.
$ brew list                     # List all the installed formulae.
$ brew outdated                 # Show formulae with an updated version available.
$ brew upgrade                  # Upgrade all outdated and unpinned brews.
$ brew upgrade [formula]        # Upgrade only specified brews (even if they are pinned).
$ brew pin [formulae]           # Pin specified formulae (Prevents upgrade - 'brew upgrade').
$ brew info [formulae]          # Display information about formula.
$ brew cleanup                  # Remove any older versions from the cellar.

Install & Manage Google Chrome

$ brew search google-chrome             # Searches all Casks for partial/exact match.
$ brew cask info google-chrome          # Displays information about the given Cask.
$ brew cask install google-chrome       # Install the given cask.

Install & Manage Firefox

$ brew search firefox                   # Searches all Casks for partial/exact match.
$ brew cask info firefox                # Displays information about the given Cask.
$ brew cask install firefox             # Install the given cask.

Install & Manage Visual Studio Code

$ brew search visual-studio-code        # Searches all Casks for partial/exact match.
$ brew cask info visual-studio-code     # Displays information about the given Cask.
$ brew cask install visual-studio-code  # Install the given cask.

Install & Manage WebStorm

$ brew search webstorm        # Searches all Casks for partial/exact match.
$ brew cask info webstorm     # Displays information about the given Cask.
$ brew cask install webstorm  # Install the given cask.

Install & Manage Atom

$ brew search atom            # Searches all Casks for partial/exact match.
$ brew cask info atom         # Displays information about the given Cask.
$ brew cask install atom      # Install the given cask.

Install & Manage iTerm2

$ brew search iterm2           # Searches all Casks for partial/exact match.
$ brew cask info iterm2        # Displays information about the given Cask.
$ brew cask install iterm2     # Install the given cask.

Install & Manage Git

$ brew search git             # Searches all formulae for partial/exact match.
$ brew info git               # Displays information about the given formulae.
$ brew install git            # Install the given formulae.

Install & Manage Docker

$ brew search docker          # Searches all Casks for partial/exact match.
$ brew cask info docker       # Displays information about the given Cask.
$ brew cask install docker    # Install the given cask.

Install & Manage Node.js

$ brew search node             # Searches all formulae for partial/exact match.
$ brew info node               # Displays information about the given formulae.
$ brew install node            # Install the given formulae.

Install & Manage Go

$ brew search go               # Searches all Casks for partial/exact match.
$ brew info go                 # Displays information about the given formulae.
$ brew install go              # Install the given formulae.

Install & Manage Java

$ brew search java             # Searches all Casks for partial/exact match.
$ brew cask info java          # Displays information about the given Cask.
$ brew cask install java       # Install the given cask.

Install & Manage PostgreSQL

$ brew search postgresql       # Searches all formulae for partial/exact match.
$ brew info postgresql         # Displays information about the given formulae.
$ brew install postgresql      # Install the given formulae.

Install & Manage MySQL

$ brew search mysql            # Searches all formulae for partial/exact match.
$ brew info mysql              # Displays information about the given formulae.
$ brew install mysql           # Install the given formulae.

Install & Manage Redis

$ brew search redis           # Searches all Casks for partial/exact match.
$ brew info redis             # Displays information about the given formulae.
$ brew install redis          # Install the given formulae.

Install & Manage MongoDB

$ brew search mongodb        # Searches all formulae for partial/exact match.
$ brew info mongodb          # Displays information about the given formulae.
$ brew install mongodb       # Install the given formulae.

Run MongoDB (steps 1-4)

1. Configure MongoDB

$ sudo mkdir -p /data/db                # Create data directory to write data files.
$ sudo chown $USER /data/db             # Update permissions to access directory.

2. Start MongoDB

$ mongod                                # Start MongoDB.
$ mongod --dbpath "/new/db/path"        # Specify directory if different than above.

3. Stop & Start MongoDB as Background Service

$ brew services list | grep mongodb     # List running processes & filter on MongoDB.
$ brew services start mongodb           # Set MongoDB to register & start on login.
$ brew services stop mongodb            # Set MongoDB to unregister & stop on login.

4. Access MongoDB Shell

$ mongo                                 # Start the Mongo shell.

Install & Manage Neo4j

$ brew search neo4j          # Searches for formula called neo4j
$ brew info neo4j            # Displays information about neo4j
$ brew install neo4j         # Install the neo4j formulae.

Install & Manage AWS CLI

$ brew search awscli         # Searches all formulae for partial/exact match.
$ brew info awscli           # Displays information about the given formulae.
$ brew install awscli        # Install the given formulae.

Install & Manage cURL

$ brew search curl          # Searches all Casks for partial/exact match.
$ brew info curl            # Displays information about the given formulae.
$ brew install curl         # Install the given formulae.

Install & Manage Slack

$ brew search slack            # Searches all Casks for partial/exact match.
$ brew cask info slack         # Displays information about the given Cask.
$ brew cask install slack      # Install the given cask.

Install & Manage Elasticsearch

$ brew search elasticsearch    # Searches for formula called Elasticsearch.
$ brew info elasticsearch      # Displays information about Elasticsearch.
$ brew install elasticsearch   # Install the Elasticsearch formulae.

Install & Manage Ansible

$ brew search ansible          # Searches for formula called packetbeat.
$ brew info ansible            # Displays information about packetbeat.
$ brew install ansible         # Install the packetbeat formulae.

Install & Manage Tomcat

$ brew search tomcat           # Searches for formula called packetbeat.
$ brew info tomcat             # Displays information about packetbeat.
$ brew install tomcat          # Install the packetbeat formulae.

Install & Manage Notion

$ brew search notion           # Searches all Casks for partial/exact match.
$ brew info notion             # Displays information about the given Cask.
$ brew install notion          # Install the given cask.

Install & Manage Typora

$ brew search typora           # Searches all Casks for partial/exact match.
$ brew cask info typora        # Displays information about the given Cask.
$ brew cask install typora     # Install the given cask.

Install & Manage Spectacle

$ brew search spectacle        # Searches all Casks for partial/exact match.
$ brew cask info spectacle     # Displays information about the given Cask.
$ brew cask install spectacle  # Install the given cask.

Install & Manage Grammarly

$ brew search grammarly        # Searches all Casks for partial/exact match.
$ brew cask info grammarly     # Displays information about the given Cask.
$ brew cask install grammarly  # Install the given cask.

Install & Manage Postman

$ brew search postman          # Searches all Casks for partial/exact match.
$ brew cask info postman       # Displays information about the given Cask.
$ brew cask install postman    # Install the given cask.

Install & Manage Insomnia

$ brew search insomnia         # Searches all Casks for partial/exact match.
$ brew cask info insomnia      # Displays information about the given Cask.
$ brew cask install insomnia   # Install the given cask.

Install & Manage Evernote

$ brew search evernote         # Searches all Casks for partial/exact match.
$ brew cask info evernote      # Displays information about the given Cask.
$ brew cask install evernote   # Install the given cask.

Install & Manage iStat Menu

$ brew search istat-menus       # Searches all Casks for partial/exact match.
$ brew cask info istat-menus    # Displays information about the given Cask.
$ brew cask install istat-menus # Install the given cask.

Install & Manage Wireshark

$ brew search wireshark        # Searches all Casks for partial/exact match.
$ brew cask info wireshark     # Displays information about the given Cask.
$ brew cask install wireshark  # Install the given cask.

Install & Manage DiffMerge

$ brew search diffmerge       # Searches all Casks for partial/exact match.
$ brew cask info diffmerge    # Displays information about the given Cask.
$ brew cask install diffmerge # Install the given cask.

Install & Manage Logstash

$ brew search logstash       # Searches for formula called logstash.
$ brew info logstash         # Displays information about logstash.
$ brew install logstash      # Install the logstash formulae.

Install & Manage Kibana

$ brew search kibana       # Searches for formula called kibana.
$ brew info kibana         # Displays information about kibana.
$ brew install kibana      # Install the kibana formulae.

Install & Manage Dropbox

$ brew search dropbox           # Searches all Casks for partial/exact match.
$ brew cask info dropbox        # Displays information about the given Cask.
$ brew cask install dropbox     # Install the given cask.