Uncaught ReferenceError: global is not defined using 2.x version in the Browser #338
opened on Jun 18, 2019
Node.js Version:
Operating System:
Steps to Produce Error:
using the jQuery example from https://github.com/nodeshift-starters/opossum-examples/tree/master/jquery
I've updated to use Opossum@latest and receive this error in the developer console
opossum.js:10 Uncaught ReferenceError: global is not defined
at opossum.js:10
(anonymous) @ opossum.js:10
Previously, in the 1.x version, this "global" variable use to be called "window".
There are 2 webpack configs now. one looks to be node only and the other is a web based one.
@helio-frota @lance why are there 2 configs now? It looks like the "opossum.js" that is distributed with the library is a node specific version, and the "browser-test.js" file that gets distributed actually works in the browser. shouldn't we just have on config and one file?
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